25 Infallible Signs Your Ex Still Cares And Misses You

Wondering if your ex misses you? Here are 25 signs that mean your ex still cares about you and that he or she misses you.

By Rose Elementary
25 Infallible Signs Your Ex Still Cares And Misses You

Signs That Your Ex Misses You

So you and your ex broke up and you're starting to think that maybe he or she misses you and wants you as his girlfriend or her boyfriend again. It's not always easy to tell that your ex misses you. Here are some signs to look out for that mean your ex still cares about you.

1. Your Ex Tells You He Or She Misses You

Obviously, the easiest way to tell if your ex still cares about you is if he or she comes up to you and tells you that he or she misses you. It's not easy for your ex to admit that they still like you and that they wish you were still their girlfriend or boyfriend, so you should definitely take their word for it. No one is going to lie and say they miss you. If your ex finds you in person or texts you to let you know they still care, they probably do. It's up to you to decide if you still care about them to try again or if you want to cut them loose completely. If you do still care, then you should let him or her know. If not, be honest so that you can both move on once and for all.

2. He/She Shows Up At Places When You're There

Have you noticed that your ex keeps showing up to places when you're there, especially places that he or she wouldn't normally hang out? This means your ex still cares about you and that he or she misses you. They're probably not trying to be creepy, they just miss spending time with you are trying to give you signs that they miss you in case you still care, too. Showing up at places when they know you'll be there means that they're guaranteed to see you, and maybe get the chance to talk to you and rekindle the relationship. Your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend misses you enough to go out of their way to show up at your favorite places, so you should at least hear them out. If you don't feel the same, maybe you can at least be friends!

3. He/She Flaunts A New Relationship In Front Of You

One of the signs that your ex misses you is that he or she flaunts his or her new relationship in front of you. They'll bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to parties when they know you'll be there and go out of their way to introduce you. Your ex wants you to know that he or she has moved on, but if they're trying to rub it in your face, it's probably because he or she misses you and cares about you more than they do their new relationship. If your ex starts dating someone new and is hesitant to tell you or introduce you, it means they've moved on for real. But if your ex gets into a new relationship and immediately starts telling you how awesome it is and how happy they are, it's a definite sign that your ex misses you and cares about you enough to regret the breakup.

4. Your Ex Texts You Often

It's pretty normal for exes to stay friends even after a breakup these days. However, if your ex is texting you just as much as - or even more than - they did when you together, it's one of the signs that he or she misses you. Your ex definitely still cares about you if they're always trying to check in, ask if you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or just texting you to say hi. These are normal things for friends and couples to do, but once you've become exes, texting should slow down at least a little bit. Your ex is trying to maintain a connection with you by texting you as often as possible because they don't want you to forget about them. This means they still care about you and that your ex really misses you. If you're trying to move on, you should tell your ex so they won't get their hopes up by texting you so often. If you are thinking about getting back with your ex girlfriend or boyfriend, then text away!

5. Your Friends See Signs That Your Ex Misses You

You...#friendship #thankful #appreciatingyou #❤️ #laughs #friends #gotchagirl

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Your friends usually know you as much, if not more, than you know yourself. If your friends think that your ex boyfriend or girlfriend still cares about you, it's probably true. Your friends should always tell you when they notice signs that your ex misses you. This means that your friends will mention that anything on this list is true. You may want to deny that your ex misses you and still cares about you, but you should trust that your friends care about you, too. They wouldn't lie to you about something like this, and you deserve to know. You would tell your friends if their ex missed them, so they'll do the same for you. Listen to your own instincts, and definitely listen to your friends. If they say your ex misses you, he or she probably does.

6. You Miss Your Ex

When you & your bestie have to reply to a text together 📞☎️❤️

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One of the major signs that your ex misses you is that you find yourself missing your ex. You were in a relationship together, so if you miss your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, he or she probably feels the same about you. If you find yourself doing any of the behaviors on this list, not only do you miss your ex, but you will probably find that your ex misses you, too. As soon as you realize that you still care about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, you should try to let them know since there's a pretty high chance you're on the same page. If you don't make the move, you might miss your second chance at happiness!

7. Your Ex Wears Something You Got For Them

Giving presents is something most couples do over the course of their relationship. However, it's pretty normal to get rid of those things once you've broken up. If you notice that your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is still wearing something that you gave them as a gift, they probably find themselves missing you. Whether it be a piece of jewelry, a shirt, or some other wearable item, finding your ex decked out in a former gift definitely means he or she still cares about you. Wearing it will definitely make your ex think of you, and wearing it keeps you close to them. Seeing your ex with an old gift is one of the signs that he or she misses you a ton.

