10 Signs You Can't Ignore When Something Doesn't Feel Right In Your Relationship

Sometimes something just doesn't feel right about a relationship so here are ten signs to look for when things don't feel quite right.

By Cassie
10 Signs You Can't Ignore When Something Doesn't Feel Right In Your Relationship

When your relationship doesn’t feel right

Almost everyone has experienced a failing relationship and because it's not an easy thing to deal with we often subconsciously ignore the signs in order to protect ourselves. However, as humans were equipped with a great intuition that’s always in full gear even when we try to ignore what’s obvious. Our intuition is one of our strongest senses and its one that shouldn't be ignored and it's usually our first indication that something is wrong. It's best to pair this feeling with physical signs and if your intuition is telling you that something isn’t right in your relationship consider looking for these ten red flags. If you are, it may be time to end the relationship or do significant work in order to restore it.

1.) Lack of communication

Good communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Couples are supposed to communicate frequently and effectively to make sure both are satisfied with the relationship and to keep their bond strong. However, if one partner doesn’t like to discuss problems or has recently halted communication, this could seriously hurt the relationship. If you are seeing this pattern with your partner, try initiating a conversation to talk about the communication problem. If your partner responds negatively, and continues to avoid conversation, then it will be very hard for both of you to continue a healthy bond.

2.) Behavioral changes

Have you noticed a sudden change in your partner’s habits? Are they suddenly working late, avoiding communication, or doing things that go against their character? Maybe they no longer like doing certain activities that you once enjoyed doing together. These changes are not only signs that something is wrong with your relationship, but it also depends on what the behavior is. Ask yourself if there are any of the other red flag that have recently emerged or if the behavior seems to be directly related to the relationship. Is your partner avoiding or ignoring you? The relationship may be the cause. but if you're unsure about what's going try communicating with your significant other. It’s good to rule out any other life changes in your partner’s life that may be affecting their behavior. However, be prepared just in case your partner admits that the relationship is the cause. While it may hurt to hear what your partner has to say, it will be good to get it out in the open. If your partner isn’t straightforward with you or they avoid having that conversation then consider this a red flag warning.

3.) Lack of Trust

Not being able to trust your partner is a huge red flag or perhaps you've caught your partner lying to you. If they have other behaviors that you feel are wrong for your relationship it might time to sit down and have a chat. As mentioned before, communication is always important when working on issues in your relationship. The problem starts when the partner continuously ignores your wishes and needs and continues these behaviors anyway. If you've established that you need him to always be honest, and yet he continues to lie to you, that is a clear lack of respect for your needs. In that case, he's crossing the boundaries that you've set for your partnership, which is wrong for anyone seeking a healthy bond. Whether your lack of trust is due to something minor like not trusting him to get chores done, or something much bigger like lying or cheating, it's a huge sign that something is wrong.

4.) Withdrawal

Is your partner doing everything he can to avoid talking to you? Maybe you've noticed that he doesn’t text you as often, or that you you're not together as much--these are both red flags--pay attention. Sometimes withdrawal has nothing to do with the relationship. For example, sometimes people withdraw when they're depressed, or they feel embarrassed or ashamed of something they've don. Therefore, before seeing this as a definite sign of the end of your relationship, try to find out the reason for his withdrawl. If he is withdrawing from everyone, then the problem is not the relationship itself, but the issue should still be addressed. If it seems like he's just avoiding you but spending a significant amount of time with friends, family, and others, then maybe this is a sign that he wants to move on. If the relationship has come to an end, it might be best to walk away.

5.) Controlling and clingy behavior

On the flip side, a partner can become very controlling when they feel that their status as your partner is threatened. This is due to the fact that they also feel that something is wrong with the relationship and they're trying to save it. Maybe your love for him has naturally diminished or maybe he saw you talking to another man and got jealous. For whatever reason, instead of working on healthy communication, they decide to control your every action and they can often become very clingy. This is a sign that your partner is not emotionally mature and is not willing to discuss their feelings and needs in a mature way. In order for them to feel like the relationship is okay, they need to control their partner’s every move. If your partner is doing this to you, this a huge sign that this partner is not right for you. It’s true that people can change, and you can try to discuss the issue with your partner, however, if they don’t change then you may need to move on. Take time to compose yourself before you jump into another relationship. Once your ready to date again, take the time to find a relationship with someone who respects your boundaries and your time.

