What Does It Mean When She is Biting Her Lips?
Pick up the correct body language when a girl bites her lips!
Apr 06, 2020

Women are subtle creatures. They give countless signs which have even more innumerable meanings. How then does a guy decipher if a girl playing with her hair is showing signs of flirting or not? How does one read a woman's mind and figure out if the attraction is mutual or not?
Well, the second question is close to impossible, but, fortunately, there are ways to figure out a woman using a little bit of science and psychology.

What is the lip bite?
Women rely on body language a lot to give off signals because it's still not common for a woman to do the courting or confessing of one's attraction. Aside from the eyes and the hands, a woman's lips portray much information about what's going on in her mind.
In fact, the lips are surrounded by muscles making it possible to portray so many gestures and movements that could have a specific meaning. The lips alone could symbolize an emotion, making it an interesting body part to observe.
The main thing to remember with a lip bit is that it usually means a mixture of desire and restraint. Yes, much like Anastasia Steele in Fifty Shades of Grey the lip bite is an action that shows a woman's inner struggle – the context though remains unknown and should not be automatically deduced that it's desire.
Some women bite their lips naturally and subconsciously. If it's a habit, then there isn't much meaning when she does it in front of you. Hopefully, this gives a glimpse as to how delicate the lip-biting situation could be and no assumptions should be made until more signals are provided.

Signs of danger
The lip bite doesn't always mean sexual attraction and desire. A woman could be biting her lips to keep them closed, or she might be stopping herself from saying something rash and unwanted. She could also be actually attracted to you and restraining herself from kissing you.
The best way to gauge if the lip biting is something positive and sexual is to look at the context. One cannot look at the lip-biting alone but check for corresponding body language and tone of voice. We'll expound on this later on.
How to read a woman's lips
To become a master of the lip bite, we must first differentiate it with other lip activities. We don't want the mistake of assuming she's horny and feeling flirty when in fact she was not biting her lips in that way.

When a woman has this tight-lipped expression, it's to contain the buildup of tension she's feeling. There is a lot of emotion behind those locked lips. Whether it's anger, frustration, or even joy and excitement, a woman could hold those strong emotions in by tightening her lips.
And yes! Even sexual tension could cause a woman to have this expression. It usually symbolizes how she's nervous about a potential romantic interest and is not quite ready to open up and become vulnerable. She could be weighing in the options at that moment. It is up to those around her to make her feel relaxed and comfortable so that she would open up emotionally and physically (those lips).

Loose lips
A woman displaying loose lips is a tricky one. It could mean she's bored, sad, focused, or relaxed. The key to gauging which emotion is present, a quick look into her eyes, would confirm things. Loose lips often symbolize sadness and despair because someone feels helpless, without any options left, and therefore have no energy to keep their lips together. Then we have the moments when we are bored, have lost muscle control over our mouths and left it hanging.
Don't forget taking a quick glance on her eyes so you could act appropriately. With the right approach, it is not so difficult to turn those loose lips of boredom into lip-biting of arousal.

Tense lips
Often accompanied by an arched brow, tense lips exude disappointment and anger. When a woman is mad or upset about something, it's habitual to make the lips stiff. While it's easier to run for the hills when a woman is showing tense lips, sometimes a slow attempt to ask what's wrong could work for your favor.

Lip bite
Lastly, we have the famous lip biting. The most common meaning or symbolism of the lip bite from a woman is interest. She feels attracted to you, and she's expressing it through the action of lip biting. More often than not, women bite their lips subconsciously when around a sexy man, and it's a response where she tries to show off her feminine luscious lips to seize his attention.
You could consider it as icing on the cake, but when a woman sexually bites her lips around you, it means she wants you and you alone. Her target is you, and you have this effect on her that's creating butterflies in her stomach and making her want so much more.
Other emotions that trigger the lip bite is self-restraint or concentration. She might have some nasty words she'd want to say but would rather keep it in to avoid unwanted trouble, or she's engrossed in an activity and shouldn't be bothered until it's finished.

The key is to pay close attention
Let's say you're on a date and things are going well. The conversation is flowing (and so is the wine). Suddenly, you catch her staring at you and biting her lips. Do you lean over and gently bite those sexy lips as well? The key to deciphering the lip bite is to pay close attention. Below are some tips and tricks to gauge if the lip bite is a sign of something sexual and that you should take the plunge.
The lip bite would prove attraction if:
- She's constantly touching her hair, whether brushing it with her fingers or mindlessly twirling it when she's around you
- She finds some reason to physical touch you, whether it's a gentle pat on the arm or she wanted to squeeze your biceps because you work out
- You catch her staring at you and not just once
- She fidgets with her clothes when you approach her because she's conscious of her appearance
- You catch her laughing or giggling at your lamest jokes (or anything you say, even if it wasn't that funny)
- She gives you a subtle hawk-eye look when you're around other girls
- Her pupils are dilated when she's looking at you. People naturally tend to have dilated pupils toward someone they are attracted to as a way of focusing on one's prey)
- She stands closer to you compared to other people
- She uncrosses her arms and adjusts her posture when you come close as a sign that she's inviting you into her sphere of personal space

Gauging whether or not the lip bite is something sexual would require multiple observations and extensive research to avoid disaster. She should be showing any or all of the signs of interest and attraction above before you can conclude that she wasn't restraining herself with from saying something hurtful with that lip bite.
Another trick is to watch where her eyes are focused on when she's biting her lips. If she's looking at your lips or into your eyes, then it's a good sign she's thinking of kissing you or prodding you to kiss her first.
Much like one piece to a puzzle, the lips should be considered as a whole, in whatever context is currently applicable.

Find out what are the flirting body language of men and women
There is something truly sexy and fierce when a woman is staring intently at you and biting her lips - like a lioness about to pounce on her prey which she knows would be yummy. When handled successfully, the lip bite could lead to so much adventure and discovery between you and your romantic interest.