8. You See Signs Of Sadness

Unfortunately, breaking up can take an emotional toll on both of the people who were once in the relationship. One of the signs that your ex misses you is that you notice signs of sadness in your ex. This can be a constant sadness that follows them around since you broke up, or a sadness you only notice on occasion, like when a song you both loved plays and he or she feels sad and nostalgic for the relationship. Your friends may also mention seeing your ex out and about and they see signs of sadness in him or her. If your ex seems to be really sad ever since you broke up, your relationship meant a lot to them. He or she definitely misses you and wishes the break up didn't happen.

9. Your Ex Drunk Calls Or Texts You

They say that the drunken mind is the most honest mind, because alcohol impairs inhibitions and gives people the courage to do things they wouldn't do when they're sober. This is why getting drunk calls or texts from your ex are signs that he or she misses you. Despite being under the influence of alcohol, your ex is still thinking of you and wants to be in touch with you. He or she cares enough about you to have you on their mind when their mind is totally consumed by something else. Getting drunken calls or texts is one of the biggest signs that your ex misses you because he or she is contacting you when he or she is the least inhibited by logic and fear. Your ex wouldn't drunk call you if he or she didn't still care about you!

10. He/She Shows Up At Your Place

It might seem creepy if your ex shows up at your place, but it's really just one of the signs that he or she misses you. If your ex shows up unannounced to visit you, he or she wanted to see you and felt like they had to be near you right then. Your ex will probably make up an excuse for just showing up, like saying they were in the neighborhood or they wanted to pick up something they left when you were still dating. These excuses are just covers for the truth. Your ex came by because he or she misses you, and they felt like coming for a visit might help them feel better or at least feel closer to you. Showing up unannounced with flimsy excuses is definitely one of the signs that your ex misses you.

11. He/She Never Misses Your Birthday

Once you break up, you and your ex no longer have any obligations to celebrate each other's birthdays. That's something that boyfriends and girlfriends should definitely do when they're together, but you don't have to consider it anymore once you've broken up. One of the signs that your ex misses you is that he or she doesn't miss your birthday even though you're no longer in a relationship. Your ex cares enough to remember when your birthday is and go out of his or her way to wish you a happy birthday or even bring you a gift. If he or she does try to celebrate your birthday with you post breakup, it's because he or she misses you and wants you to know that even though you're not together, he or she still cares.

12. The Signs Are All Over Social Media

#girl #longhair #homework #laptop #master #study #student #workday #school

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Social media is a great way to figure out whether or not your ex is still interested in you. If your ex misses you, he or she will keep you as a friend on all of their social media sites. It's usually tempting to delete your ex once you've broken up, but if your ex misses you they'll want to keep at least a social media connection to you. Your ex will also keep all of the pictures of the two of you up on his or her page, even though you've broken up. One of the definite signs your ex misses you is that their profile picture is still a photo of the two of you together. Beyond that, your ex will like and/or comment on your social media posts regularly if he or she misses you. If your ex misses you and still cares about you, the signs will be all over social media.

13. There Are No Signs Of A New Relationship

Another one of the signs that your ex still cares about you is that he or she isn't in a new relationship. You'll check for signs on social media or ask your friends, but he or she has stayed single since you've broken up, even if you've tried dating other people. Especially if your ex had a few partners before they started dating you, finding out that your ex has stayed single since you broke up definitely means he or she misses you. If they were over you, they wouldn't have any problem starting to date other people. However, they still care about you, so they've stayed single because no one can compare to you. Your ex avoiding a new relationship is definitely among the signs that he or she still cares about you.

14. Your Ex Disapproves Of Your New Partner

You didn't mean to flaunt your new relationship in front of your ex, but somehow he or she found out you're dating someone new and he or she definitely disapproves. This is one of the signs that your ex misses you, because he or she doesn't like seeing you with someone else. Your ex will be sure to let you and anyone else who will listen knows that the new guy or girl you're seeing is bad for you and that the relationship won't last. He or she will claim to know the kind of person you should date, and that your new flame isn't good enough for you. Your ex will go through all of this trouble because he or she misses you so much that seeing you with someone else hurts them. If your ex makes a huge fuss over your new relationship, he or she definitely misses you.

15. He/She Misses The Good Old Days

Nostalgia is a huge sign that your ex misses you. Of course when you see your ex, you'll probably talk about things that you did together in the past and some of the good times you had. However, your ex will be borderline obsessed with talking about the good old days when you were dating. He or she will tag you in social media posts reminding you of something that happened during your relationship. When you're together, he or she will always mention a fun thing you did or a story that reminds him or her of the relationship you once had. When your partner gets overly nostalgic, it's a major sign that he or she misses you.

