6 Steps on How to Attract the True Love of your Life

Everyone wants to know how to attract the true love of their life. Look no further, here are 6 tips that will lead to your happily ever after!

By Vivie Gach
6 Steps on How to Attract the True Love of your Life

Attracting The Love Of Your Life

Love is fickle. Nowadays, it seems nearly impossible to find the true love of your life. The love that was meant for you! The kind of love that declares itself wholeheartedly, romantically and with no holds barred. The kind of love that only comes once in a lifetime! Marriage is a sacred bond between two people. We all know this. The reason that so many marriages are failing is because people are two impatient. Rushing into something and getting married because you want to be married isn't the same as marrying someone that you love. All that does is end up hurting both of the people involved. That is why there are steps that we all must take in our personal lives before we find the one. These are often referred to as 'The Laws of Love'. Unfortunately, people seem so taken by the idea of falling in love, that lines become blurred. Loving someone as a friend turns, unnecessarily, into something more because of the infatuation with the idea of falling in love! There are a few reasons that this happens; a need for being loved, a need to nurture someone, a longing for companionship and romance; the list goes on. Whatever the reason, there is a way to turn your course for the better. There is a way to stumble across that fairy-tale that is solely and individually yours. There is a way to find that once in a lifetime love, affirmations and all. Here are the 6 laws, or steps, which will help you attract the love of your life.

1. Attract And Love Yourself First

To find the love of your life, you first need to know and understand yourself. If you're one of those people who doesn't normally stay single for very long, it may be a good idea to take a break from all of those failed relationships and do some introspecting. It is a timeless saying: You must first love yourself before you can be loved by someone else. And, why is it so timeless? Because it's true! To be loved by another person, you must first know who you are, what you like/dislike, and what you will/will not compromise on in your way of beliefs, values and morals. Once you get a good idea of what you want and what hasn't been so appealing to you, you will be surprised at how the men who approach you change. This may just be the biggest and most challenging step, or law, you will make for yourself and your future love. No one ever said that loving someone is easy, and that is one thing that many people lose sight of. No one is perfect. Knowing what you will and will not tolerate will not only steer you from doomed relationships and wasted effort, but it will also give you a sense of self-worth. You see, getting a true understanding of what you like and don't like, will and will not tolerate, etc. will not only help you pick and choose which men you want to date, but it also sends out a sort of 'aura', or energy. Men can usually tell within the first 30 seconds if they are going to like someone. Have you ever heard a story about two people just 'clicking'? It's the same thing. Essentially, the men can tell that you aren't 'clicking', even if they feel that they are, and they will not pursue you knowing that you two have very different expectations.

2. Attract A Man With Independence, Not Needs

A girl who knows her worth is the most precious rarity. So many women nowadays set extremely high expectations for themselves on the way that they should look, dress and act because of various different components, including; celebrities, television, and the overall sexualization of both men and women during today's modern times. If you want to attract the love of your life, making sure that your life is in order, inside and out, is a must! Making sure that you are comfortable and happy with your life before a relationship is one of the most crucial parts in finding true love. No one wants to date a grown person living in their parent's basement. It's fine if you're in high school but, after that, the line gets a little hazy. If you truly want to attract the man of your dreams, you need to establish yourself as a woman first. Make a to-do list of all the things that you need to get done. If this list gets hefty or overwhelming, chances are that you need to focus on your priorities, which at this point shouldn't include finding the man of your dreams. Make sure you have a healthy income and independence before dating anyone. Having things half-finished or put together normally leads to half-assed men! When you have things figured out, you will attract more decent men. Before you know it, you will have affirmations of love falling out of dozens of guy's mouths. And, one of those lucky guys will earn your hand in marriage.

3. Get Out There And Attract All Kinds Of Men

Don't solely focus on dating, or dating in one place or area. The less you think about, the more natural and true it will be when it does happen. Put yourself out there and enjoy life all while waiting for that one special man to sweep you off your feet. And, don't limit yourself to only dating locally or from certain places. You'd be surprised what going to a different gas station than usual could do! Dating inside of certain areas or groups of friends is asking for trouble. Never limit yourself to certain areas or people, no matter how long or little you've known them. Everyone has a statute of limitations (I don't suggest dating outside of the state or country if you don't plan on moving or ever seeing your love) but, all in all, try and challenge yourself. Date a guy from a different town or from a different background and upbringing. It keeps the relationship fresh and alive for a lot longer, and can even teach you a few new things. So, do the career change you've thought about since you interned at your current company or go on a road trip to the place you always wanted to see. You might be surprised who you meet and the energy you feel. Traveling in itself is a great way to meet the man of your dreams if you've had trouble dating in the past. Dating people that you don't know is equally as powerful. Dating people that know you, or know people that know you, can sometimes lead to future relationship complications. People tend to gossip, and if you were the girl who brought the tequila to senior prom, you may not want your new beau to know about it just yet. Unfortunately, he probably already does if he's friends with more than a few mutual friends. So, don't date inside any circle unless you want to set yourself up for a challenging, if not failed, relationship.

