Missing My Girlfriend: 15 Ways to Overcome the Pain
As a man, you may find yourself in a situation where you miss your girlfriend. The question is how to overcome these feelings. Find out here.
Jul 24, 2018

Missing My Girlfriend; 15 Ways to Overcome the Pain
The feeling of missing someone is a hard one to cope with. You can miss your parents, your spouse, or even a friend. Missing someone especially a girlfriend makes one feel inadequate, sad, and lonely. You can try to occupy your mind but the more you resist acknowledging the feeling, the more you get hurt. Your girlfriend may go away for several years or die. Therefore the feeling of longing and loneliness will overwhelm you. The best thing about missing your girlfriend is learning to love yourself. Have your time alone to reflect what you want to do with your life. There is no need to wallow in self-pity. Below are some pointers that will help you to overcome the pain of missing your girlfriend if you ever find yourself in such a position:
1. Acknowledge the Sad Feeling
When a long distance separates you and your girlfriend, there is a feeling of loneliness and sadness that you are unable to overcome. You miss your girlfriend so much until it hurts you. Do not fight the feeling; acknowledge it, let it flow in you and see it as a positive thing. Being sad is okay. However, do not stay sad forever. Mourn for a day or two; listen to a sad song and acknowledge the hurt feeling.
2. Rediscover Yourself Again
Your girlfriend is now a long distance away and, probably, it will take a long time for her to come back. Use this time to focus on yourself. Rediscover the things you once loved doing. Perhaps when you started dating your girlfriend, you stopped doing some things you enjoyed painting, exercising, and dancing just to mention but a few, due to lack of time. Now you have all the time to yourself. Focus on it and love yourself again. When you miss her, and you feel hopeless, focusing on yourself will help you to overcome the pain. Engage yourself but do not overdo it.
3. Watch a TV Film
Watching a movie may sound stupid especially if you are missing your girlfriend. Choosing your favorite movie and watching it will please you and you, get entertained. Moreover, you will get distracted for over two hours. You will forget you miss her. Try it out; you might like it.
4. Go Out With Friends
Friends are a great way to help you release tension, loneliness, inadequacy, and hopelessness. Your friends will appreciate you as you are. They might suggest you join them more often, therefore, distracting you for hours. There is no need to stay alone, especially if you miss your girlfriend. Go out more often, have fun, and talk various things with your friends. Perhaps your girlfriend is enjoying herself too. Why the self-pity yet you can overcome the sad feeling? Make sure you go out every evening with different friends. To top it up, make new friends.
5. Have a Night Over With Your Friends at Your Place
Instead of wallowing in self-pity, invite some close friends over to your place. This will make you a host. The preparation and getting your house tidy will help you overcome how much you miss your girlfriend. Also, it will help you maintain some hygiene in your house. Friends will keep you occupied for several hours.
6. Make Calls
Your girlfriend being a long distance away does not mean you two cannot communicate. Agree on the time you two should be communicating. You can use video chats or calls, whichever is comfortable for you two. Make sure you have a private space where you can talk to your girlfriend and catch up. You will definitely miss your girlfriend after that, but you will have something to look forward to every day. Long distances can break a relationship but only if you let it.
7. Avoid Jealousness
Jealousy is a feeling that can destroy your relationship. Your girlfriend being far away does not mean she should spend her time alone wallowing herself in self-pity like you. She is free to mingle and look for new friends. Therefore, do not be pre-occupied with what she is doing all the time. Avoid calling her now and then, sending her messages all the time, and expecting her to answer your calls immediately. You will see smoother her, and in return, she will feel suffocated. She might leave you if she suspects you are jealous. Your girlfriend will start avoiding you. Go out and make new friends too. Keep yourself busy and learn to trust your girlfriend. Do not let any negative thoughts to fill your mind. Your girlfriend loves you; do not destroy what you two have by being jealous.
8. Cry If You Must
Missing someone brings sadness. The more you keep on thinking about that particular person, the more it hurts you. Cry if you must. It will release that sad energy to you, and you will feel much better after that. Staying in bed and thinking about your past times can make you feel sad. Do not fight it or repress it; let it go and cry out. This will not make you less of a man; it will make you human.
9. Write a Love Message to Your Girlfriend
A written message has a deeper meaning than word of mouth. When you miss your girlfriend, do not self-pity yourself. Take a piece of paper and pour your heart out. Tell her how much you miss her, what you miss most about her among other things you feel. She will appreciate it, and you will be surprised that she feels the same way you do. Do not let this chance pass you, write to her a love message and let her know how you feel. You will feel much better after you have poured your heart out. Send it to her and wait for the reply.
10. Be Creative
Release that energy missing your girlfriend by creating something nice for her. When you are in that state of longing for someone you love, your creativity side is awakened. You will find yourself coming up with something beautiful for her. Inscribe a love message for her if you must. It will be so sincere and original. Time will pass, and you will have turned the longing energy to something positive. Use this time well to be creative.
11. Find A Way to Visit
At times, it is best to just visit your girlfriend or meet up half way if the distance is too long. Seeing her in person may fulfill you. You will stop longing for her, and the feeling of sadness will diminish. This will help you look forward to the next time when you see her again.
12. Release the Sexual Energy
Let us be real for a minute. We are all human, and sex is part of any relationship. When your girlfriend has been gone for a long time, sexual energy builds up. This will make you miss her a lot every day. Until that sexual energy is released, you will keep longing for her. There are ways you can relieve that sexual energy; for instance, you can have a video chat with your girlfriend and get gamey, or you can learn to please yourself. The choice is yours. You will realize how much better you will feel afterward. Do not cheat on your girlfriend. Find ways to please each other online.
13. Enroll In a Gym
Exercise is a great way to release built up energy. When you are overwhelmed with missing your girlfriend, and you have been suppressing those feelings for weeks, enroll for a gym session and sweat it out. Exercising will raise your adrenaline, and you will forget that you were missing your girlfriend. The hurt feeling will subside. Do not overdo it lest you exhaust yourself out.
14. Read Your Girlfriend's Favorite Book
At times when you miss your girlfriend, you are not in the mood for company. Therefore, you might want to spend time alone. You want to feel close to her, but distance cannot let you. Pick her favorite book or novel and read it. This will make you feel close to her since her favorite book is personal to her. However, if your girlfriend does not enjoy reading books, you can still use photos of you two. This might sound sadder, but it works. Looking at both of your pictures taken in various places will make you feel much better; you might find yourself remembering some funny incidences that took place while you were together. This will bring you closer to her. If it will make you feel better, then pick one photo and frame it. Therefore, anytime you miss her you get to look at the picture on your wall.
15. Missing Someone Who Left You
When someone you love leaves, it is a sad feeling. You will be hurt and become overwhelmed with how much you miss her. Your girlfriend may leave you for someone else, she may die, or she may leave you for good. You will start having negative thoughts about your girlfriend. Therefore, instead of letting her occupy your mind, fill your mind with only the positive thoughts of your girlfriend like the things you two used to do and how she influenced you positively to mention a few. Write those thoughts down and place them in a box. Whenever negative thoughts come back, pick up the box and remind yourself why you loved her in the first place. Missing someone is an intense feeling that can overwhelm you. It is an energy that needs to be embraced, and you should find a way to release it positively. Do not wallow in self-pity because you miss your girlfriend, neither should you repress the feeling since you will only get hurt. Write a love messages to her, call her, and above all learn to love yourself first. If you love yourself, others will love you back. The above guidelines are some of the few ways to relieve yourself from missing your girlfriend. Use them wisely.