6.) Making plans without your partner

One thing that makes relationships fun is when both partners make plans for the future with one other. Couples are supposed to make plans for the future together but if the relationship wanes, each partner might begin to make their own plan. This is when couples see the relationship come to an end and they see themselves as single entity. Has you partner done anything recently that indicates he doesn’t see a future with you? Does he make big decisions in his life without consulting you or even letting you know? On the flip side, are you doing the same to him? Probably the biggest indicator that a relationship is about to end is if you don’t even have any plans or daydreams about a future together. If you see yourself in the future as single person instead of a partner, then it is clear that you no longer believe the relationship is right for you and it is time for the relationship to come to an end.

7.) Constant fighting

All couples fight at some time, however, couples are supposed to establish a healthy form of communication if they wish to continue a healthy and strong bond. Many couples go through phases of fighting, but if you and your partner seem to fight about everything, including small and insignificant things, then this could be a problem. If you feel unsure whether your fighting has become problematic, then try having a calm conversation with your partner about your concerns. You may also try to consider couples counseling to work on these problems. However, sometimes these patterns are just sure-fire signs that a relationship is ending. If it feels impossible to have a calm discussion with your partner then it is going to be very hard to build the relationship back up.

8.) You don't feel empathy for your partner

It goes without saying that if you don’t care about your partner, you probably shouldn’t be together. Have either you or your partner been dismissive when the other is going through a life crisis or any other problem? If you don’t feel empathy towards what your partner is going through, it’s going to be hard to fight for the relationship. This is a huge sign that you have emotionally moved on, even if you haven’t officially ended the relationship. You might also dealing with hardships in your career and you come home to vent to your partner, only to be dismissed or ignored. It can be painful seeing that the person you care about doesn’t care about your problems. This is a major sign that things aren’t quite right and that one or both partners is no longer invested in the relationship.

9.) Changes in the bedroom

All couples go through fluctuations in the bedroom, but if you and your partner have significantly decreased how often you have sex, then this could have negative effects on the relationship. Couples are supposed to have frequent intimate time because it is crucial for a healthy relationship. When this piece of a relationship is failing, then the whole relationship is affected. Notice any changes in the bedroom, such as how engaged you and your partner are and how often you are having sex, because those changes the show a lot about the status of your relationship.

10.) Abusive behavior

The worst kind of relationship that anyone can be involved in is an abusive relationship. However, abusive behaviors aren’t always visible when a relationship is right. At first, you may not see the signs that this person isn’t treating you right. In fact, your partner may treat you in wonderful and loving ways in the very beginning but as time goes on, and problems arise in the relationship, it’s how each person responds to those problems that shows whether the relationship is right for everyone involved. A person who is not emotionally mature or has never learned how to resolve conflict in a healthy way may develop abusive behaviors as a way to deal with conflict. Abusive behavior can come in many forms. Society tends to believe that abuse is only in the form of violence and other forms of abuse are not that bad. However, all forms of abuse whether physical, emotional or verbal can have detrimental effects not only on the relationship but also on the partner’s self-esteem and well-being. Any form of abusive behavior is an immediate red flag that this relationship is not right, and you need to get out now. If you are unsure if the behaviors your partner is exhibiting are abusive, you can always do research online or talk to a friend or counselor. However, if you feel that the behaviors are abusive than they probably are. If you feel you're experiencing abusive behavior, end the relationship as soon as possible so that you can once again feel safe and secure. There is no context where an abusive relationship is right for anyone, so it's important to end things as soon as you feel abused.

Move on when the relationship doesn’t feel right

Noticing that something feels off in a relationship can worry you which means it can be even harder when the signs and evidence confirm that a relationship is about to end. However, it’s important to listen to both your feelings and the signs that you might be seeing. Everyone deserves to have a healthy relationship and these signs only show that this relationship isn’t right for you. Keep in mind that these signs don’t guarantee that the relationship is going to end, however, it does show that a lot of work needs to be done to keep the relationship going. There will need to be effort from both partners and both will need to see which of their behaviors is hurting the relationship the most. Sadly, sometimes the best solution is just to end the relationship and move on. The earlier that you and your partner admit that you both need to move on, the better. Moving on can be sad or frightening but it can also open up room in your life for a relationship that feels right.