Afraid Of Commitment? 25 Signs He Wants A Relationship But Is Scared

Read this instructive article and check the signs in the text to find out if your partner is scared to commit to relationships.

By Vera Aries
Afraid Of Commitment? 25 Signs He Wants A Relationship But Is Scared

Signs That He Is Afraid Of A Relationship

If you are a woman who is ready for a serious relationship and wants to calm down beside a man, you need to know which man is willing to engage in an emotional relationship with you. It would not be a problem if men were not afraid of long-term relationships. Such an attitude is difficult to change and therefore you should know the characteristics of the behavior of such men so that you can immediately know what you are dealing with. There are two types men: Those who want to get into serious relationships in the long-term and those who are scared to have serious relationships i.e are scared of commitment. While it's sometimes obvious that you specify in which of these two categories the man you recently met is in, sometimes your emotions can prevent you from seeing him in the right light. Well, if you want to find out if he's scared of relationships, try to recognize if he practices some of the following signs...

#1 All Previous Relationships That He Had Are Short-Term

Maybe one of the most important signs: his list of intensive and short-term relationships is quite long, and he has the answer to the question "why?" always ready. Surely you heard one of these answers: "I did not find the right one", "because of work", "I was not ready for a serious relationship", etc.

#2 He Doesn't Give Up

This type of man will not calm down until he gets you. Perhaps you are not interested, but his persistence will make you think. This is one of the first signs that you are dealing with a man that is scared of relationships, so he only likes the hunt until he gets you and then his fear of commitment flashes to the surface. This does not always need to be true. However, be careful so you don't get hurt.

#3 He Sends You Mixed Signs On A Daily Basis

Also, one of the most important signs that he is scared of relationships is that he is giving you hot and cold signs. Sometimes he likes you, another time it looks like he's not aware of your existence. Perhaps he does not want to act too excited about you or is very busy, but maybe he is sending you mixed signals which indicate that he is simply not ready enough for relationships. It would be best if you do not take those signs too personally, because after months or years of dating, he certainly learned how to show you some signs of interest to keep you by his side.

#4 Sex Is His Specialty In Relationships

One of the more significant signs is that he knows exactly what he does in bed because to be honest, he has had a lot of experience so far. Most of his relationships are about sex, so that's why he knows how to use sex to control you.

#5 He Passes From Hot To Cold Faster Than Your Morning Coffee

The fact is that he likes you, and therefore occasionally, unintentionally, he behaves in a way that serious boyfriends are supposed to behave. But then the fear of commitment shows up on the surface and therefore he decides to ignore you for a few days in order to distance yourself from him. One thing is for sure, rejection is not the thing that he wants you to feel.

#6 All Of Your Dates Are Agreed Last Minute

If he remembers you at 10 o'clock, on Friday evening, it's not because his better plans have failed. Maybe those things are signs that he is just scared that he will act like a 'serious boyfriend in relationships'.

#7 Most Of Your Dates Are In His Bedroom

He needs to put in a lot of effort and attention to take you on a real date, so he keeps you in a familiar territory. Getting out in public is too much trouble for a person who is scared of relationships and is not ready for a serious commitment in relationships. These signs are for sure familiar to you if your partner's bedroom is the most visited place when you hang out together. These signs are not indicative that your partner doesn't like you or that he wants to keep you a secret, the thing is that he doesn't know how to act because he is scared of relationships.

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#8 He Wants People In His Life To Get To Know You

When men want to be with a woman, they want to share their feeling with everyone. That's why your partner talks to you about his friends and family and he mentions in your conversations that he wants to introduce you to his friends and to show them why he likes you, but that is never happening because he doesn't have the courage to face those situations. These signs you will have to detect indirectly because he is not going to tell them directly.

#9 The Word "Relationships" Is Not In His Vocabulary

Do not make any effort asking him to what is leading your relationship, because the chances are that you will drive him out of your way. If you are wondering why he has not yet started this conversation, that's because he is avoiding it, but that does not mean that he doesn't want to be with you.

#10 Scared Of Commitment

Pay attention to the signs of his dedication. The more he is dedicated to you and your needs, the greater the chances of having a serious relationship with this man. When they commit, men are caught in a panic, as they are simply not ready for such seriousness. It takes time for one man to get to know the girl he is dating and to feel that she is good for him before there are signs that things get serious.

#11 He Is Scared Because Of Bad Experience In His Past

If he was hurt by his previous love, he would be afraid to repeat that. It is normal for him to be afraid of building a serious relationship too soon. It will take time for him to re-trust in relationships.

