20 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Actually Crazy And Maybe Even Insane

Are you dealing with a crazy girlfriend? Here are some signs we describe for you, and if your loved one has more than half of them... Run for your life!

By Tashke
20 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Actually Crazy And Maybe Even Insane

Crazy in love or just crazy?

Okay, we have to admit, girls are a bit weird. But how to make sure you are not dating a clingy or even a crazy girl? There are several signs of help that you can make a difference between the "crazy" girl and those insane. Now, sit back and carefully read these signs that may or may not show that you are dating a psycho girl. Enjoy and good luck!

Sign 1: Crazy girlfriend calls you billion times a day

You met a girl, you liked her, and you started seeing each other. At the beginning of every relationship, it is normal for two to make phone calls to each other several times a day and to exchange hundreds of messages. However, there must be a difference between a loving and a crazy girl. A crazy girl will call you several times a day just to check where you are and what is most important, with who. Looks for any, even the dumbest reason to talk to you. She will be pissed if you do not respond to the message within two seconds. Such a person is not aware that you have a life outside of your relationship, that you have to work, go to school, etc. Your girl is just clingy, and she ignores any reasonable excuse for not answering. This is the first sign that you are dealing with a psychotic person and you need to be very careful.

Sign 2: She's extremly jealous

Jealousy is desirable in a relationship, in a moderate and reasonable amount. But there is a boundary indicating when a bit of doubt turns into an obsession. So, you are dealing with a psycho if she complains why you talked to a cashier, or with a post office worker. Oh, God, did you just smile at that employee in Mc Donalds? The insane girl sees a potential rival in every female person, and her effort is to make it clear to you. That's not normal, and it's obvious that something is wrong with your girlfriend. The clear sign you have a crazy girlfriend is when she is jealous of every woman near you who is not your mother, grandmother, or sister.

Sign 3: She stalks you on social networks

It's okay when you put a "like" on each other's pictures or posts on social networks. But when you get the question "you were online, why didn't you text me?" or "why did you like XY's photo?" A crazy girl wants every minute of your attention and time, in all possible ways. This sign is closely related to the first one we mentioned, and it is a warning that you are dealing with a very possessive person. It may happen that you see her secretly scrolling through your social media looking for some clue of you cheating on her or something like that. Crazy girls do that. She is way too obsessed with you and you need to get the hell out of this relationship as soon as possible.

Sign 4: She stalks you in real life!

This is a sure sign that your girlfriend has some psychotic issues. Is it really possible that you "accidentally" run into her every time you go out with your friends? If you notice that she appears when you least hope to see her, be sure she's stalking you. Especially if she hasn't texted you for a while. Your crazy girlfriend thinks that you are doing "God knows what," so she decided to check you out in real life. It can happen you meet her in a coffee shop by chance, and she approaches your table with no shame. Of course, you will be polite and invite her to join you. And she will not refuse that. That's what clingy people do; if you are dealing with a clingy psycho girl, you can expect the unexpected.

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Sign 5: She can make a scene from nothing

Closeness between two people creates conflict. In a healthy relationship, fights are inevitable, even useful. Perhaps, if these argues are constructive, and create a solution to the problem. However, there are people who simply love to fight for no specific reason. When your girlfriend is initiating unnecessary discussion, or she is yelling at you for every little thing, you should not consider being in that kind of a relationship. It is a characteristic of clingy people to be tense and to initiate fights.

Sign 6: Your girlfriend is lying to you

We all sometimes lie, and often we are not aware of it. These are mostly small, benign lies that cannot hurt anyone. If your girlfriend lies to you often, without a particular reason, it can be a sign that you are dealing with a psycho. It's not normal that people lie all the time. One lie creates another, and so it arrives at a vicious cycle from which it is hard to get out of. A crazy girl can fool you about anything to keep you - that she is sick, has problems in her family, at work, at school, etc. Do not let her emotionally blackmail you.

Sign 7: Making plans about your future

You are dating maybe for about 2 months. Every reasonable girl would enjoy some passion at the beginning of a new relationship. And how about the crazy one? She makes plans for your common future, thinking about the list of wedding guests and considering potential names for your children. Wow, slow down girl! When your girlfriend reveals to you her plans for you two, try to get her on the ground a bit. If she forgets about this, at least for a while, your relationship may have a future. However, if your girlfriend continues with such statements and you two know each other for like two months, run for your life!

Sign 8: She has that crazy laugh

Have you ever heard your girl laughing like a "psycho"? Is that freaking you out? If she is laughing like a weirdo every single time you say something even though it is not meant to be funny, let me tell you something, she is so crazy man. Her laugh makes you feel so uncomfortable and makes the situation even weirder. And when your girlfriend is laughing, it is so loud and it sounds so evil following the weirdest facial expressions. Save yourself.

Sign 9: Your girlfriend wants to be with you 24/7

This "symptom" is closely related to signs "one" and "four" we have already described. A clingy girlfriend wants to be with you all the time. When you do not answer her, she will come to your house. If you are not home, she wouldn't mind to sit and have a cup of coffee with your mom or sister. Okay, this behavior is maybe acceptable if you two have been together for a long time, and she met your family. However, if your relationship is still "fresh", and she comes to your house uninvited, ask yourself what kind of person you are dealing with.

Sign 10: She insists on meeting your family

There is a time when some things should happen in every relationship. For the first couple of months, you two are getting to know each other better and learning about each other. Familiarizing yourselves with the parents is a logical step in every serious relationship. However, this should happen later. If your girlfriend insists on getting to know your family immediately after getting to know you, and you're still not sure if that will be a serious relationship or not, it's a sure sign that she is trying to get close to you in every way. It is not uncommon for crazy girls to stay in friendly relations with moms of their exes. And that's a little weird.

