How To Remove And Treat Infected Ingrown Hair

If you have trouble with ingrown hair and are looking for ways to remove and treat your infection, then you are in the right place.

By Janani
How To Remove And Treat Infected Ingrown Hair

Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair result when the skin hair grows downward, instead of upward. Ingrown hair problem mostly occurs in people who have curly hair. It can happen in any part of the body that has been cut unevenly. An ingrown hair can grow into an infection if the ingrown hair problem is severe. This kind of infection is characterized as 'Razor Bumps'. An ingrown hair can look very similar to a pimple. Though ingrown hair is not a serious problem to deal with, it can still be annoying as it can cause irritation, itchiness, and redness on your skin. There are a lot of causes of ingrown hair. To treat and remove the ingrown hair, you must know how to take proper care of your ingrown hair problem. Sometimes, the inflammation of the ingrown hair can cause infection and turn into a cyst. So, proper care must be taken to prevent your ingrown hair problem turning into an infection, forming cysts in your skin.

شلونكم حبايبي ياربي تكونون بخير دائماً 🌷 الشعر تحت الجلد هو من المواضيع الي سألتوني عنها هوايه .. بالبدايه لازم نعرف سبب المشكله 🧐 كلنه نعرف انه الجلد يتقشر ويتجدد بشكل مستمر ولكن بعض الاشخاص عدهم تقشر البشره بطئ مما يؤدي الى تكدس صفائح الكيراتين او الجلد الميت على البشره والي راح تتسبب بحبس الشعر تحت الجلد. لعلاج هذه المشكله اول واهم خطوة هي التقشير الأسبوعي لازم لازم خلال الاستحمام بعد مايترطب الجلد زين بالحمام نقشر بأي مقشر متوفر او نسوي مقشر بالبيت ونمزج ملعقتين اكل سكر وملعقتين قهوة وملعقتين زين جوز الهند وملعقة شاي بيكاربونات الصودا او البعض يسميها صودا الخبز اذا متوفره لان بيها خاصية تعقيم حلوة للجلد ونقلل او نزيد الكميه حسب الحاجة ونقشر بي الجسم، الخطوة الثانيه هي الترطيب مباشرة بعد الاستحمام من يكون الجسم بعده رطب لازم بهالوقت يتم ترطيب الجسم بالاضافة الى الترطيب اليومي جداً جداً ضروري🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️ وايضاً حتى نساعد اكثر بحل مشكلة الشعر تحت الجلد نكدر نستخدم كريم مرطب طبي ناخذه من الصيدليه يكون بي سالسيلك آسيد(salicylic acid)وهذا راح يساعد هوايه بهذة المشكله وبصراحة مااكدر انصحكم بنوع معين بس روحوا للصيدليه واسألوا واستخدموا المتوفر يمكم وان شاء الله تستفادون اذا اتبعتوا هذه الخصوات واهم شي الاستمراريه حبيباتي يعني نمشي على هذا النظام مانتركه لان النتيجة راح تبين بالالتزام والاستمرايه إن شاء الله 🤗 One of the common problems women suffer from is ingrown hair, and the main reason for this problem is the buildup of keratin that blocks our skin surface inhibiting hair from growing out and growing inward instead 😿, so the first step we need to follow is weekly exfoliation, plus moisturizing our skin immediately after shower and daily, to keep the skin soft enough for normal hair growth, we can use a salicylic acid moisturizer as well to help exfoliate the dead skin too, and hopefully this problem will be solved after you follow the steps above🤗 #بشرة_صحية #العناية_بالبشرة #الشعر_تحت_الجلد#بشرة_جميلة #بشرة_ناعمة #ترطيب_الجسم #اخصائية_العناية_بالبشرة#ingrownhair #healthyskin #esthetician #beautifulskin #skincare #skincareroutine #salicylicacid #skinmoisturizing #skincaretherapist

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Ingrown Hair Infection: Cysts

When the lumps of the ingrown hair are filled with fluid, they become ingrown hair cysts. The cyst infects the skin and the infected area gets swollen. The bump can be rooted deep in the skin and can cause pain, irritation, redness, and infection. The bump can be in different sizes, it varies from one person to another. Sometimes, it takes weeks to months to heal from an ingrown hair infection. If the cyst is broken, it can spread and can even scar your skin. So, it is important that when the ingrown hair cyst comes up you need to handle it with care. There are ways to treat the ingrown hair cyst and prevent the infection from happening again. Read on to know more about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention tips and tricks for ingrown hair. This knowledge will sure help you avoid any problems related to ingrown hair in the times to come.

Signs And Symptoms Of Ingrown Hair

There are few signs and symptoms of identifying an ingrown hair. There are tiny round bumps all over the infected skin; the skin color tends to be discolored. The infection of the ingrown hair can make the skin tender and can cause inflammation; when touched it can cause pain and itchiness. The ingrown hair starts off as a red bump, but as the infection gets serious the bump is filled with pus. The infected part gets warm to touch; these are few of the signs and symptoms of an ingrown hair infection. Although an ingrown hair can look similar to a pimple, they have different methods of treatment and removal techniques. So, if you feel you have identified one in your body then chances are it is an ingrown hair infection. Make sure that you treat the infection the right way to avoid causing more pain and irritation to the skin.

Causes Of Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair can be caused when the hair on the surface of your skin is cut in an unbalanced way with a sharp tip. As the hair is cut uneven the growing hair tends to curl down underneath the skin and grow downward causing pain, irritation, and inflammation. The main cause of ingrown hair is faulty hair removal practices. The most effective hair removal techniques have to be adopted, which will not lead to ingrown hair. Shaving or waxing your skin leaves sharp cut hair trapped inside your skin, which infects the skin, causing ingrown hair problem. One other reason for ingrown hair is clogging up of the dead skin cells with the hair follicles on the surface of the skin. So, you need to know your skin type before proper treatment. The infection occurs in all places where the hair has been removed either from the face, hands, legs or even pubic area. So, you need to know the right treatment before your infection turns serious.