#12 He Is Not Sure

This reason is really stupid, because he is telling you that he likes you and that he is comfortable with you but when it comes to serious conversations about the future of your relationship he is rejecting the topic with his excuses: "he doesn't want to talk about relationships at the moment", "the timing is not right", "he is not sure what he wants" etc. All of these excuses are signs that he may like you but he is still afraid of commitment.

#13 He Doesn't Want To Talk

When you want to talk about your relationship, he will try to avoid the conversation, and with a decent excuse, he will tell you that you still do not need this kind of talk.

Zovem samo da ti kažem ... ..... ti si moja omiljena osoba ....

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#14 Compromise? What Is That?

He likes his life as it is at the moment and we all know that the key to healthy love relationships is to be open to compromise. It's obvious that he likes his routine - even if you are the person that is so cute, nice to him, and you are making him happy, he still doesn't want to change anything in his routine.

#15 He Behaves Odd

Everyone has habits that you are not aware of. Well, if your partner starts to behave strangely, you should ask yourself why. See if there are any signs that indicate that something is wrong with him. Is he facing some problems? Is he angry or disappointed? Did something happen that pulled him out of the track? Is he going through a difficult period? Or maybe he just wants to talk with you and is too afraid to open up in front of you.

#16 He Doesn't Hurry

If he only wants you as an adventure, he will immediately ask for more and more. But if he goes slowly, step by step, it means that he wants to get to know you better because he doesn't want to get hurt. Men that are afraid of commitment will carefully examine each step of his partner. Also, this type of man will never want to rush because he doesn't know how to go to the next level of the relationship, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't like you and that he doesn't want a relationship.

#17 He Talks About Future Plans, But He Doesn't do Anything About Them

He talks about a common future, for more serious steps in the relationship, but he doesn't do anything in practice about those plans and they remain only in words.

#18 He Sets Up Rules Of Conduct In The Relationship

He sets up rules, but he doesn't respect them. Relationships are about partnership, not a dictatorship. No one should tell you what you must not do and what you must do.

#19 He Knows How To Be Gentle And Warm

Even the men who are scared of commitment and relationships have their gentle moments when they are in some kind of relationship. If he truly wants a relationship with you, you will notice that if he increases physical gestures like hugs and kisses, but, also he will become more attentive to you in public.

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#20 He Tells You Often That He's Thinking About You

Very simple, if your partner tells you often that he thinks about you, that means he sees you as a big part of his life. If you manage to enter in his head, this means that you are very close to his heart. The problem is that he may be scared that he will get hurt in the process of commitment or maybe that he will get rejected by you and because of that, he doesn't want to tell you directly that he wants a relationship with you.

#21 He Withdraws From Serious Conversations

He often claims that long-term relationships are not his thing because he would not be a good boyfriend. His goal is to use the fear of failure as an excuse to escape.

#22 Unrealistic Expectations

When his partner does not meet all his expectations, a man that is scared of relationships becomes disappointed and obsessed by focusing on the negative characteristics of his partner.

"Na muci se poznaju junaci". Na junacima se poznaje muka...

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#23 He Is Generous With Food

If he gives you the last piece of his favorite dessert or if he changes his food with yours it's because he knows that you prefer his meal and with this gesture, he is telling you that he cares for you. No one would give up their favorite food, except for those for whom their feelings were blown up by reason.

#24 He Doesn't Know How To Comfort You

You expect a certain reaction and you want a specific way of support and consolation from your partner. But he does not know how to comfort you. Because he is scared of commitment, your partner deals with situations different in which others need comfort, and when he needs to give comfort to you, it is more likely that instead of compassionate words, he will use a sarcastic comment or some joke. Totally unsuitable for the situation, but still unintentional.

#25 He Feels That You Are Constantly Angry With Him For Something

He is always the problem, and you are always angry. His reduced emotionality makes him not to worry about every little thing and he thinks that nothing is important enough to start a quarrel. And this is the result of his rejection to accept that he is afraid to take responsibility and to act more openly in the relationship.

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Final Word

There are two types of people in relationships: those who go 'all in' in their relationships and those who are scared of commitment. The first group of people interfere with emotions and act more openly in their relationships, while the people from the second group are scared when it comes to expressing feelings because they often do not know how to, and because they are scared to get hurt in the process. Any combination of these two types of people, when it comes to dating, is quite upsetting and challenging. Often, due to this conflict of emotional weight, the partners encounter problems like mutual misunderstanding, which only complicates even the complicated situation. But if it's not complicated - it's not interesting, isn't it?