30 dirty talk phrases to ignite and arouse your partner

Universal phrases that from beginners to pro to turn on the heat

By Anastasia K
30 dirty talk phrases to ignite and arouse your partner

Why you should dirty talk to your partner even when you hate it

Talking dirty can be a bit uncomfortable. It is even worse when you are the shy type or the type that does not talk dirty at all.

However, it is healthy to talk dirty to your partner as it helps in spicing things. You do not have to have a dry sexual experience. Why don’t you start it and let everything else fall in place? Here is why you should talk dirty to them:

1. It helps in setting the mood

The moment you start talking dirty to your partner, they feel psyched. You create a romantic environment that they feel accepted.

As opposed to when you are breathing deep and fast without talking, dirty talking helps you to have longer sexual sessions. Why? The mood has changed from that of being tense to that of passion and emotion.

Once the mood is set, it becomes easy for you to have each other without shying off. You get that mutual feeling of wanting to have each other. Nobody is left feeling used in this context.

2. It acts as a motivating factor

Can you imagine making out without motivation? It is likely to be the shortest thing you will ever experience. Lack of motivation brings about divided attention. It is just like passing by something you were not supposed to cross.

Talking dirty helps you to fire up your motivation which brings about optimum satisfaction. You will be surprised by your satisfaction when you compare it to when you do not do the talk.

The energy that comes along is magnificent, and you will yarn for more. Otherwise, you may keep complaining about how things are never working between the two of you.

3. It helps in turning on both of you

You cannot ignore the chemistry dirty talk stirs up. It is like dropping a bomb. You and your partner end up feeling so emotional that you almost tear each other with passion.

You want to experience everything your partner is telling you. This way, you can go to the world of fantasy. You might not want to leave it once you land there.

Once you are there, try everything you ever imagine doing with your partner, as long as it only brings pleasure and not hurt them.

You end up with a beautiful experience to share. If you are the type that takes forever to turn on, try this trick.

4. It helps in preparing psychologically

Talking dirty with your partner allows you to be ready. It is an excellent way of starting things and helps in knowing whether the feeling is mutual.

Depending on how they respond, you become sure about the next step to make. Your partner gets a clue about what you want.

This strategy helps in preventing surprises or a negative reaction when you approach them. Everything starts from the mind. Therefore, there is a need to keep the mind ready; else, there will be nothing to engage.

5. It is a way of expressing how you feel

Since you cannot express all your feelings through actions, talking dirty helps fill the void. It is also a way of letting your partner know how you are feeling about them and the things you would wish to do with them.

Since dirty talking cannot happen in all places, they are best done before, during, and after sex. They are also ideal to do through texts, but they can be ugly if read by unintended recipients.

They are talks that are exclusively for people who are emotionally connected.

30 dirty talk phrases to steam things up

There are various ways you can choose to dirty talk with your partner. It depends on how you engage in the conversation. Whichever way you choose, make sure you use the most of the chance. You can dirty talk in the following ways:

Over text

It involves sending each other provoking text messages, usually called sex chatting. You can do it via phone, emails, or any other messenger. The quicker the response, the juicier it becomes. While texting, you can use phrases such as:

1. All I can feel is your smell, which makes my body horny and craves you. It is a beautiful phrase to initiate a dirty talk. Starting by praising your partner is always a good move.

2. I can't wait for my lips to touch yours; I will kiss you until you beg for more. It is a phrase of passion that makes your partner feel curious about what you are going to do to them.

3. Tell me your favorite spot, and I will caress it your way. It shows how gentle you want to be with your partner, at the same time giving them pleasure at their pace.

4. Tell me what you would do if I told you I am all yours. It gives your partner a chance to contribute to the talk, yet highlighting their naughty part.

5. I badly want to tell you what I am wearing, but I'd rather you come and find it yourself. It is an excellent way to provoke your partner and make them crazy over you.

6. The thought of dreaming with you makes me feel I will have the best dream ever. It makes them want to know how you are planning to dream and engage in the talk.

7. You make me wet my pants each time you text back. They are likely to tell you how they also feel.

8. I can't wait for us to undress each other and moan with pleasure till morning.

9. What do you plan for the weekend because I think you won't be leaving your bed anytime soon?

10. I have a surprise for you, which you can only have when you are naked.

Before sex

You can use the following phrase before sex to help you stir things up:

11. You look good in those bikinis, allow me to remove them. Usually, when you are very horny and want to know your partner's reaction.

12. I want to leave a signature of my palm on your ass tonight. A good way to tease your partner.

13. My cock is so hard right now, and it is crying to get inside you. A way of expressing emotion in a naughty but sweet way.

14. I want you to turn me until there is no side left to turn.  The phrase shows that the partner is ready to make out for as long as they can.

15. Make sure I moan until I forget my name.

16. I want you to feel how wet I am under these pants. It is another way of telling your partner to undress you and get to the action.

17. Your cock is going to lay where it should lay tonight. 

18. You will cum all over me tonight until I master how your cum tastes. It tells that you will have lots of sex.

19. I want us to do things when we are just the two of us. When there is no company but only you two. 

20. You make me so horny that I can hardly pay attention. Their focus is all on you and not any other topic.

During sex

This is the talk you do to make sex engaging. You can go ahead and use phrases such as:

21. Go deep until there is no space left to dig.

22. Suck me until all the cum in me gets finished.

23. You have a sweet pussy; I don't want to stop!

24. Your cock is perfect, I have never felt this way before.

25. Ride me harder!

26. Give me another spank!

27. Shut up and work more!

28. Hold me tighter.

29. Almost Cumming!

30. Cum on me babe!


The way we talk to each other, before, during, and after sex plays a vital role with our partners. It can make them want to have us more, or never to want anything to do with us. Talking dirty is also a part of fore playing, and you should try it if you have not.

However, you should check how your partner responds to the dirty talk. If they are not responsive, do not force it as it will only make things look ugly. If they are receptive but shy, find a way to motivate them to keep talking.