Bikini Wax 101: Your Ultimate Guide To Bikini Waxing
Everything about Bikini Waxing explained for the virgin user
Sep 10, 2019

Bikini waxing means the removal of hair from the vaginal area. It is becoming increasingly popular among women of all age groups and can be done like any other waxing. You can either use hot wax or even a cold one and apply it on your private area and then use a strip to quickly remove the unwanted hair leaving smooth and silky skin. For a waxing virgin, it is important to note that you should let the hair regrow for 4 weeks at least.
What is Bikini Wax?

A bikini wax is actually waxing the hair on parts that show off when you wear a bikini. It is widely misunderstood to be the removal of all hair from that area but it’s not. There are different types of bikini waxes that can be used based on the thickness of hair and the area you want to wax. If you are a first-timer, you can go for bikini line waxing. This will wax the sides of the bikini line, near the inner thigh. This is recommended for a first timer as you will be able to determine the level of pain and determine if this is suitable for you.
The Shape Of Bikini Wax
1. The triangle bikini wax

The triangle bikini wax will wax your hair in the shape of a triangle. This means that the hair in between your butt cheeks is taken off and also removes the unwanted hair from the sides of the inner thighs, known as the labia.
2. The landing strip

This shape is also known as the French bikini wax. This shape of waxing will remove the pubic hair from your sides of the thighs, the back and also part of the front hair. Only a small rectangular part of the hair in the front will be left. A lot of women choose this shape when they do not want to go completely bare.
3. The basic bikini wax

The basic bikini wax is for the ones who are new to bikini waxing. This is comparatively less painful and will only remove the hair from the sides of the inner thighs.
4. The Deep bikini wax

This shape of bikini waxing will remove all the unwanted pubic hair from the front including the labia and the front portion however the back hair will not be removed using this shape.
First Time Experience Accounted By Newbies

1. How much does bikini waxing hurt?

The pubic hair on your private parts is usually hard and curly hence if you are getting bikini waxing for the first time be prepared for the pain. The area is extremely sensitive hence you should go to a reputed spa or a professional to make sure they get it done with quickly and more carefully.
2. Position while Bikini waxing

The most common and suggested position is to lie down on your back and lift one leg up to make it easier for your waxing lady to access the hair. You can also spread legs while lying on the bed if you are more comfortable that way. In most cases, two ladies will help in the bikini wax if you are a newbie; one will keep the skin tight while the other one will do the waxing.
3. Is taking off the panties necessary?

If you are a newbie and you aren’t comfortable taking off your underwear in front of anyone, there is no need for you to take it off. However, it is recommended to wear a soft cotton panty and avoid wearing any fancy lacy ones as those might itch. If you do not want to take the panties off, the salon lady herself will find a way to wax.
4. Things you need to do after the wax

After waxing, wash your private area properly and moisturize them. You should also exfoliate the area you are getting waxed so that even the smallest of hair can easily be removed. Furthermore, allow the hair to grow for at least 3 to 4 weeks before going in for bikini waxing.
5. Do not do it yourself at home

The genital area is one of the most sensitive body parts hence if you are going to try bikini waxing for the first time, do not try to do it yourself. Go to a professional who has experience and knows what she is doing.
How Long Does A Bikini Wax Last

Usually, bikini waxing lasts from a period of 3 to 6 weeks however it varies from person to person as well. The hair growth is almost minimal during the first week however hair will start to grow after the first 2 weeks. The first time you do bikini waxing, the hair is thicker and denser, after a few times however the hair growth will lessen. You can say that the more you wax the hair growth will be lesser than the last time. After the first few times, the pain while waxing will lessen as well.
Basic Care Tips
1. Avoid wearing tight clothes

After waxing, only part of the work is done; aftercare is extremely important to avoid any rashes or irritation on your skin. After getting a bikini wax, avoid wearing tight or fancy clothes and panties for the first few days. Wear clothes that are comfortable and the fabric should be soft as well. Try not to wear fancy lace panties right after you get bikini waxing. Moreover, tight clothes should also be avoided as sweating can cause itching and irritation.
2. Use aloe Vera after the waxing

Aloe Vera has healing properties that help in reducing redness and post-waxing irritation. As the genital area is extremely sensitive, it is normal to get red spots in that area for a few hours or maybe one or two days. Use Aloe Vera gel or any other soothing cream or gel to get rid of the redness.
3. Exfoliate a few days before waxing

Use an exfoliating scrub on the area you want to get waxed. Exfoliation of the skin will get rid of any dead cells around that area making the waxing process easier. However, if you have sensitive skin, do not exfoliate the skin the same day or even a day before. Do it at least a few days before you want to get the waxing done otherwise it can cause irritation.
4. Avoid exfoliating or swimming at least 48 hours after the waxing

Waxing is the most painful when you are getting it done for the first time. After a few times, your skin becomes used to it however aftercare is important nonetheless. Even if you do not have sensitive skin, it is suggested to not go swimming or sunbaths for at least 2 days after waxing. Using hot wax can cause redness or even minor burns hence it is important to take care of it for a few days.
5. Try to avoid doing it when you are on your period or when your period is near

During periods, every girl becomes more sensitive as well as more prone to pain. You will also have mood swings and you will be annoyed for no apparent reason. It is best to avoid waxing during this time of the month. It will also cause more pain if you get your wax done a few days before your period date. Hence the best time to get waxing done is right after your period is over.

Welcome to waxing 101. This article is meant to inform and educate women about the differences between French, Bikini and Brazilian waxes.

Bikini waxing has become increasingly popular especially among young girls. It is painful initially but it is undoubtedly one of the best and most effective ways to get rid of the unwanted pubic hair. Apart from waxing, some other ways used to get rid of this hair is using a razor to shave or using hair removal creams. All these other ways will result in overgrowth of hair whereas waxing will help in lessening the hair with time. There are different shapes of bikini waxing, some of which we discussed in the above paragraphs. However, care must be taken when you are getting waxed for the first time. Aftercare is extremely important in bikini waxing as you can end up having rashes or burns if you don't take care of your skin after waxing. Keep your skin clean and moisturized and use soothing gels after the waxing. Also, try not to do it yourself if you are doing it for the first time.