4. Make Room To Love Them

The energy people exude when they love someone is indescribable. You can feel this love as a daughter, sister, mother, and wife. But, nothing compares to the energy felt when the man of your dreams enters your life. The affirmations of love and trust are no longer needed, but craved in an entirely new way. The Law of Love is to never fall in love with the true love of your life until you are ready. Here's why. If you fall in love before you are ready, it can be terrifying, and potentially fatal, to the growing relationship. The growth of the relationship may be hindered because the little girl inside you is desperately reaching for love, while the scarred woman in you is pushing it away and not allowing it to blossom to its full potential. Being afraid to love someone is a cruel and unusual punishment for you both. If he truly loves you, he will likely be crushed at how little you let him in. If he doesn't and you let him in, you could be equally crushed. It's best to wait until you feel comfortable in your situation and have fewer stressors. If you are constantly busy with your everyday life, try meeting others and dating when you have less going on. This will give you time to really delve into your new romance and allow it to blossom without constantly being stressed and worrying about if you got the assignment done. Alternately, if you normally have little going on and are accustomed to routine, try dating at a high energy point in your life. This will boost your mood and liveliness in the dating scene, which will make you a more eligible bachelorette. Romance is a delicate thing and you don't want to waste it because you were afraid. Be open, honest, and communicate! If there is something you are not ready for, tell them. If they truly are the love of your life, they will understand and allow you to lead until you are more comfortable (because you're worth the wait!). If they don't, don't get choked up. They obviously weren't your true soul-mate if they couldn't even give you the decency to feel comfortable in your own relationship!

5. Be Final In your Decisions

Seize the day. Take a chance or two.

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It's simple. When you make a decision, stick to it! No guy likes a flakey girl. Now, we're not talking about something as simple as where to go to dinner (though, men do find this rather annoying). We're talking about major decisions, like; moving in together, marriage, kids, etc. This can also go with moral values, religious beliefs, and other things of the sort. It's better to find out early on if there are things that you are unwilling to compromise on. Be open and honest about what you want and need, even if you think it might hurt your man's feelings. If he truly is the love of your life, he will understand. And, when you make that decision, stick to it. If you find yourself wondering, ponder on it for a while before bringing the topic back up impulsively. This may lead your man to think you've changed your mind. Don't be afraid of hurting his feelings, especially early on. His feelings aren't going to be hurt on the second date if you bring up the topic of focusing on your career and he says he's ready to start having kid's. Just because he is ready, doesn't mean you have to be ready. In fact, one thing that you could do if you've made it to the second or third date with a guy is to write down a list of both short-term and long-term questions to ask him. Try and tailor the questions to things that are important to you. Dating was created for people who are interested in one another to learn about one another, so don't be afraid to ask semi-personal, but general, questions. The earlier that you find something that you can't compromise on, the less time you will waste attempting to make the relationship work. It's a great thing to be open-minded, especially when you are thinking of sharing your entire life with someone. However, changing yourself or bending things to suit your partner will only lead you to resent them later. It doesn't matter how pretty his face is if he can't be with you if you don't convert to his religion or if he wants ten kids and you don't want any children. These are things that will either have to be majorly compromised on or the relationship will eventually fall apart. Afterwards, you will have spent however long in a relationship that was destined to fail from the beginning, and no one wants that. So, be clear and final on what you want early on, no matter what!

6. Love Your Past, Don't Regret It

Your past made you unique. If you have found a great guy and things are stable and somewhat serious, you will most likely start sharing details of your past. There will be some things that you don't feel quite comfortable talking about or bringing up at first. That's okay, take your time. However, there will come a time (before marriage) where these things will need to come out. Don't be ashamed of them. Your scars, internal or external, are what make you, you! Your man will love you that much more for being honest and because you have let him in to the deepest crevices of your heart. Only then, can you find the true romance of life and only then can the scars start to be healed by your love. Their affirmations of love and the romance and energy that you two share will be enough to heal any inner wounds you may be carrying with you. Trust them with your heart, and you will be able to reach a level of self-confidence that you have only dreamed of.

Friendly Tip? Forget Your Exes!

Friendly little reminder to go along with the six steps to finding the love of your life: Forget your exes! Completely! When you find the true love of your life, you will regret all that time you spent lamenting over failed relationships. And, furthermore, how can you possibly fall in love with a man when you still have another man on your mind? One law of love is to never compare your guy/girl to any other relationship. No one wants to hear about the romance you may have shared with another person other than the one you are with. So, in short, if you truly want to find the love of your life, keep your ex and the memories you shared out of the equation!

The Final Word

The final result is that if you follow all of these 'laws', they will land you in the greatest romance of your life, which can soothe you for a lifetime and make your life really happy. His affirmations of love will no longer be detested by your fear, which is a very good thing. You will be living the true fairy-tale romance of life and that will be a sure thing. In relationships, and even marriage, there are bumps and turns and slopes. Do you know what makes marriage last through thick and thin? Compromise, affirmations of love and an unbreakable energy that surges to your core! You will wonder how you went through life without this person before they stepped in. The frightened girl will be gone and the confident woman will step forward. Knowing she is loved like no other woman in his world. Because that's what love is!