25 Tips For Letting Go Of An Unhealthy Relationship

Sometimes a relationship just doesn't work and it ends up being toxic. Here are 25 tips that can help you with letting go.

By Joyce Ann Washington
25 Tips For Letting Go Of An Unhealthy Relationship

Letting Go Of An Unhealthy Relationship

If a relationship has turned toxic and sour, it's best that you start letting go of that man or woman and regaining self-love. Sometimes a relationship may start off so sweet and fun, but if after a while you start to feel depressed and angry all of the time and you start to feel instant anger towards your partner; so letting go is important. Not every relationship is meant to work out, but it's not your fault, especially if you did everything you could to save it.

1) You're Better Off Alone

Sometimes letting go is so much better than staying in an unhealthy relationship. Some people stay in unhealthy relationships because they have gotten comfortable with that man or woman they were in the toxic relationship with. Some people get into relationships for the simple fact that they don't want to be alone, but sometimes being alone is better. You have to let go of the fear of not wanting to be alone because the most growth and self-realization come from spending time with yourself. A toxic relationship will make you forget who you were before the relationship and have you feeling like you can't live without this person. Remember that you were living just fine before being that relationship. Letting go can allow you the time you need to find yourself again.

2) The Relationship Isn't Meant To Work

The hard truth is that not every relationship or marriage is meant to work out. Some people just have a hard time coming to common grounds and some people are just too different to work out. It is best that you just find closure instead of constantly trying to change the other person or change yourself to make things work. No matter how hard you try, a square peg with not fit into a circle hole. It's impossible to make two people who are not compatible fit with each other. You can pray and try to change, but remember, you should never try to change who you are to please another person. You are you so no matter what you do, you won't be good enough for that person. Letting go of this unhealthy relationship and finding a healthier relationship with yourself is important.

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3) Letting Go Hurts Less Than Staying

It will hurt much less to leave an unhealthy relationship or marriage than to stick in it and try to force things to work. A lot of people are scared of what will happen if they leave the relationship. They feel like they need this other person in their life and so they decide that staying in a comfortable relationship or marriage is better than letting go. Things will continue to get worse in an unhealthy relationship. Things that used to be small will start to become big situations and you two may constantly argue. You're only going to hurt yourself if you're constantly in the presence of a negative person who makes you unhappy. It's best that you choose your sanity and happiness over a relationship that will stress you out.

4) Out Of Toxic, Into Healthy Relationship

Letting go of an unhealthy relationship can open the door for a new happier relationship. There will be someone out there who is looking for a person just like you. All the things that your soon to be ex dislikes about you, someone else will love. They won't constantly blame you or try to change you and the love will be easy. No relationship is easy, but no relationship should hurt. Someone out there is going to want to see you be happy and will make you happy. You won't lose your identity because they will accept you for who you are and allow you to be you. Stop holding on to that unhealthy relationship because it is keeping you from someone who you can really grow with!

5) Letting Go Makes You Stronger

You can find so much strength in letting go of an unhealthy relationship. Being able to overcome adversities and becoming a better person because of it only makes you stronger. You have to understand that you are good enough and you don't need that other person to survive. If anything, in an unhealthy relationship that person is holding you back and enabling your security, not making you stronger. You have to know that you can do it on your on and build yourself up before getting in a relationship. Some people hop into relationships but they don't even know who they are or have their lives together. That's why a lot of people stay single in college. They are allowing themselves to build their future before they get involved with anyone else. Even if you didn't go to college and have no plans in doing so, do you have an apartment or do you live with your parents? Do you have a car or are you taking public transportation? There isn't anything wrong with any of those things, but you're only setting yourself up for failure and dependency if you hope into a relationship without having your life together.

6) Recognize The Relationship Is Toxic

You have to recognize that the relationship isn't healthy before you can let go of it. If you're constantly getting called stupid when you make a mistake or you find that your needs aren't getting met, then that is a toxic relationship. No one should ever put you down or make you feel like you're not good enough. You should never have your needs neglected while you are constantly taking care of the other person and making them happy.

