10 Effects From A Full Moon That You Didn't Know
How a full moon has effects on us from emotions to sleep
Aug 26, 2019

Theories about the effects of a full moon on the human body date way back, all the way to the mythology and legends of age-old civilizations. For centuries, our moon has been considered to be a unique cosmic body that has the tendency to alter the characteristics of a human. Its arguable ability to literally transform someone stems from a long line of belief which implies that the moon can alter the inner structure of our bodies on a molecular level. The commonly used word “lunatic” has its etymological origin from the ‘lunar effect’ on people and their psyche.

We’ve all seen movies where people turn into vicious, savage werewolves when a night of the full moon arrives. Those plots are based on similar mythical beliefs too, which have carried on for ages. However, while it’s obviously unreasonable to believe we could transform into werewolves, the moon may actually have significant effects on us. Many people choose to dismiss the possibility of any sort of influence caused by ‘the lunar effect’, while others report feeling real changes as a result of it. This article aims at informing you about the ways in which a full moon can supposedly affect your emotions, mood and sleep patterns. Keep reading!
Does A Full Moon Cause Psychosis And Depression?
To answer the question in a straightforward way, it’s not proven yet, so it has to be a ‘no’ scientifically. Even though it’s been such a popular belief that full-moon nights do have strong impacts on human behavior, none of it can be backed by scientific studies and experiments. In the 1800s, lawyers in England were known to use the defense of “guilty by reason of full moon influence” to form a claim which suggested that their ‘lunatic’ client should not be held accountable for his/her actions as they were all conducted under the influence of the full moon.

Other theories have also been put forward, which may be regarded as rather unscientific, claiming that the moon affects the human body in the same way it affects the tides of the sea since our bodies are also mostly comprised of water. While this may sound intriguing to the average hearer, but it isn’t backed much by any scientific principles at all.
Different types of statistical studies have also been conducted to ascertain whether or not material changes occur in a number of incidental reports during the full-moon nights, but they’ve also been inconclusive. Researchers from the University of Sydney carried out a similar activity but found no link between the lunar cycle and violent behavior. However, some other studies conducted over a bigger sample size and a longer period of time have turned out positive – they're discussed in the latter part of the prose.
Mysterious Effects of a Full Moon: Explained

Even though all the mysteries about the full moon having real effects on us have all been debunked mercilessly by science, some studies still validate a few odd occurrences related to the full moon. It’s like someone’s belief in the existence of God, science can neither prove it nor disprove it. We as humans have an inherent inclination to look for connections to make sense of things, and the lunar effect theories can be analyzed to satisfy exactly that desire. Therefore, it can’t harm anyone to take a closer look at what changes people claim to feel during a moon, whether or not they’re backed by science. We’ll list down some of the most significant effects a full moon can have on your emotions, mood, and sleep.
10 Effects From A Full Moon
On emotions and on mood
1. It Can Potentially Make You More Violent

Davia Rappaport, a spiritual counselor told a reporting platform that police and crime trackers have a scattered belief that nights of the full moon may be somewhat responsible for triggering more violent events as compared to any other time in a month. National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) also published a report that tells a similar story, just in a slightly more reliable way. They reviewed Florida’s police records spanning over 5 years and found an increase in aggressive assault and homicide reports at or around full moon nights. The extent of the lunar effect on a person, according to Rappaport, can vary with their zodiac sign, personality, and inherent violent potencies.
2. A Full Moon Can Trigger Anxiety

One thing’s certain, the full moon comes with a ton of energy, regardless of whether or not it affects humans or not. The behavior of the tides proves the level of energy and pull a full moon brings with it. Its sheer intensity can make us feel more emotional and anxious, claims Carrie Pitzulo (founder of ‘Magic, Modern Living’). Additionally, dreams may also get intensified as a result of the full moon’s energy, which can ultimately lead to anxiety.
3. Negative Mood Due to Lack of Sleep During a Full Moon

In 2013, a study was conducted and published by ‘Current Biology’ which kept participants in a controlled environment, without making them aware of the time or period of the month. Interestingly, during the full moon, they reportedly slept lesser and claimed to have experienced the lowest quality of sleep in the whole session, with more sleep disruptions than usual. Since they had no idea it was a full moon, it’s pretty strong evidence of the lunar effect having a strong impact on our sleep. Since lower quality and quantity of sleep is achieved during a full moon, your mood is more likely to be snappier and irritable.
4. It Intensifies All Sorts of Feelings

Astrologists have studied the moon and its spiritual effect closer than people from any other field. While they may not be known for basing their horoscope assumptions on proven science, numerous people believe in their findings and research. In this field, the moon is viewed as an energizer and an illuminator that escalates what someone is already feeling within himself. It also sheds light on the more hidden aspects of our thoughts and emotions, hence intensifying whatever you feel during the full moon. If it’s happiness, it’ll become ecstasy. If it’s sadness or anxiety, it’ll manifest into a deeper state of sorrow.
5. It Can Make You More Argumentative

Although a full moon is generally linked to increased emotions of romance and sexual attraction, it also holds the potential to swing your mood towards being more combative and argumentative with your partner. Since the intensity of the full moon can drive people towards being more emotional, it’s more likely for a fight to start between couples, even if it’s about a relatively insignificant matter.
On Sleep
6. It Makes It Harder to Fall Asleep

Science might find it challenging to find a correlation that links your sleep cycles to the lunar cycle, but astrology finds it to exist quite naturally. They believe the moon’s impact on the water element of our body can make it harder to fall asleep. Our brains have fluids running through them, and the moon’s intensity could cause turbulence in our thoughts that way, making it harder to find the calm that leads to falling asleep.
7. It Brings the Feeling of Needing Lesser Sleep

As mentioned above, astrology sees the full moon as a serious energizer. The strong lunar light from a full moon can make you feel mentally and physically vitalized. However, our source of revitalization comes from our rest and sleep, but since that gets shared by the full moon’s energy, you may feel like you need less sleep – waking up earlier in the morning.
8. Disruption in the REM State of Sleep

As the full moon allegedly has the capacity to make your thoughts turbulent, it can affect the deepest phase of your sleep. It’s the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase, that can be compromised as a result of the strong night light. While you may feel more energized than usual due to the moon, its negative impact on your sleep quality may just even it out.
9. Causes You to Stay Up Late

In the past, before the invention of electricity, people had no choice but to sleep when night settled. There wasn’t a concept of nightlife, because our ancestors couldn’t engage in any sort of activity in the absence of light. However, on full moons, the lunar radiance was deeply enjoyed back then, encouraging people to engage in night time activities. So, feeling more energetic when the sky is lit up with the moonlight is only natural, as our ancestral zest for the night’s illumination might be kicking in.
10. Trouble Getting Out of Bed

If you slept feeling sad at night, the full moon could easily make you feel even worse with its heightening effects – according to astrologers. Feeling more depressed when you wake up can cause you to lose motivation for starting your day, and it may make it significantly harder to leave your bed. Now that you know it’s the moon’s fault though, remember to fight through the temporary feeling!

Find out your moon signs and compatibility for relationships

Some aspects of nature are just there to be felt, not everything needs to be proven by science. If that was the case, there wouldn’t be a word for our sixth sense! Even though there’s no reliable scientific evidence to support the myths and stories carried forward from our ancestors, the study of astrology has successfully found deeper correlations. Scientific research could still reveal much more valuable and concrete facts about this, but this article has pointed out some of the most fascinating links that have shown up so far.