Men Reveal Top 20 Real Reasons Why Girls Are So Confusing

Girls would say they are an open book. And it's true, only that the open book doesn't have any writings on it thus understanding girls can be a tad confusing.

By Auntrone89
Men Reveal Top 20 Real Reasons Why Girls Are So Confusing

But why are girls so darn confusing?

On behalf of all straight and gay guys in the world, I’d like to confess that we do love girls, we really do. But when it comes to understanding some of their actions, I’d be lying if I say we’re even close to scratching the surface. It’s almost funny to think that people so beautiful can at the same time be so complicated. It’s even harder believing that they were at one point plucked out of our ribs. And since we’ll never understand why girls are so cute yet so confusing, we can only reveal how confusing they can be at times. I mean, we can see how they behave, but we can’t tell the motive behind the behavior. But like I said earlier, we can’t and won’t stop loving our girls just because we find them to be confusing at times. So, without further ado, here are some of the cute, sometimes not-so-cute but meaningless things girls do that leave guys confused to the core.

1. Girls not knowing what to eat is confusing

Unlike women, men already know what they want to eat the moment they step into a fast food joint. For this reason, we don’t even bother reading out the ala carte because it’ll be a waste of our time. But that's never the case with girls. Girls will decide on what to eat, get out of the house only to get spoilt for choice the moment the menu is presented to them. And even after taking an entire year ordering a bag of chips, girls will still have second thoughts on what to eat before, during and after eating what she just ordered. That’s what gets guys in our “feelings” and, more often than not, are forced to step in and help. We’ll do this at the risk of being blamed for the knight and shining armor move and making the situation even more confusing.

2. Girls not knowing what to wear is indeed confusing

It’s confusing just how difficult it is for girls to pick an outfit to wear. Just like the fast food joint case mentioned above, it is indeed sad for guys watching their girls deciding on what outfits to wear. We find this a tad confusing because, for a man, all he’ll need is a minute to carry out the sniff test. The sniff test will determine the top and trousers that’ll be christened OOTD (Outfit of The Day). Also, despite girls’ inability to decide on what to wear, they’ll come in handy when picking out an outfit for their guys, brothers or dads. Don’t look at me! I am just as confused as you are on this one! And what’s even more confusing is how this turned into a universal phenomenon. Even so, it still doesn’t change our liking for our girls even a single bit.

3. Girls can’t lose an argument

I have to confess the fact that I can’t help but smile as I am writing this point. In my years of dating my fair share of different women, I am ashamed to admit that I have never won a single argument. It doesn’t matter how well you did your research or whether you compiled facts from 1930 when her great grandma was born. A girl will always find a way of overturning an argument and drop you flat on your stomach. And we guys find it very confusing and to some extent, cute (especially when arguing about petty stuff). PS: Whenever she wins an argument, whether fairly or unfairly, get her back by not helping her decide on what to eat. I know it is kind of petty but I assure you, it’ll end up making you feel all warm inside. Besides, such harmless paybacks are what makes love bearable and in so many ways, worth it.

4. Girls can cry and laugh at the same darn time

Naturally, it’s hard enough for us guys to understand what women mean when they speak. And the same applies to how their feelings and moods can change in a span of a nanosecond. One minute, your girl can be showing you love only to push you away the next. And what’s their excuse? She’ll say they aren’t feeling it or feeling you any longer, leaving you with a sorry heart. Experts attribute women’s sudden shift of emotions and feelings to hormonal imbalance. But that doesn’t change the fact that men still find the behavior a tad confusing. But what can we do? We are stuck with these beautiful creatures and there is absolutely nothing we can do but love them amidst all the confusion, uncertainty and hormonal imbalances.

5. It’s confusing how girls can investigate

Woe unto you if your girl catches a whiff of foul play on your side because she won’t ever let it go until she gets to the bottom of it. And how they do it will continue being a mystery to the “male kingdom” until Jesus comes back. And to make matters even more confusing, girls don’t even know how they get to the bottom of their suspicions either. As long as their feelings for their lovers are still strong, girls will always be on to them. Therefore, if you know a girl who took a liking for you, strive to never lie to her. Trust me when I tell you that it is for your own good.

