Side Effects Of Drinking Green Coffee Beans You Didn't Know

If you drink green coffee beans extract, it would do you a lot of good to know that regardless of its acclaimed benefits, green coffee has some side effects.

By Emmanuel Onitayo
Side Effects Of Drinking Green Coffee Beans You Didn't Know

Drinking Green Coffee Beans Has Side Effects

Several diet schemes and "miracle" foods and pills exist today that are supposed to help users lose weight overnight. And because weight loss is a major desire for many people, these schemes or diets are often accepted without consideration of possible side effects.
Green coffee is a "miracle" drink that claims to help people lose substantial weight within a few days. In some circles, it is also called green tea, which is most likely due to its green color after preparation.
Ordinary coffee is made from the same coffee beans as green coffee. When making your everyday cup of coffee, the coffee beans are roasted and ground before they are brewed. But for green coffee, the beans are not roasted, which is why the green color is preserved after brewing the coffee.
Coffee beans, in their unroasted green color, are known to contain chlorogenic acid, which is naturally present in coffee beans and has been known to reduce risks associated with cancer and diabetes as well as lower blood pressure and aid in weight loss. However, chlorogenic acid is said to have some serious side effects, according to scientists and consumers.

In the section below, we'll cover the identified side effects of consuming green coffee beans all in the name of achieving weight loss.

Side Effects Of Green Coffee #1: Digestive Problem

One of the major side effects of sipping green coffee every day is digestive complications. Apart from several doctors warning of this side effect, many people have reported abdominal cramps and various other stomach aches as an aftermath of their daily green coffee intake.

Drinking green coffee, especially after finishing a meal, can also impair the absorption of some essential minerals, such as iron and folic acid. Low iron and low folic acid levels in the body can result in low hemoglobin and anemia.

Side Effects Of Green Coffee #2: Excess Caffeine

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If you are in the habit of drinking green coffee every day, one of the side effects you would also have to deal with it is a high body caffeine level. That's because caffeine has been found to be abundantly present in green coffee. The level of caffeine in the brown coffee is, however, minimized because the coffee beans there have been thoroughly roasted.
Despite the significant benefits from chlorogenic acid, the levels of caffeine are particularly dangerous for people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Daily consumption of high amounts of green coffee can be toxic.

Side Effects Of Green Coffee #3: Headache

As Chiropractors, we pride ourselves in accurately diagnosing a variety of headaches conditions and being pretty awesome at relieving them! Types range from tension-type to cervicogenic (from the neck) as well as true migraine. However, at this time of year, we find a huge surge of the “howmanydaystilschoolstarts” type, as well as the “winejustdoesn’tcutitanymore” type from the many parents who frequent our clinic... Be on the lookout for symptoms like extreme emotional reactions to the words “Mom! Mom! Mom” or “I’m boooored...!”, as well as shoulder-regions which may feel like concrete, and the very common sensation of “head explosion impending”. If you feel any of these symptoms coming on, be sure to take a deep breathe and dial 705-775-9453 or book online at 3am when you are worrying about what to pack for school lunches next week! We can DeFinitely help you make it through the next few days! #headache #only5moremoresleeps #ptbo #ptbocanada #ptbokawartha #ptboontario #bossbabe #clinic #ptbohealth #kawarthalakes #entrepreneur #lovelocalptbo #ptbochiro #chiropractor #massage #chiropractic #acupuncture #betterhealthbetterlivingbetterworld

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Yes, the side effects of a daily green coffee consumption include headaches, too. Some doctors recommend coffee to treat headaches and migraines. Because of its ability to reduce blood pressure, coffee, and caffeine, in particular, can help constrict blood vessels and slow blood pressure (this might sound bad, but it helps with those throbbing headaches). 

However, if you consume too much caffeine, you can experience a caffeine rebound (aka headaches and dehydration). With green coffee, headaches are often triggered by the amount of caffeine present. 

Be mindful of how much green coffee you consume so you can avoid those rebounds.

Other Side Effects Of Taking Green Coffee Beans

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Here are some other side effects associated with just sipping a glass cup of green coffee every day
1. Green Coffee Causes Insomnia

2. Green Coffee Causes Restlessness

3. Green Coffee Causes Depression

4. Green Coffee Causes Nausea

5. Green Coffee Can Lead To The Lack of Concentration

6. Green Coffee Causes Ear Ringing

7. Green Coffee Causes Magnesium Depletion

8. Green Coffee Causes A Flushed Face

9. Green Coffee Causes Diarrhea

10. Green Coffee Can Lead To An Increased Heartbeat rate.

Green Coffee Extracts: Conclusion

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Green coffee comes in different forms, including extracts and capsules. Regardless of the weight-loss success stories, don't rush in. Consult a doctor — and maybe a dietician — before embarking on any weight-loss journeys or fad diets. 

Remember that anything you put in your body can have serious side effects. Beauty is not pain. If you notice a combination of any of these side effects, consult your doctor and take another look at your green coffee intake.