30 Sexy Things Men Really Want To Hear In Bed

30 things guys love to hear from their women during bedroom romps

By Gerald Matiri
30 Sexy Things Men Really Want To Hear In Bed

What guys want to hear in bed?

If certain things give you unending pleasure when they come from your man, why not reciprocate his effort to help him achieve sexual bliss? Saying sweet and naughty stuff in bed can make him perform better, but this does not mean you start sugarcoating compliments and remarks concerning his performance. You don’t need to say raunchy stuff; be genuine and add sexual connotations. Sexual remarks give men a kick and boost their confidence because they feel indulged.

But first, make sure you understand what your guy likes to hear and say it at the right moment. Letting your man know how you like his moves is a sure way to add to his sexual prowess. Note that what excites guys in bed could be different from what arouses women but the truth is every partner likes to hear praises for their performance. For women, sweet compliments and pampering work best while for men appreciation is the epitome of sexual pleasure. When in bed, you should appreciate your man’s physical qualities, non-physical traits, his moves, and what he has done for you. It’s all about saying the right things. Don’t lie to him because he will not appreciate this in the long-run if he discovers that you were dishonest.

@elisabeth.blond / Instagram

Know what guys love to hear in bed

Whatever you tell your man during the intimate act should crank up his arousal, boost his confidence, and make you feel good as well. But before you unleash the dirty or sweet talk, there are some general pointers you need to know.

Be honest

Don’t say romantic things for the sake of it- you have to mean it. Note that your body language hardly lies and he will know when you are faking it. So, let your actions and words stay in-sync.

Keep it short and sweet

Do not be like a chatterbox; you might put him off. Don’t rumble and get straight to the point. You should know what to say what and when.

Be precise

Let your man you have noted something special about him. For instance, don’t just say ‘you are sweet’. Instead tell him, ‘your lips are so sweet’. This will make him see you as a thoughtful woman. Without much ado, let’s get straight to what men love to hear in bed.

What guys want to hear just before intercourse?

1. I love your passionate kisses

Men love it when they know that their kisses are irresistible. When you praise his kissing techniques, be specific about what excites you the most. It could be his tongue maneuvers or the softness of his lips. Don’t just say he is a good kisser. You want him to know that he is different from other guys. That way, he will kiss you even more passionately and this is of course what you want. You can also encourage him to kiss your other erogenous zones besides your lips.

2. I feel good cuddling in bed with you

Before the intimate act, your aim should be to rev up the sexual tension between you and your guy. You don’t need to start with the dirty talk. Your man would love to hear how he makes your life different. He will feel more special and significant if you express your inner feelings when he is holding you. Women are not the only ones who want to hear sweet nothings; men love them too. The best part is that he will reciprocate this with more sex.

3. Your beard looks good this way

This is a good compliment. As a matter of fact, any physical compliment makes men feel more attractive; it helps to eliminate the little insecurities they have. Focusing on something specific like his beard lets him see that you are an attentive lady- that you have noted his latest shaving or styling. Don’t just say it; touch and caress his beard and he will thank you for it by say playing with your hair. Men love to feel pampered even though they don’t ask for it. Try this and see how turned on he gets.

4. I can’t wait to feel you inside

Assuming you have been with this guy on a number of dates, you shouldn’t be shy to spell this out. It is a great foreplay tactic for more established lovers. These words can work magic as they communicate your fantasies, hence making his imaginations run wild. It shows how you crave for the moisture, the sensations, and the heat when he gets inside. Say this phrase in whispers as you kiss his neck. It is a surefire way to drive him crazy- he will also be imagining the same thing.

5. I’m all yours tonight

Guys love it when they know they are free to do what they want with their ladies. Try saying this to your man and see him give you his best in bed. He will use your favorite sex positions and make love to you as if it is the last time. Let him know he can do what he pleases and don’t stop him. Make sure that you are ready to explore a lot of stuff before you give yourself to him. You have no idea what he could do to make you happy; it is like asking him to give his best shot tonight.

6. I enjoy playing with your body

This is synonymous with requesting him to spend a little more time on foreplay. Compose yourself and let your body language do the job. Then let him know you enjoy everything and not just in the climaxing phase. Show him how much you love playing with his body to appreciate him. Compliment his chest, his abs, and strong arms. Then go ahead and make precise comments like the feeling you get when you lie on his chest. He loves your body too and he will compliment your figure, skin, and curves to make you feel special.

@capslock_ola / Instagram

7. You are the perfect seducer

Make sure that this comes out genuinely and your man will love you more. Tell him how great he is at seduction game and he will be taken to cloud nine. To make you happier, he will bring up more romantic tactics to drive you crazy in bed. Pick out the moves in which your man has been extraordinary in bed and use this phrase. It could be something you have always desired and he has done it to you. This statement will make him feel more comfortable doing it because he knows that you will enjoy.