16. Your Ex Asks Around To See If You're Dating Anyone

Here's to great time and even better friends! Happy Wedding Wednesday 🥃

A post shared by Marisa Nicole Events (@marisanicoleevents) on

Your ex will be curious about you if he or she misses you. One thing he or she might do is ask around to find out if you're seeing someone new. Your ex won't want to ask you directly, but they'll ask your friends and their friends to find out if you're seeing someone. If your friends ever tell you that your ex asked your relationship status, it's a major sign that he or she misses you. Your ex is probably asking around to find out if he or she has a chance of getting back together with you, because your ex still cares about you and wants you back.

17. He/She Wants To Be Friends After The Break-Up

Exes who specifically ask you to stay friends after the break-up are the kinds who likely miss you enough to want you in their lives. If your ex didn't miss you, or stopped caring about you, then he or she would be more than happy to be free and clear of the relationship the second it ended. However, the fact that your ex wanted you to be his or friend even though you're not dating anymore means that your ex misses you already and wants to ensure you'll still be around. Your ex wanting to be friends is one of the signs that he or she misses you.

18. You Get Booty Calls From Your Ex

Unless you and your ex established a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship, when you were breaking up, he or she definitely shouldn't be asking for a booty call! If he or she does try to get you to come over for some late night fight, it means they miss you. It's probably not just about the sex, either, though that is a huge part of it. Your ex could call anyone for a booty call, but he or she chose you. This means that your ex is missing you specifically, and that's why they called you. Getting unexpected booty calls from an ex is one way to know that he or she misses you.

19. He/She Makes Up Excuses To Contact You

Just like with showing up at your house, your ex will come up with any possible excuse to contact you. He or she might call you to ask a question that they already know the answer to, just because they wanted to hear your voice. Or your ex will text you to tell you about an upcoming event you are both planning on attending, as if you might forget. Your ex may just send you a message on social media including something that reminded them of you. No matter what it is, your ex will come up with a ton of excuses to contact you without seeming weird. This is for sure a sign that he or she misses you.

20. He/She Makes Jokes About Missing You

A lot of people who are missing their ex don't want to admit it, so they'll play it off as a joke. If your ex is with a group of friends and you're there, too, he or she will probably make jokes about how you broke their heart and they still love you. Your ex isn't just doing this to get laughs from their friends. They're masking how they really feel in a joke, even though they actually do miss you. Making jokes about missing you is a way to cover up the fact that your ex really misses you.

21. Your Ex Asks You To Hang Out

Exes may be friends and spend time with groups, but they don't usually hang out one on one. That's something they did as a couple, so they're not supposed to do it now that they've broken up. One of the signs that your ex misses you, though, is that he or she asks if you'll hang out just the two of you. It isn't technically called a date, but you both feel like it's kind of a date since you used to be together. If your ex asks you to hang out outside of the usual group settings, he or she is doing it because they miss you.

22. You Still Get Gifts From Your Ex

Beyond just birthday gifts, if your ex is giving you gifts even after the breakup, it's because he or she misses you. This can be for various holidays or even just because. Your ex will probably give you more gifts after the break up than when you were together because he or she wants you to know that he or she misses you. Whether it be a special occasion, a holiday, or even for something like a promotion at work, your ex going out of his or her way to give you a gift is one of the signs that he or she misses you.

23. Your Ex Tries To Make You Jealous

After you've broken up, if your ex misses you, he or she will probably try to make you jealous. This doesn't always mean flaunting a new relationship in your face. It could be more subtle, like flirting with other guys or girls when you're around, and making sure you see it. It might also mean making sure you hear about any and all hookups that he or she has had since you broke up. If it seems like your ex is trying to make you jealous, he or she probably misses you.

24. He/She Is Always Super Happy To See You

It's normal to be happy to see someone you care about, even if that person is an ex. However, if your ex is overly happy when you walk in the room, it's a sign that he or she misses you. Your ex will totally light up when you enter the room and it'll be like your presence changed their entire mood. They'll probably announce to everyone around that you're there and make a huge fuss over you. This is one of the signs that they miss you, because just you being there is enough to turn their day around.

25. Your Ex Gets Touchy Whenever He/She Sees You

One of the major signs your ex misses you is that he or she will be extra touchy feely when you're around. This means putting a hand on your back, always hugging you when they see you, and resting their hand on your arm when you're talking. Your ex will use any excuse to touch you, like brushing your hair from your face or picking lint off your sweater. Your ex misses when you were dating and he or she could touch you intimately, so he or she is using these subtle touches as an alternative to what you once had.

Interpreting The Signs That Your Ex Misses You

All of these 25 signs mean that your ex misses you. Once you've established that your ex still cares about you, it's up to you to decide what to do next. If you still care, too, maybe your relationship is worth another try. If not, you have to be very clear that it's time for both of you to move on.