58 Who's Most Likely To Questions To Play When Bored

Boring commute? Start texting your friends these questions!

By Fred S.
58 Who's Most Likely To Questions To Play When Bored

Nowadays, we’re addicted to being entertained almost every free moment of our lives. It’s either work (which we mostly hate), or entertainment, and doing the things we love. There’s absolutely no place for boredom in this fast paced life, and no one misses it either.

However, some unavoidable everyday situations can still bore us, leaving us without anything to do as we wait. This can happen at a boring party, commute, a ceremony we’re forced to attend, or waiting in line for something important.

Well, if you happen to find yourself in any of these situations with some people you know, like your friends or relatives, you could fend off boredom with games like ‘Who’s most likely to?’. If you haven’t heard of it, this article has all that you need to know about it. Let’s get started!

What Are Who's Most Likely To Questions?

Have you ever heard of the game “Would you rather?” - Well, the “Who’s most likely to” is super similar to it. It’s played among two or more persons, and it’s an instant way of engaging people with each other. It pushes people to put their phone screens aside, and get intrigued by the questions and answers of the people around them in the real world, in the real moment. That’s something we could definitely use more of, in the device-filled world of today!

Drinks and music do light up a party, but there’s nothing like engaging people-oriented games like Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, or Who’s Most Likely too… It gels people together and allows them to open up with each other, answering stuff that wouldn’t come up in a normal conversation easily.

It can work as an amazing ice breaker for people who’ve never met each other, as nothing opens you up quicker than such mutually inclusive games. Whether you’re with friends, family, or strangers, you can never go wrong with a game of Who’s Most Likely To?

Perhaps you and your friends want to have a fun time together and are looking to play a game that comes with little or no stress at all, demands honesty and at the same time humorous, then these Most Likely To questions will be just the thing to achieve that.

These questions will let you know what your friends think about you and the tendencies you might be having, and it helps to convey their honest thoughts about you without you feeling hurt.

How to Start and "Play" Who's Most Likely To?

Now that you know what the game is, and how fun it can be, let’s learn how to actually play the game properly.

One of the best things about it is its accessibility, as you don’t need much to play it – just people! You’ll need to come up with questions, and people have to answer them. The most essential part of it all is the quality of the questions, as that can be the difference between a boring and an exciting session.

Try and avoid cliché questions, and come up with ones that have a surprising element to them. Remember though, you should keep the group’s frankness and comfort level in mind while coming up with the questions. You definitely don’t want to offend someone or make things awkward with a weird question!

Go for ridiculous and random questions – stuff that most of us relate to, but hardly ever talk about. Those areas of life can get people engaged super quickly, and invite people to participate easily.

Don’t worry, we’ve compiled the perfect list of 58 Who’s Most Likely to Questions, that’ll ensure an unforgettable experience for your guests or friends!

What Should Not Be Asked

Before checking out the list, you should understand the limits of the game, and the areas you should avoid. The boundaries of the game depend upon the relationship and frankness between the players. For example, best friends probably won’t find any question offensive or awkward to come across, but strangers at a party, or players of a different age group, just might.

Keeping the target audience of your games in mind, you should draft questions in a way that doesn’t make any player feel uncomfortable or offended.

When the target audience isn’t the most comfortable with each other, you should stay away from questions that are too personal, or considered offensive or judgmental. Keep dark humor at bay, as some people may not be on board with it, and it’s important to keep the sentiments of the whole group in mind.

With all that said, let’s check out the list of Who's Most Likely To Questions we’ve created for you!

58 Who's Most Likely To Questions To Play When Board

1: Who is most likely to have over 10 babies?

2: Who is most likely to do crazy stuff for likes?

3: Who is most likely to snitch out on friends?

4: Who is most likely to be single for the rest of their lives?

5: Who is most likely to discover something new?

6: Who is most likely to get their face tattooed?

7: Who is most likely to become a professional magician?

8: Who is most likely to be employed in the White House?

9: Who is most likely to become the richest amongst the group?

10: Who is most likely to let out a fart out in public?

11: Who is most likely to go on a world tour?

12: Who is most likely to get into a club with fake identification?

13: Who is most likely to leave the city life and live in wilderness?

14: Who is most likely to get married into the royal family?

15: Who is most likely to become a professional racer?

16: Who is most likely to work in the field of journalism?

17: Who is most likely to be addicted to alcohol or drugs?

18: Who is most likely to join a gang?

19: Who is most likely to be in jail?

20: Who is most likely to be elected as the US President?

21: Who is most likely to be social media famous?

22: Who is most likely to get locked outside of their own house?

23: Who is most likely to donate their wealth?

24: Who is most likely to become the Miss Universe?

25: Who is most likely to become an army officer?

26: Who is most likely to experience going to space?

27: Who is most likely to shed a tear over a sad movie?

28: Who is most likely to get into a public fight?

29: Who is most likely to get employed at Facebook?

30: Who is most likely to trip over the stairs?

31: Who is most likely to win the Nobel Peace Price?

32: Who is most likely to be absolutely obsessed with a celebrity?

33: Who is most likely to be stuck on an island?

34: Who is most likely to keep his virginity till marriage?

35: Who is most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?

36: Who is most likely to get arrested?

37: Who is most likely to travel the entire world by sea?

38: Who is most likely to become a Hollywood sensation?

39: Who is most likely to retire and live in a desolate farm house?

40: Who is most likely to be stuck with a weird af phobia?

41: Who is most likely to be thrown out of a cinema?

42: Who is most likely to live for the longest time?

43: Who is most likely to write and publish a book officially?

44: Who is most likely to make out in public?

45: Who is most likely to never have kids?

46: Who is most likely to become a medical doctor?

47: Who is most likely to get their gender changed?

48: Who is most likely to have a world record for something?

49: Who’s most likely to have a stalker?

50: Most likely to be a popstar?

51: Who is most likely to pursue professional sports?

52: Who is most likely to get married to a celebrity?

53: Who is most likely to star in a movie?

54: Who is most likely to invent something revolutionary?

55: Who is most likely to win the Powerball?

56: Who is most likely to die the soonest?

57: Who is most likely to go bald?

58: Who is most likely to be a weirdo in public?

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In “Who’s Most Likely To…”, people take turns asking and answering questions, keeping the whole group in mind. A question could come up asking who among the group is most likely to fail an exam, and people point towards the person they think is the worst at studies. That way, people get to laugh, discuss, and know more about each other’s personalities – all while seamlessly passing the time! Try it, and make sure you use some of the questions we’ve listed above. Have fun!