6. Girls can’t decide on what pair of shoes to wear

Scientists have confirmed that girls are way more intelligent than guys. Therefore, the fact that they can’t decide on what shoes to wear will remain a puzzle for the male gender for generations to come. It is for this very reason that women take hours picking out a dress or the perfect pair of shoes to wear. And to make things even more confusing, girls will think we’re lying when we tell them the plain truth. That all the pairs of shoes they have been trying on for the past fourteen hours all look good on them. Why can’t they just pick one pair and save us the trouble? But no, they’ll still want to try on at least "one last pair" which in is code for trying all the shoes out – for the fifth time!

7. Girls spend a fortune to maintain a look

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We all love girls because they look cute. And yes, we know that girls spend a fortune on their looks which includes their hair, their handbags, outfits, and the list goes on and on. That aside, guys still find it confusing when girls walk into a salon only to step out several hours later looking the same. I mean, all guys need in order to pull a miraculous makeover is a good 20-dollar haircut. But since we are gentlemen, we never ask our girls what they’d consider stupid questions. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t confusing and at the same time intriguing. We also don’t ask our girls because we are confident we won’t understand the explanation.

8. Girls run the gossip grind mill

Don’t get it twisted, guys also gossip. But with women, they just never seem to know when stop gossip and yeah, guys find this to be confusing indeed. I mean, don’t you guys ever get tired? In addition to our confusion, girls can literally gossip about anything, from feelings all the way to how Eve meant well when she ate the fruit of knowledge. And as stated, our beautiful girls never get tired of gossiping. And it’s amazing how a girl’s brain can backdate a gossip with pinpoint accuracy. For example, she can easily remember the date, time and even the exact weather when she received or made a gossip contribution. But in as much as gossip is draining and confusing, it is a testament to how intelligent women are when it comes to being factual only if they can channel that energy for good.

9. Girls are queens of double standards

“Girls are the queens of double standards” – Research Girls will start a snafu and expect you to understand and be “man enough” to move past it. But when you do the exact thing, she’ll demand to have your head on a spike, Medieval Era style. For instance, they’ll talk or hang out with their exes but frown at guys who even think about their exes. Guys doing the same thing is like kicking a hornet’s nest and waiting for them to storm out so you can take a selfie. And that’s just one of the many incidences that show girls are queens of double standards. Girls will complain about supporting a guy with no job but be silent as a church mouse whenever it’s the other way around. That’s hella confusing for guys. But like everything else, we just have to live with it because we love girls. DISCLAIMER: Okay I know there hasn’t been any research as far as my claim is concerned. I normally say this so that people can stop arguing with me.

10. Girls can spontaneously burst into tears

Guys cry, but unlike girls, crying is always the last resort. And even when guys cry, they do so in private and for the shortest time possible. Girls, on the other hand, can just break into tears for no apparent reason. They can also use their crocodile tears to make you feel guilty for winning an argument for the very first time. Girls know how vulnerable we are when we see tears welling up their cute, dreamy pair of eyes. And why they do so will always be confusing - even to the scientists who’ve been trying to figure out women for decades. For instance, girls will cry when they suspect they are about to lose an argument. And that’s how they end up winning because you’ll feel guilty and be forced to yield. But it’s cool though. By now, we are already used to the blackmail and confusion.

11. Girls can’t explain their emotions

The fact that a woman can be angry and not know why she is angry is confusing to everyone, including pets. I mean, with guys, we always know why we feel the way we feel. And more often than not, we also know what we are supposed to do to feel better or quell the situation. A woman, on the other hand, can be happy and not even know why she is happy. This is just one among a plethora of reasons why men will never have women figured out. Heck, even women can’t figure themselves out it seems.