7) You're The Only One Trying

If you are the only one trying to make a relationship work, then let it go. No matter how much you do, things won't work unless two people are making an effort to making things work. It hurts when the person you love isn't putting in the effort needed to make the relationship survive, but that's only proof that the relationship is dead. You've got to leave, work on yourself, and wait until a healthier relationship comes along.

8) Letting Go When There Is Constant Disrespect

It is important that both people in the relationship give and get respect from one another. There is no reason for one person to feel like nothing they say is valued and their feelings don’t matter. No one should make you feel bad about your values and what you believe in. If they do, then they don’t respect you and you need to leave that toxic relationship. You should also never be treated poorly in a relationship or marriage. For instance, if your partner has cheated on you multiple times with many other men or women, it’s a clear sign that they don’t respect you. If someone actually respects you, then they wouldn’t need to step out of the relationship to get their needs met. Any time you or your feelings or beliefs are getting tossed to the side by the other person you are in a relationship with, it’s best for you to just remove yourself. In a healthy relationship, you are always respected and when there is a disagreement, you come together and compromise. No one should be calling you names or making you feel bad because you don’t agree with them.

9) Letting Go If You're Unhappy

Your happiness matters too so if you are in a relationship that only creates unhappiness for you, it's time for you to let go of that relationship. With any relationship comes compromise, but your happiness should never be the thing that you are having to give up. Life is too short for to constantly go back into a toxic relationship with someone who makes you unhappy. There is so much more to life than having to fight for your respect and give up your happiness constantly, to see someone else happy. Stop allowing the things that bring you happiness to be sucked dry by a person who claims they love you. If someone loves you, you will never have to always be in a state of unhappiness.

10) A Power Struggle In The Relationship

Fights, arguments, and disagreements with happen in a relationship, but these arguments should never have to be about a power struggle. A relationship is supposed to be about love and growth together not one person controlling the other person. A power struggle can come into play when instead of compromising, one person on the relationship always has to be right, they always get what they want, and the flat out don’t consider or care about the other person’s feelings. In every argument, both people want to be right so they refuse to just give in and let the argument go. This is obviously an example of an unhealthy relationship because you two are constantly having long arguments about small disagreements that turn bigger than that because no one wants to say sorry and both people want to be right in the situation. It’s just best to let go of this relationship because you two will always argue and butt heads. It’s not worth the headache to constantly have to defend yourself while the other person is constantly defending too. A relationship shouldn’t feel like a competition or a game of tug of war. It is better you cut your losses and move on to something better.

11) Letting Go Of A Dead Relationship

Some relationships are dead weight and you and the person you are with are only sticking around because you are both comfortable. You two are so used to each, that you're more like roommates than lovers. You two don't talk, don't make each other happy, and you barely spend time in the same room as each other for more than five minutes. A relationship isn't a healthy relationship if you and your partner don't get excited to see each other. Sometimes people stay in these sort of relationships because they are scared to be alone. If you feel like your relationship is more like two roommates living together and there is no more love, then it's time to let go of that relationship. What is the point of holding on to dead weight that does not make you happy? These sort of relationships keep you from growth. You can't grow if you are holding on to a dead relationship. Just because there is no conflict between you and that person, don't mean that everything is good. In order to grow, you have to get rid of things that are not allowing you to flourish.

12) When The Other Person Is Being Selfish

If you are in a relationship where the other person is constantly getting their way and they go out of their way to make sure they do things that make them happy without considering you, leave that relationship. For example, if you plan a date on Friday night and tell your partner but by Friday they tell you they have other plans with friends, they don't care about your feelings. If you are always the one compromising and working around someone else's schedule and they act as if their time is more important than yours, then you have to find someone else who does care. You should be getting shot down all of the time because you're significant other constantly wants to make time for someone else and not consider how you feel. If they go out late night and don't tell you where they are and then say you're being "crazy" because you're angry about them no call, just leave. No one is worth the headache. You need to be in a relationship with someone who sees you as an actual human and not a toy to just be played with.