Sign 11: She's acting like your mom!

Oh boy, let's talk about this. It may happen that she acts like your mom from time to time but if she does this every single day, you can have a serious problem with her. You are a grown and independent man who needs no mom anymore to have some kind of a control in his life. And your girlfriend should be aware of that. If she is always complaining about small stuff that you do, that means she wants stuff to be her way and nothing else. Sometimes she can be overprotective or way too annoying. For example, you are going out with your friends and your phone is buzzing 90% of the time. Surprise, it's her. Again. If she's calling you to ask you things like "where are you", "who are you with", "what are you doing" or "when will you come back home", that is a clear sign that she's a control freak. That is what moms do, not girlfriends.

Sign 12: Your girlfriend is passive-aggressive

Oh my god. If you are always being blamed for something she has done or being yelled at for no reason, your girl is passive-aggressive my friend. When she is mad and you ask her why she is mad, you get a silent answer and that is it. When you ask her to do reasonable request she will say that she cannot do that and make hundreds of excuses for why she cannot do that and blah blah. Saying 'I do not want to/I will not do that' would be much easier to say rather than lying. Also, if she is being sarcastic way too often, thinking that it is funny, oh boy, go and save yourself. You do not need to be anywhere near her.

Sign 13: She's "dying" for any sign of love

"You do not love me", "Love me!", "You are cheating on me, aren't you?"... Yes, you may have heard this from your girlfriends. They will say this whenever they feel like you do not pay enough attention to them. They will try any sort of tricks to get your love and attention. A crazy girlfriend will ask you if you love her every single day, just to make sure you will not walk away from her. Because she is so desperate for your love. It may happen that she will often be lying about some serious stuff, like pregnancy, just to keep you close to her. You guys definitely have to take care of this type of girls.

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Sign 14: Her friends know all about you

If you agree on meeting her friends for the first time, you do not have to worry about introducing yourself, they already know everything about you. That is, of course, because of your girlfriend. It is okay for her friends to know something about you but sharing all of your secrets is a bit weird, don't you agree? In the end, you are not in a relationship with her friends. It is weird for her friends to know everything about you but you actually do not know any single thing about them.

Sign 15: She doesn't understand you had a life before her

It all gets in her head and she starts thinking how you were desperate before you met her. Hold on for a minute. No reasonable human being would have said this. A crazy girlfriend will act like she is the only woman you have ever had and the only woman you will ever have. It's always unpleasant to mention the exes in your new relationship. However, no one can deny that they existed and that, at some point in your life, you were happy with them. Maybe you have nice memories of the previous relationships, but it does not mean that you still have feelings for the person you've been with for a long time. Crazy girl, as we already said, sees a potential threat in every female person. She thinks that every ex-girlfriend is eager to return to you and that every one of them wants to be with you again. Photos of the two of you, the gifts you received from your exes or any common memory - when you are in a relationship with a psychotic person, she will ask you to throw it all away.

Sign 16: Uncontrolled emotions of crazy girlfriend

A crazy girl snaps out of the blue without any reasonable explanation. She has mood swings even though she is not on her period, her rage grows every single day. And you are the one who has to suffer all of that with your crazy girlfriend. One day she will be happy, and everything will be alright but the very next day, she will be throwing stuff at you and yelling for no reason. If that is not a sign of a crazy psycho girl then you are living a lie.

Sign 17: "Are you hiding something?"

Boy, oh boy, oh boy. It is okay to keep some secrets to yourself. A normal girl would understand it but that is not a case if you have a crazy girlfriend who wants to know absolutely everything. There is probably a lot going on in your head and you do not need an extra pressure from her and her questions like "what is wrong with you?", "are you hiding something from me?", "why aren't you telling me stuff?". You do not need that for sure. She has to understand that some things cannot be said and have to stay secret.

Sign 18: Her self-esteem is low

Girls are tricky we all have to agree. She is always complaining about her looks. Sometimes she will be overreacting. That is because she wants you to compliment her and make her feel better all the time. It is okay to have a moment of having low self-esteem from time to time but not always. That is just a sign of your girlfriend being needy for your compliments.

Sign 19: Or too high

Low self-esteem? Nope, that is not a case now. Your girlfriend is full of herself, thinking she is the best one in the whole world. You may hear her commenting on other girls, saying bad things about them just to put herself above everyone. Smells like a crazy girl, am I right? Yes, girls with high self-esteem are attractive but not to everyone, to be honest. Having a girl who has that, plus if she is still nice and acts normal is totally okay, rather than having a crazy girl who is a little bit overobsessed with herself and selfish.

Sign 20: She can't be alone

There are people who don't know how to be single. Some of them are just lucky enough to find the right person, while others are looking for true love all the time. Running through numerous relationships is not a solution. If your girlfriend told you her life story, and if she mentioned so many exes that you cannot remember their names, it's clear that you are dealing with a crazy person who does not know, or does not want, to be alone. This type of girl always needs somebody, and if she does not have a boyfriend, she gets desperate.

Girls are "crazy" but...

Yes, it is hard sometimes to actually see if your girlfriend is crazy or not because girls tend to hide it as much as they can. But some things they cannot hide forever. Eventually, some of the signs we listed above will surface and you will be able to realize that your girlfriend may not be crazy in love but, an actually crazy girl.