Blood Magic Rituals: Do's And Don'ts

Blood magic rituals are very powerful and not something to play around with. They can be dangerous, but when used correctly, they are an invaluable tool.

By E.M. Love
Blood Magic Rituals: Do's And Don'ts

Blood Magic Rituals

Blood magic rituals are very powerful and have stronger effects compared to other kinds of spells. Beginners should be very careful when using blood magic because of the additional power that spells have when performed with blood, so it is important to learn about this kind of magic before attempting to use it. This kind of magic is currently practiced in Africa, Haiti, and even the United States, especially by those who practice Santeria. The poorer countries perform blood rituals with animals as they have to hunt already to survive, so after they use the animal's blood for their ritual, they will share and consume it with everyone in their village. Blood magic is another tool to use in rituals that can help you achieve and gain exactly what you want, enabling you to better fulfill your desires. It adds a great deal of power to your spell rituals, power that you cannot undo. It can help you overcome a disease or protect you from big accidents, and can help you in other major circumstances.

The Power Of Blood In Magic Rituals

Blood is a very powerful tool that many cannot even stand to use because blood makes them uncomfortable. Those who are able to mentally handle using their blood can greatly increase the power of their spells, even as beginners. We are made up of blood and blood is what keeps us alive. Blood gives us energy, it moves faster when our heart rate goes up, women bleed once a month during their cycle and also when delivering children. Blood is what gives us life but too much blood leaving us can cause death. Blood has so much power within our own bodies, it keeps us alive, so it is only natural that we can make stronger spells with blood magic. When we use blood in our magic we are putting a part of ourselves into the spell, giving the spell even more life.

Is Blood Magic Bad?

Blood magic isn't necessarily evil at all; it is just how the spell caster decides to use blood magic. You can choose to use it for good, such as for protection spells or healing spells, or you can choose to use it for ill-intent, such as for revenge, making someone love you, or to hurt them. Main stream media has given blood magic a bad name. Tv often portrays evil witches using blood magic to hurt others and make someone love them and do anything they want. While blood magic can be used in this way, most people do not use it like this. It is up to you to decide on how to use blood magic, but remember that everything has consequences so be ready to accept any consequences from good and bad magic.

Uses Of Blood Magic In Rituals

There are many uses for blood in different spells. These uses can include when you set up candles for spells. You can use your blood and mix it with oil to dress your candle. You can use blood on sigils to increase their power. Blood magic can be used on voodoo dolls. Altar tools can be dressed with your blood to increase the power and effectiveness of them. You can put some of your blood on petition spell papers. Mojo bags can have an added drop of blood for additional power. You can use blood in spells where you burn the paper. If you add a few drops of your blood onto the paper and then burn it, this will release a part of you into the spiritual plane that we cannot see, but where magic is done. Putting a few drops of blood onto the soil outside will give a little part of you to the energy of the Earth, giving you more accessible power to using Earth magic.

Do Label And Refrigerate Menstrual Blood

Menstrual blood can be a very useful ingredient in certain potions and other spells. After you have collected this type of blood, make sure you put a label on the container with the kind of blood it is and when you got collected it. Put this blood in the fridge to save it, which will keep it fresh for your blood spells. Storing your blood in a container with a lid will keep your blood fresh, so if you want it to dry faster than spread your blood out so there is more air contact. When your blood is dried, you can scrape it then grind it up into a powder, which makes it easier to use in certain spells.

Do Use A Pin To Prick Finger For Blood

Especially if you are a beginner, make sure you only use a pin to draw blood from your finger, don't use a knife. Doing that could be very dangerous with just a slight slip of your hand. Most spells only need a few drops of blood so you don't need to ever take that much blood at a time and you can often just prick your finger when doing the spell instead of needing to save any blood. Before you even use the pin on your finger, squeeze your finger near the top to push the blood up so it will come out easier when you prick with the pin. Once you have drawn some blood, you can collect it in a glass jar and put in the refrigerator to save. You can make your blood dry into flakes by spreading out your blood on a slide and then putting it into the fridge. Blood flakes can be very useful for certain spells.

Do Clean And Sanitize Your Wound

After you have drawn your blood, make sure that you clean your wound right after you are done to prevent any infection. Use antibiotic ointment and use a band-aid if your wound is still bleeding. Make sure to keep your wound clean until it completely heals. If you take your blood during a spell, make sure you clean it as soon as you are done with the spell if you do not have time to do this right after you prick your finger. Clean and disinfect anything else that your blood may have touched including surfaces and ritual tools for spells.

Do Use For Major Protection Spells

Blood magic is a great addition for beginners to use in their spells when they need major protection, such as when there could be a huge accident or something else major that could change their life. This can also include protection for your health. Use blood magic for fighting diseases, healing big injuries, or recovering from surgeries. When using this powerful tool you will be able to see a difference in your spells. Protection against something desperate, like needing more money or you will be homeless, can also warrant using blood in your spells. You don't need to use blood magic if it is only for a minor protection spell, such as protection against bug bites that don't harm you. Blood magic takes a lot of energy and can have big consequences, so don't bother using it as a tool unless the spell is for something important and worth any consequences that may come.