8. Let’s make this night unforgettable

What a lovely expression to induce confidence! Men love to feel wanted and these words do just that. This declaration gives men the surety that they are not the only ones who want some actions but also their beloved partners. Show him that you are equally involved in the lovemaking act by whispering these words in his ears. Most people believe that men are more sexually driven than women. If you can show equal interest in the desire to make love, you will be doing some miracles. He would love to see you getting out of that cocoon and enjoy a night of passion like it’s the very last time.

@_killingmachine47_ / Instagram

9. Touch my…. (mention one pressure point)

Tell him that you love how he touches your boobs or thighs. You can guide him to your moan zones but make sure to let him know when he does it correctly. Your words of encouragement would be more stimulating and will encourage him to give you more. If you want your man to be more vocal, reach his neck and whisper something you want him to do to you and include all the details.

As he follows your lead, respond appropriately. It is like conditioning him to a particular behavior and rewarding him for it Do not hesitate to talk about the foreplay and give him genuine feedback. Applaud him when does it well and your sex romp will always be exciting. Showing him where to touch you and appreciating his actions is something he definitely wants to hear before you get to the real thing.

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10. Why don’t we try a new thing tonight?

Nobody wishes to have a monotonous lovemaking session. You should be a woman-magnet by showing him how adventurous you can be in bed. Demonstrate your curiosity and willingness to explore new stuff with him. Guys want to hear their women say that they are free to go an extra mile. They love new sex positions and moves especially when they are initiated by their female partners. As a matter of fact, your man will love you more for taking the initiative; he will be stirred and perform better than you imagined.

@bluebusadventure / Instagram

11. I have been fantasizing about you and me in bed

This is very flattery and it will work wonders. If you are notorious when it comes to sharing your sexual fetish, he would really love it if you try to be outspoken in bed. One thing about men is that they are always straightforward and they wish their ladies would be the same. Sharing fantasies with your man is something he would love to hear over and over.

What guys love to hear during intercourse?

12. I adore your…. (mention the favorite part of his body)

A man wants to know if you are truly enjoying his body rather than fantasizing about a hot gym instructor. Therefore, you should mention the part of his body you love the most- it could be his manhood or his energetic chest. Make sure you caress it during the lovemaking session. This will make him swoon. You too are concerned about your body and how he thinks of you; if you want him to appreciate you, use this phrase as you go down on him. Make the compliments not just about him but how he makes you feel as well.

@ridersofthemilkyway / Instagram

13. Guys love to hear their girls moan in bed

He will love to hear you getting into it, so moan it up. But do not make the excessive screaming; he will wonder if you are faking it. Stay in control to make the moment sound more romantic than a fight. The last thing you want is to wake up the neighbors. It is always nice to hear your partner moaning because it’s an assurance that whatever you are doing is exciting.

14. You look hot in this position

There is always that one sex position that gives you the highest ecstasy. These are the words you should tell him to encourage him in a particular sex position. But don’t be a spectator all the time- you should get creative to rev up your sexual experience. Don’t hesitate to let him know that you love the view. He will feel more comfortable and dismiss any insecurity he might be having. The more comfortable he feels on top of you, the hotter your sex becomes.

15. Do you want a blowjob?

Don’t expect anything short of ‘yes’ as the answer. This is always a winner to most men. While he is kissing and caressing you, whisper in his ears this turn-on question. You will see him pulling down his pants waiting for your blowjob. This is something you cannot forget during lovemaking. Giving him a blowjob means you are comfortable with his body and trust me he will reciprocate the gesture with an oral. There is something great about a blowjob than no man can resist it.

16. Shout his name

It sounds obvious but your man wants to know you are not fantasizing about another guy when making love with him. So, scream out his name when the pleasure is high. Punctuate it with some moans or dirty talk to heat things up. As you say his name, have your eyes closed to show him that you are still thinking about him during the act and that his body satisfies you. It definitely has a great impact on him as it grabs his full attention. If he happens to be fantasizing about a hot waitress, you will cut him short in his thoughts so he starts focusing on you. Hearing your voice calling his name dispels other fantasies he might be having, bringing him back to reality.

@its_bae_feelings_love / Instagram

17. The blowjob sounds

Men love the oral and hearing those sounds while it happens is fantastic. You can make some little moans or just the natural sound of what is going on to add the excitement and turn him on even more. Make sure it is audible enough and ask him how he likes it. Then look into his eyes. Note that he might be caught up in the moment and perhaps making some goofy faces; don’t distract him with too much eye contact. Sometimes he will want to look into your eyes as well as it is a huge turn-on. But when he drifts away, let him be so he can enjoy the moment.

18. You have a big member

No matter the size of his manhood, a man will want to hear how big his member is. He will particularly love it when you are making love. Let him know that he is big down there and that you can’t resist it. He will give you an unforgettable night.

@miavinosensual / Instagram

19. I want it rough

Apart from the romantic, sweet, and soft intercourse, guys also like some roughness. Sometimes, he will prefer the dirty and rough sex. It is the intense desire in you that turns him on. He wants you to help him fuel his dirty mind by requesting some rough sex. But you should ask for a little roughness when you are sure about it. It should be spontaneous.

