20 Signs You Should Break it Off With Your Girlfriend

Love is a tricky business and men can have a hard time deciding if they want to break up or stay with their girlfriend. Here are signs when you should move on.

By Palack
20 Signs You Should Break it Off With Your Girlfriend

Relationship and its life

It is no wonder that people fight in a relationship. When two people come together, they are bound to have arguments, their opinions clash, their likes and dislikes come into the picture, the wants and needs, the expectations and disappointments come true, and sometimes even the circumstances ignite a dispute. But it is rather a sign of a healthy relationship because if a couple doesn’t fight, it would mean they don’t care about each other enough to be bothered by each other’s actions. This is indeed a way; girls express their concern. Even two friends fight and make up later, strengthening their bond of friendship. So, couples create and intensify their love by such struggles.

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On the contrary, some girls bring you nothing but fights, stress, yelling, and crying and hold a lot of negativity. All the couple does is argue on every topic. It is all just depressing and hectic for both the partners. This kind of relation sucks the happiness out of you just like a dementor. And, this is not loving. Well, fighting is just one of the most common aspects of a relationship that indicates it should be called off. Perhaps there are other things too just lying under your nose and you are not aware of them. These little issues that seem insignificant can indicate that it is time to dump your girlfriend. So, how do you find out? How do you recognise if you should end your relationship with your girlfriend or not? Well, it is time ask your heart and mind as well. Look clearly for these 20 signs, and you will find an ample amount of them to be true in most cases. Having that implied, it is time to break up, guys.

1. Break up with your girlfriend if it's easier to do than leaving a hobby

Just saying, if it seems that you can more easily give up on your girlfriend rather than something as simple as a hobby, then surely you should. This would mean that you are not in love with her and there is nothing apart from the love that can hold you back from ending the relationship. And after all, what is the point of being tied up with someone you don’t feel attracted towards. This sort of relationship won’t be able to go far anyway. It will further create more issues if your girlfriend cares about it more than you do. This is the time when you should break up with your girlfriend.

2. You must break up with your girlfriend if she bossing you around

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It is a fact that girls fight more often and pay attention to every little detail. That is just a natural behaviour, and it reflects her care, love and devotion towards you. They can freak out on the slightest possibility of losing you or your love. So, there is nothing wrong about adjusting to her tantrums once in a while. But having her yell, cry, or be rude and bossy is on a different level. If your girl wants to know where you are, with whom, what are you doing, and wishes to control everything about your life, then this is not of the compromises you should be making. Ultimately, you need to have your personal life as well, and you can’t stop being who you are to be a robotic boyfriend your partner wishes to control around. In such a situation you are free to break up with your girlfriend.

3. Break up and patch up is just a routine

People tend to realize the importance of the person when they have left. Couples tend to get back together after the breakup as well because of the obvious realization of love for each other. There is no harm in realizing your mistake and rectifying it, of course. But it should not be acceptable to commit this mistake again and again. If you are constantly having breakups with your girlfriend and going to back her or vice-versa, then it is high time to stop. It is a clear sign that you are not compatible with her and it is not going to work in the long run. Truly, this is a very hectic routine and you would be drained out mentally. Moreover, you might feel that this is happening because you are uncertain of your emotions. Going apart and getting back together means that you like two similar poles of magnet rather than the opposite ones. You repel each other! At this point, ending the relationship would be a good decision.

4. You don't find your girlfriend cute anymore

The childish, playful acts, talking for hours, complaining and listening, jealousy and authority, little tantrums, some eating or sleeping habits, or just anything that you adored at the beginning of the relationship holds a probability of turning into annoying and intolerable traits. Take spooning in bed and playing with hair for example. How it turns from foreplay to dead arm and smelly hair in your face all time. When you have reached this level, perhaps you have crossed the comfort zones of each other and have known each other for a long time. You have seen both the good and bad sides. Even if things are quiet, but you find your girl is annoying or ‘not so cute anymore’ then it is time - you have got to dump her. It is better than having to bear with things that get on your nerves all the time, and you cannot even do something about it. After all, these little things make a big difference, right?

5. Your girlfriend loves your money more than you

Some women are all about giving, making compromises, and showering all the love they have for you and they would go beyond their capacities to be with you. Some believe in keeping it balanced. They have love and respect for you and demand the same from you, nothing more or less. On the other hand, some of them use their guys as a source of money. It is okay to exchange gifts as long as it is the same on both sides. But if it is just you making efforts by giving her materialistic gifts or you are always paying for everything because you are the ‘man,’ breakup should be the next surprise you give her. Back out whenever you feel your girl would not stay around much if you stopped the cash flow. There is nothing wrong with ending a relationship with your girlfriend who needs you just because of money.

6. A break up for sex, perhaps?

It may sound so inconsiderate, selfish, and inappropriate. But a sexual life is as important as anything else in a relationship. Sometimes, you might feel a great amount of love and other sentiments for your girlfriend, but still, you are not very compatible in bed. Even after a lot of effort, your physical intimacy still has not reached its best. It can be that you are not content with it as well for whatsoever possible reason. Instead of not giving it attention and letting it bottle up and turn into frustration, it would be, in fact, much more suitable to break up. You might be criticised for ending a relationship with your girlfriend just for sex but that would not change anything, so accepting the truth is a lot better.

7. It's Time for break up if there is nothing but sex

On the other hand, break-ups can happen if all there is in the relationship is sex. Couples either have no sex life, or it is all they can have. Either you are interested just in sexual intercourse or your girlfriend wants you more for sex than other things. This might satisfy your body but would disturb your inner peace and happiness. At times you might find yourself incapable of having casual or sometimes important conversations. The understanding and other aspects can easily be blurred out in such situations. Physical love becomes the resolution of most matters. This might be okay for the time being, but one cannot just have sex all their life. It would be better to find someone that makes you both physically and emotionally happy. Finding yourself in a situation where you have to compromise any one of them can be indicative of the moment when you should just make an effort to dump your girlfriend instead of having a soulless relationship.