13) Miscommunication And Misunderstandings

Sometimes in the heat of an argument things just get escalated and small misunderstandings turn into big arguments. In any relationship, marriage or friendship, it is important to communicate any misunderstandings instead of assuming something that wasn't actually meant the way you took it. You can't just jump to conclusions without hearing a person out. If you are in a relationship with someone who constantly jumps to conclusions without hearing your side of the story or trying to understand where you are coming from, it's not a good situation. You're always going to feel like you’re doing something wrong if someone jumps to assumptions without letting you communicate what actually happened in a situation. Relationships need open communication and lack of judgement. Of course people make up their own stories in their minds about why something happened, but that where those assumptions should stay_ in their minds. There is no point staying in a relationship with a person who always jumps to the worst conclusions instead of hearing you out.

14) When You Don't Feel Good Enough

If you don't feel like you're good enough for love or if you feel like you don't deserve respect because this is what your partner has been telling you, that's a toxic person. In a relationship, it should help you flourish and stimulate you, not make you feel worse about yourself. Why stay in a relationship with someone who dims your light instead of making you shine?

15) Be Honest About Your Faults In The Relationship

Not everything is your ex's fault and not everything is your fault. When a relationship doesn't work out, despite how you feel, it takes two people to make a situation toxic. You have to figure out what role you played in the demise of your relationship so you don't take it into another relationship that will too turn unhealthy. You have to sit down with yourself after a toxic relationship to see what you need to do differently the next time. Jumping into a new relationship before you find out what part you played in things going sour will only hurt you in the long run. You're going to start to feel like you're not good enough for love and everything that happened must have been because of you. That's not true, there are just some things you need to find out what you need to do differently.

16) Letting Go By Creating Separation

Separating from the person you were in an unhealthy relationship with will make letting go much easier. You have to distance yourself from that person by moving out if you two live together or blocking their number and off all of social media. You have to create your own space to heal and flourish.

17) Understand You Can Let Go

Some people feel like they can't let go of the unhealthy relationship because they won't find someone better. They don't understand that they are good enough and there is someone out there who will work better with their personality. It is a choice to stay in an unhealthy relationship. You are not tied down to this person, whether you're in a marriage or not. If things are working out not matter how hard you try, letting go is your best option.

18) Closure By Forgiving

Sometimes you’re just going to need to get closure by forgiving someone for all of the pain they caused you and move on. Some people constantly forgive their partner and they stay because their partner said that they'd do better. People can change, but if you are constantly there, there's a chance they won't changes, so there is no need for you to stay and keep getting hurt. If your needs aren't getting met, then just leave. You're going to need to let go of dead weight at some point, so if the person did you wrong many times over and over, and they said sorry, just forgive them. Holding on to all of that negative energy will only make you feel worse about the situation. This person will be living their best life, constantly doing the things they said that they would change and because they said they'd change you believed them. Stop letting people get away with mistreating you and lying to you. Forgive them for their mistakes while moving on to begin a healthier lifestyle.

19) Practice Self-Love

You're going to have to learn how to start taking care of yourself again. Unhealthy relationships can really take a toll on your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself. Although it may be hard to get out of your sorrows after getting out of an unhealthy relationship, it's important that you take care of yourself and your emotions. You may have to build yourself up from scratch, but you have to pick yourself up and understand that you do deserve healthy love.

20) Ask For Help When Letting Go

Sometimes letting go of a toxic man and/or woman can be hard and you will end getting back into the relationship many times over and over again. If you find yourself needing closure and you end up getting back with that person, and returning to the same, comfortable toxic cycle, it might be best to start asking for help. When you are seeking help, it doesn't matter if you're talking to friends and family or going to a therapist, or all three, they can assist you in letting go of the unhealthy marriage or relationship. They can keep you accountable for making good decisions, dealing the man or woman's number from your phone, and make sure that you are going on a healthier path. If you are experiencing withdrawal or a loss of identity after the relationship, having any of these support systems can allow you to have a clearer vision of who you were before the relationship. Just be open to getting the help you need.