12. It’s confusing why women play games

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Girls are amazing at playing mind games and that makes them hard to figure out. For instance, it’s quite normal for a guy to go for what he wants. But when it comes to girls and their feelings, a rather simple chase will be turned into a miasma of confused moves. E.g., if a guy likes a certain girl, he will do all in his power to overcome approach anxiety and approach her. But when a girl wants a guy, she’ll revert to sending signals that she’s 100% sure the guy won’t understand. Heck, in most cases, even she herself cannot understand what she is trying to do. In short, guys find behaviors such as these to be very confusing and would rather stay single than take the risk approaching you. And with that said, my dear girls, if you take a liking to someone, try and approach him. It’s much easier for the guy too when you all are straightforward. We are not as intelligent as you give us credit for.

13. Girls are part-time Houdinis

Another thing about girls that’s confusing to guys is how they disappear and reappear at will. If a girl is not interested in you, she will ignore your text messages and calls. She’ll ghost you so hard you’ll hate yourself. If she’s a savage, she might respond in such a cold way you’ll need to wear a warm hoodie the next time you guys talk. But as soon as you move on with your life or with someone else, she’ll come out of the woodwork and want to go out with you. And it’s pointless asking why girls act like this because I am 100% sure that they won’t give you a straight answer which is hilarious (and confusing). And for the record girls, this is not cute!

14. When one thing means the exact opposite

Sample this: If your girl tells you to go have fun with your boys, don’t do it! If a girl tells you to have fun texting or liking photos of other girls on Instagram, don’t do it! If your girl tells you to shave your beard, don’t do it! And the list goes on and on. And that’s not the end of the confusion. At other times, girls mean exactly what they say. For instance, if a girl tells you not to leave your socks on the floor, don’t leave your socks on the darn floor. I mean, how on earth are we supposed to know the difference between what they are saying and meaning? Come on women!

15. Girls falling for bad guys is confusing

Dear girls, “bad” is not code word for “good”. Bad means debauched or something that’s nasty. That’s why girls always falling for the bad guys will remain a mystery. I am sure even the bad guys whom the girls are always throwing themselves at don’t understand why they are so lucky. In short, girls falling for bad guys is like drinking bad milk and not expecting to not get sick. And to make matters worse, girls will reject the nice, honest guys just because nice is boring. In other words, girls prefer their feelings hurt by liking the bad guys over nice guys but still want a guy to hold their hands and skip into the sunset, living happily ever after. Girls are indeed a very confusing lot. We just can’t figure them out!

16. Girls are always late on dates

I understand that girls take time to prepare. But why they fail to start preparing for dates early is and will always be confusing to men all over the world.

17. Decoding texts, WhatsApp messages et al.

Girls who text are cute. But why they spend time analyzing and making a mountain out of an anthill of a simple text is beyond the comprehension of any man. I mean, we guys just go straight to the point. We don’t have the wits to write or send messages in code. For instance, if we text “come over”, we don’t mean “are you hungry?” we just want you to come over.

18. Girls demanding but not appreciating is confusing

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Ask a woman what she looks for in a man and the first thing she’ll say is honesty. But try telling her that she looks bad in a dress and she’ll accuse you of hurting her feelings. But you said you wanted hon… never mind. I am sorry for being insensitive. Babe.

19. The obsession with handbags is confusing

I am not even going to talk about how confusing girls liking handbags really is. All I can say is I know a handful of girls who’ll gladly sell their soul to the devil for a Gucci handbag!

20. It’s confusing how girls love shopping

Yes, I had to finish up with this one because every guy – including the single ones who are still searching – find this feminine attribute confusing. As far as men are concerned, shopping should only take a few minutes. Girls, on the other hand, won’t mind living in a shopping mall for the rest of their lives, shopping and trying every outfit and pair of shoes on.


In conclusion, guys will never understand most things about women, from their unpredictable feelings all the way to their general behavior. Therefore, all we can do is appreciate nature for molding such amazing and beautiful creatures from our rib and allowing them to walk among us. Besides, men are too lazy to keep digging around trying to understand women. It is therefore wise to appreciate them for who they are and leave it at that. That said, if you are seated next to your hot girlfriend, lean over and kiss her on the forehead. I just did even though I can’t figure out why she’s been clinging to my left leg for the past hour.