8. You must breakup when you don’t find respect

This is another important, yet easily ignored, factor of any relation. Respect has to be given and taken from both sides to survive with any person. It is a wise and acceptable reason to break up if your girlfriend does not give you the respect you deserve or even if you do not do the same in return. Love might be the first thing that contributes to a commitment, but respect is something that prevents it from a breakup. You must dump your girlfriend without any remorse if you feel neglected or are being disrespected more than an acceptable number of times. They say ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ should not exist in friendships and relationships but it is only a myth. Sometimes, there are words you need to hear and say apart from ‘I love you.’ It is also a sign for you that it is time for you to end the relationship with your girlfriend.

9. Breakup as soon as there is negativity

It is a fact that it depends on the people around you that what sort of energy you have. Some people have a positive vibe, and some have a negative one. This does not imply that the person is bad or good. It is just a matter of the aura. And yes, this affects the kind of energy you build up eventually. This is one of the things that you need to trust your intuition with. It may be because of different reasons but it has the same conclusion. If you feel that your partner does not feel right or gives you any negativity then ending the relationship with your girlfriend is completely justified.

10. Different dreams, different goals


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Every person has their own set of goals and principles. Each one of us has some dreams to fulfill. Quite obviously, the approaches to these goals and the paths we choose are also different for different people. Yes, there can be similarities but they're not identical. So, it would be next to impossible to find someone with exactly the same aspirations. But the ability to follow your dreams together is essential. In whatsoever case, it is not worth giving up on your goals for your girlfriend or boyfriend. Hence, ending a relationship with someone who becomes an obstacle is perfectly right, and there is nothing selfish or too ambitious about it.

11. The role of power

When the love is all new, and afresh, both partners are willing to compromise. But as time passes by, the need to have power comes into the picture. Sharing of power along with other things is good and appreciable. Though, one of the partners is always more dominant than the other one. It is equally crucial to find and maintain the balance between both the partners. How to do it is an abstract art and comes naturally in a relation. If your girl is very dominating and you would like to handle it more than her, dump her and move on with your life gracefully.

12. Dump the one who brings you down

Your partner is supposed to make you a better and, most importantly, a happier person instead of bringing you down from where you already were. Many people do not even realize the effects of a relation on themselves. The sooner you understand, the better it will be.

13. Trust is an unknown factor

Another fundamental aspect is trust. It is not a matter of the person being loyal or not. Your girlfriend might be completely loyal towards you. But due to some reasons, like a particular behavior, the company she is in or the fact that she does not reveal much about herself in front of you, you are subject to feeling suspicious. There is no point continuing such a relation in which trust does not exist at all while to break up with your girlfriend without having her do anything wrong might seem silly as well. Even so, it would be the right step to take instead of constantly worrying in all situations if you can trust her or not.

14. You can dump a girlfriend you don’t see a future with

The most vital point of being in a relationship is the perspective of building a future together. If you cannot imagine a future with this person, that raises the question - why are you choosing to live with a person with whom you have such little emotional investment? This does not mean that a causal relationship is not something you should have. It is always fun, and many serious relationships come through the ones that started as a fling. But given that there are no chances or signs of a future to be seen with the girl you are with, ending the relationship would be best suited for both of you.

15. You don’t want to breakup but marry either

You might be happy with a person. Everything is all cheerful and positive. You both enjoy each other’s company, and all things seem to work perfectly fine. Howsoever, if you cannot even imagine marrying the person in future, then it means you should break up.

16. Your partner did not entirely dump their ex

Your partner can be extremely happy with you and be in love with you ‘as well.’ This is a very common phenomenon nowadays, given the dating styles of our generation. The mixed feelings for multiple people and the uncertainty of whom to be with are not something we cannot encounter easily. No matter what reason or excuse you receive, breaking up with your girlfriend who still has not gotten over their previous partner completely is a must. To end the relationship with your girlfriend would mean being free of any future chaos. Moreover, you can be on the safer side and dump your girlfriend before she can dump you to go back to her ex.

17. To dump the unfaithful one is indeed necessary

‘Once a cheater, always a cheater!’ Everyone deserves a second chance, but also remember some mistakes cannot be reversed no matter how much we repent of them. A partner who has cheated on you holds a similar context as well. And ending a relationship with such a person becomes necessary to avoid a toxic relationship later on.

18. Are you happy?

Yes, dump a girlfriend for your happiness. There is nothing more important than your peace of mind and happiness. Regardless of what the reason is, feel free to get out of a relationship and stop being with the person that does not make you happy. This might seem a very simple and small reason to take such a step, but it is justifiable.

19. You change them

When we find a new partner, it is natural that we find new traits and behaviors about ourselves when around that person. Although, finding yourself completely different from your girlfriend can be a sign of a not so good change as well. Or even in some cases, your partner is completely different with you even without a specific reason. It is nature’s call to break it off.

20. Looking for a sign is a sign

If you have landed on this article, it means you are already in a relationship that you wish to end. Maybe you haven’t found the particular reason yet, or you are just waving off all the indications just for the sake of having a relationship. But, if you are already looking for a sign, it is a sign that you should end the relationship with your girlfriend you’re thinking about right now.

You have to be honest with yourself to decide if you have to break up with your girlfriend or not. Every aspect should be clear in your head for which you need a thorough analysis of your partner, your relationship, and yourself as well. And at the end, if you do not find an answer anyway, then listening to your heart - is the best option you can resort to.