21) Empower Yourself

In a toxic relationship, someone has possibly been trying to tear you down and make you feel worthless. They have beaten you down to the point that you have lost all faith in yourself and self-confidence. Leaving a toxic relationship can allow you to regain the power you lost and empower yourself again. You are going to have put the focus back on you and take it away from that unhealthy relationship. You have to learn how to respect and love yourself again and remind yourself that you deserve love and happiness. Try to get back to neglected hobbies you left behind to please that toxic person and get back to thing you enjoy doing. Try to rewrite your story. You are not a victim. Leaving an unhealthy relationship can shine light on how great of a person you are. It will allow you to see you have always deserved to be treated respectfully and you do deserve love and you flaws are what makes you.

22) Dealing With A Narcissistic Person

If you're dealing with a narcissistic man or woman, it is time for you to run away! A narcissistic person is a person who constantly blames everyone else for all of their problems. Narcissistic people are never at fault for what happens to them. They are always going to be right in every situation and they only care about themselves. Narcissistic people will try to break you down and control you. They believe that the world revolves around them and they don't consider other people's feeling. If you are in a relationship with a narcissistic person, it is best that you seek counseling to get out of that relationship. A narcissistic person will have you believing that you aren't good enough and that no one, not even them, cares about you. Narcissistic people like to strip other people's confidence to feel better about themselves. You do not need! It will be hard, but you have to break free from the hands of a narcissistic person and rebuild your self-confidence and self-love.

23) Become Selfish

Another way to let go of an unhealthy relationship or marriage is to be selfish. Stop trying to please someone else so that you don't lose them, because in all honesty, some people are better off lost. If you are suffering and constantly unhappy, why should that person be allowed to be your sole focus? This may be hard for someone who is a people-pleaser, but sometimes other people just don't matter. You need to start doing things for yourself, making yourself happy and doing things that make you happy. Your needs need to be met too; so stop allowing someone else to break you down!

24) Find Closure From Letting Go Of A Relationship

Sometimes you just need closure. Sometimes you have some unfinished business that you need to resolve, so it is important that you close the door to any what-ifs. For example, let's say you have recently gotten out of an unhealthy relationship with a toxic person. After a year or two (or less time than that), you start to think that it wasn't a good idea for you two to break and so you make up with them and you get back into a relationship. Everything is good and you two are madly in love, but after the first month, the relationship starts to go south. You two are arguing constantly about the same things that you argued about the first time you two were in a relationship and new problems have arose. This here is a clear example of that you need to now get closure and move on. You need to understand that some things are just not meant to work out and you two aren't meant to be together. You two are still fighting over old and new problems. This is a sign that you two can't make things work out, so it's now the time to get your closure.

25) Find The Lesson Of Letting Go Of The Relationship

There is a lesson behind every struggle and bad relationship or marriage that you have experienced. Every person that you come into contact with will teach you something. Instead of seeing the relationship as a waste of time and wishing you had new met them, be glad that they were present at that time of your life. Some people are put into your path to test your strength. They will beat you down emotionally, mentally, and/or even physically. They will tell you that you aren't good enough and that no one loves you and that you'll never amount to anything. They will try to break you, but with your strength, you can get out of that relationship. Some toxic relationships are just there because you aren't ready for a healthy one with someone else because you don't love yourself. You may continue to get into one unhealthy relationship after another because you haven't yet learned the lesson. You may constantly get into a relationship with the same time of man. Once you break free from that cycle, that's when you get into a healthier relationship.

Final Thoughts For Letting Go Of A Relationship

You need to find your light again and give up that unhealthy relationship or marriage that stopped you from growing as a person. Remember that not every relationship is meant to work and if you let go of this relationship, you can open the door for a happier relationship. Learn how to love yourself and enjoy some alone time for a while to gain your identity back. If you were in a relationship or marriage with a narcissistic man or woman, it's best that you seek help when trying to let go of that toxic relationship. You're going to have to learn how to be selfish and stop trying to please people. Some things make just get worse if you choose to stay in that unhealthy relationship. It's best that you get closure and let go of a relationship that will not assist you in the long run.