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20. The dirty things guys love to hear in bed

Dirty talk arouses men in unimaginable ways. Men love more those who women who are sexually free to say or do whatever they please. A dirty talk is will turn on your man psychologically, mentally, and physically. There are a lot of benefits of dirty talks during sex. First, it means you are enjoying it more and it will actually help you attain stronger orgasms. If you are not sure how to start the dirty talk, here are some examples:

1) Do it harder
2) Pull my hair
3) You are making me wet
4) I think about you all the time
5) How does it feel?
6) Let me be your little slut today
7) Touch me there
8) I don’t want this to stop
9) I want to scream right now
10) I melt every time you do it with your tongue

@_abhista2104_ / Instagram

21. The spanking sound

Men love to spank their girl’s buttocks. The sound of it is very satisfying and that’s why he wants to slap you harder but he is unsure if you like it that way. If you want a hard spank, make things easier for him by shouting “harder!” He is not a mind reader to know what’s going on in your head. Let him know how hard he should spank you.

22. Please don’t stop

No one wants to be cut short when things are getting hot in bed. You need to encourage your man to continue with what he is doing. Tell him not to stop the next time you have an intimate moment. Add some romantic moans as you tell him so. For some women, the naughty talk doesn’t come so easily. If you are like them, you need a little practice. But until you find exactly what works for you, be ready to meet some awkward moments. If your man has a strong libido, he will love it when you keep up. Telling your guy not to stop is a very naughty statement. It will maximize the pleasure of the moment and reduce the awkwardness.

23. I love the way you give me an oral

If your man goes down on you, tell him how much you love it to boost his confidence. Next time he will surprise you with a better oral. Guys love to hear their women appreciating the things they do for them in bed. So, be romantic and appreciate it when he goes down. After that, he will do all he can to please you more.

24. Tell him when you are about to climax

Men love to hear it when their partners are about to come. It is a huge turn on and it will help your guy know that it is his turn to finish. Some men like it even better to hear the words ‘I am coming’ shouted so loud till the neighbors know what’s going on. Your man obviously wants to know that he’s making you climax, and the best way to let him know is by stating it explicitly. I don’t think there is another sexier way to say it. Just shout it and make him happy.

25. Silence is romantic sometimes

There are certain things you should just not comment on. If normal stuff is all you got on your mind, just keep mum to avoid killing his erotic mood. If you really have to say the obvious things, let it be in whispers or in between moans and in a sexy voice. As far as the dirty talk is concerned, do not overdo it. Moderation is key to turning him on. Freaky and extremely nasty things might do the reverse; he might even laugh at you instead of getting turned on. You will know he loves the dirty stuff when he says them first.

What guys love to hear after intercourse?

26. A big wow

Wow is the perfect compliment just after he has collapsed on you. If you usually say it when he surprises you, why not after a wonderful intimate act? Show him some appreciation- it is a way of saying thank you. This makes him see that you don’t take it for granted and that you would want it over again.

27. It was amazing when you…

Sometimes guys are not sure if what they did was okay and may find it hard to ask something like “did I do it right?” So, you can help him stop the guesswork by stating something he did that really psyched you up. This is not just an appreciation but a way of letting him know what drives you wild in bed. He wants to know the romantic stuff you prefer in bed and this is one way he can learn. Go on and praise his skills even after several days. You never know, he could surprise you with another mesmerizing session. Get ready for more.

28. I want to stay in bed with you forever

This sounds like a cliché but it means that you crave for more intimacy with your boyfriend or husband. After an orgasm, the female body produces a bonding (cuddling) hormone known as oxytocin which fosters trust and intimacy. That’s the reason you feel deeply connected to him after sex, so be free to express your feelings. Make him understand how you cherish the romantic bond between the two of you and that you are not in a hurry to go home! He might just go down on you for another round.

@duas_fifth_ag_mix / Instagram

29. It’s the best orgasm I have ever received

Tell him you have never climaxed like that before. He will know that he has set a record no other man has ever reached. It is like writing him in the Guinness book of records for being your orgasm champion. Every man wants to hear this in bed whether he is your first love or the tenth boyfriend. But do not tell him that it is the best sex you have ever had for the sake of it- you have to mean it. It is the smallest things such as these ones that improve intimacy between couples. If the two of you are sexually satisfied, what could be better than that?

30. I want to taste your juices

This may sound gross at first but it simply means you accept your man entirely. You can do it he climaxes: grab his manhood and put it in your mouth. You will be doubling his pleasure as his juices melt in your mouth. Nothing would blow his mind like the cum going inside.

The final word

Deep down, human beings are animals in bed. There are particular words and noises which are instant passion boosters and leave men speechless. Since sex is a primal activity, you should employ your verbal tactics to talk about it. If you didn’t know, the groin and the tongue have a connection, but not in the way you are thinking. Feedback is critical during intercourse. Verbal feedback may not be necessary but it improves the experience and boosts your man’s confidence.

Your man will thank you for showing enthusiasm during the romantic session. Sexual language projects information, essence, feelings, and symbols of inner realities. It, therefore, makes the intimate act much better and more meaningful. Now that you know what guys love to hear in bed, why not use the tactics to make your sex life awesome?

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