Ways To Remove Ingrown Hair

There are ways to remove your ingrown hair. For removal of ingrown hair at home you can try few of these tips and tricks that are given below: 1. Warm-compress your infected skin and then use tweezers to straighten the curled hair up. Don't try to pluck the ingrown hair just make sure that the end of the hair is out of your skin surface. 2. Use an egg membrane to cover the infected area. Leave it on for few minutes. Let it dry and then remove the egg membrane so that the ingrown hair comes out from your skin. 3. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, when applied to your skin, can help to heal your ingrown hair infection. 4. Dab a bread slice into the warm water and then leave it on in your infected area for few minutes. This will open up your pores, making it easier for you to straighten the ingrown hair using a sterile needle. 5. Exfoliate your skin to be free from dead skin cells. Exfoliate your skin twice a day for best results. These are the few ingrown hair removal tips and tricks that you can try at home. But if you have the serious issue of ingrown hair then your ingrown hair can be treated by a medical practitioner.

Treatment For Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is not a serious issue to worry about but it can still have its impacts like rashes, skin irritation and itching. So the right treatment must be given to treat the infection. Here are some of the home remedies and medical treatment for treating an infected ingrown hair.

Home Remedies For Treating This Infection

There are a lot of home remedies for treating an ingrown hair infection. Here are few home remedies to treat your skin. 1. Aloe vera gel does wonders for your skin. It is loaded with nutrients and its richness can heal your damaged skin. Mixing aloe vera gel with coconut oil and then applying it to your skin can repair the infected skin. It can soothe the infection and can leave your skin flawless. 2. Using coconut oil on your skin can treat the infection caused by ingrown hair. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that heal the inflammation and reduces the redness of your skin. It can even soothe your irritation and fix your skin infection leaving it smooth and soft.

3. The best home remedy for treating ingrown hair infections is to use freshly peeled potato skin. Potato skin is loaded with antioxidants that can heal your skin from the damage. Try using a band-aid to strap up the potato skin onto the infected area. You will be able to see better results in few days. 4. Salt is a 'magic ingredient' that is readily available in your kitchen counter. Mix one teaspoon of salt to few drops of water and massage the infected area gently to promote blood circulation and to heal the inflammation of your skin. Salt has properties that can kill the bacteria present in skin and can free you from infection. 5. Garlic is loaded with healing properties that can treat your skin from infection. Make a garlic paste and massage it gently into the infected area. Garlic is loaded with sulfur that can help to heal your ingrown hair infection. There are several other home remedies that can heal your ingrown hair infection, but these home remedies are expected to give faster results.

Medical Treatment For Treating This Infection

Although there is no proper medical treatment for treating ingrown hair, recommended antibiotics are an option. Your medical practitioner might suggest you some antibiotic lotions to rub them onto your infected skin. Steroid lotions are a way of treating ingrown hair and reducing inflammation. You will need to massage the lotion into your skin for best results. Retinoids would be advised to remove the dead skin cells that clog up the hair follicles in your skin. These are few of the treatment that your doctor might suggest but it is wise to try all the home remedies before paying a visit to your doctor.

When To See The Doctor

Sometimes you will need to take the advice of your doctor of any if the problem persists: 1. If the cyst never subsides on its own after a few weeks or even months. 2. If the cyst causes more pain and redness to the skin. 3. If you have the fever accompanied by the cyst. 4. If your pus starts to ooze continuously. 5. If the cyst affects your daily life. Make sure that you visit your doctor if any of these conditions prevail. It is better to check with the doctor instead of going with your assumptions.

Tips For Preventing Ingrown Hair In The Future

Here are few tips for you to prevent ingrown hair infection in the future. 1. Never shave your hair too close as it might harm your skin and cause ingrown hair problem. 2. Shave in the same direction of the hair growth. 3. Shave your skin with fewer strokes of the razor if possible. 4. Moisturize your skin after shaving or waxing your skin. 5. Dab a cold washcloth onto your skin after using hair removal techniques in your skin. These are few tips that you can follow the next time you shave or wax. Doing this on a regular basis can prevent ingrown hair infection in the future.

Hi guys, this morning I decided to finally try out this sugar scrub recipe from the Essential Life book. It smells absolutely delightful and was a nice little scrub in the shower today. I modified it slightly by adding some peppermint & it was a nice touch. . DIY Sugar Scrub •1 cup of brown sugar •1/4-1/2 cup of Fractionated Coconut Oil •6 drops of Wild Orange •3 drops of Peppermint Mix ingredients thoroughly in a glass jar. Cover with lid & you’re done! . Use this scrub in the shower to help exfoliate dry skin. Use this once or twice a week. . Sugar scrubs are great because they help retain some of your skins natural moisture and since it’s a fine scrub, you don’t have to worry about damaging your skin during the exfoliation process! Enjoy! . . . #doterra #essentialoils #sugarscrub #exfoliate #exfoliateyourskin #dryskin #smellsdivine #DIY #diygifts

A post shared by doTERRA ✨✨Jenny M (@easyliving.essentials) on

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the different ways to remove and treat an ingrown hair it is up to you to follow these tips and tricks for a smooth and healthier skin. These tips are very generic, that can work for one skin type and might not work for another skin type. So you need to find the right treatment for your ingrown hair infection. There is no permanent cure for ingrown hair infection but with some techniques, you can prevent the ingrown hair problem to some extent. With proper care for your skin, you can try and minimize the ingrown hair infection. You can try permanent hair removal methods like laser hair removal if you are not ready to deal with ingrown hair infection anymore.