Don't Use Menstrual Blood In Just Any Ritual

Menstrual blood should only be used for love spells, so you should definitely reserve your menstrual blood for special occasions. It is not used in the same way that regular blood is used, so make sure you do your research before adding in menstrual blood to any spells.

Don't Leave Blood Out

Be sure to always put any stored blood in the refrigerator. Your blood can go bad if left out because bacteria will get in it, making the blood ineffective in spells and can make the blood toxic if you add it into any potions to drink. Be very careful with any blood that is used in a spell where you have to consume it, because if the blood is not stored properly then this could be very dangerous and make you very sick.

Don't Use Animal Blood If You Didn't Kill It

If any spells that you perform call for animal blood or any other kind of blood, make sure that you killed the animal or else do not use the blood. The spells and potions will not work as you want if you don't follow this rule.

Blood Magic Has Consequences

Before using any kind of blood magic, beginners especially need to research and learn about any possible consequences and side-effects that may affect them negatively. Think through before using blood magic on someone else, especially if you do not have their permission. Using blood magic for love spells can also have severe, unintended consequences and you may be wishing that you had never cast that spell. Love spells can make someone love you but it may not be real love, but forced love. Using blood magic for revenge can have serious side-effects, as what goes around will often come around. Be prepared to get something back in return for what you send out.

Menstrual Blood Uses

Menstrual blood has many uses that beginners can utilize it for. This type of blood will attract the person that you desire, especially when you add blood into something that they consume. Here are some uses that have been said to work, but be careful and do your research first, as consuming blood in any form can be toxic to humans. If you want someone to love you forever, get some fresh blood from a pigeon, don't kill the pigeon though. Take a few drops of your blood too and then write the name of the person you want along with your own name, using both kinds of blood, on your head and your arm. Cross the names as you write them. Now the person you chose will love you forever. For those women who want their man to not get involved with other women, just add nine drops of blood into his morning coffee. Her man will never leave her after that. A simple way to get a man that a woman desires to love her is to write his name with her blood from her period. Another way for beginners to get someone to love them forever is to add some blood to their soup, just make sure that the soup has something red in it to cover the blood color.

Blood Offerings To Spirits

Offering your blood to call upon certain spirits to help with your magic can greatly increase the effectiveness of your spells. There are many different spiritual entities that you can give a blood offering to, but make sure to research as much as possible before calling any one of them. Some of them may be very malicious and have ill-intent towards humans, even if you give them a blood offering.

Demon Spirit Offering Ritual

If you want help when casting spells you can give demon spirits an offering of your blood. Decide what demon you want to call and smear your blood on their sigil, and you can also put it on candles to increase the strength of the spell. Giving a few drops of your blood to the demon you are calling will make them more likely to want to help you with your spells.

Hoodoo Spirit Offering Ritual

There are hoodoo spirits that may be called upon to help you with magic spells, who may be more enticed to help if you use some blood when calling them. Some of these spirits will be more enticed by blood than others, so do your research first before calling any of them. For example, Ogun is associated with blood and is said that he can cure blood diseases. He loves blood, but it has been cautioned to only offer him stored blood and to not call on him if you are currently bleeding out of a wound or if you are on your menstrual cycle.

Protection Spell With Blood Magic

This is a great blood magic spell that beginners can easily do to protect themselves and their home from any negative spirits and energy. What you will need for this spell is some pure water, a black bowl, some minced garlic, vervain, mugwort, rue, nettle, and a pin to prick your finger with. Wait until the sun goes down to perform this ritual. Put the pure water in the bowl and add in all of the herbs with the garlic, stirring it all together. Prick your finger that you used to stir the ingredients together and let one drop of blood drip down into the mixture. Mix the bowl again, now with your blood in it, with your same finger. Head outside and say out loud that you are protecting your home. Pour this water mixture outside, as close to your front door as possible, into the earth. If you live in an apartment and your front door is a hallway or made up of concrete, use some of the water mixture to just rub it onto the frame of your front door. Only use some of this mixture, and then pour out the rest of it in front of the building just outside the main front door, or entrance to the building.

Blood Alternatives

If blood grosses you out and you can't bring yourself to use it, but want something to help boost your magic spells, there are some alternatives you can use. Some of the alternatives include semen, urine, saliva, nail clippings, and hair clippings. These have less power than blood but will add power to regular spells. It may even be a good idea for beginners to start with alternatives to blood when first working spells. This will give them a little more room for any mistakes without having such a large effect. Using blood alternatives will give you time to learn how putting some of yourself affects spells and get used to how to properly use this additional power it adds.

Conclusion: Blood Magic Rituals Are Powerful

Using blood in magic rituals adds a great deal of power that you must be prepared for and know how to use. Beginners should use caution before using any kind of magic and do their research, possibly even practicing with blood alternatives first. If you are unsure about the effects of blood magic and do not have time to research, you should not perform it at all. Adding blood into your spells makes your spells have a part of you in them, which is where the additional power comes from. We are made up of blood; it gives us life and can cause us death. Blood magic has a variety of uses, including in spells, adding power to candles, amulets, and other magic ritual tools. Blood magic rituals can have a longer-lasting effect than regular spells and will act faster. They are stronger, more powerful, and can't be undone, but will fade after a while. Be very careful when using any blood magic, but when used correctly, it can be an invaluable tool.