10 Best Eyeliner Tricks For Girls With Small Eyes

10 Best Eyeliner Tricks For Girls With Small Eyes

Welcome, all makeup lovers! This article is a great read for those who need some quick tips for wearing eyeliner when you have small eyes.

By AmyTheOracle
10 Best Eyeliner Tricks For Girls With Small Eyes


Hello my makeup beauties! As you all know when it comes to makeup, eyeliner can really make all the difference and bring the look together. Eyeliner, in my opinion, is my favorite and most challenging step to put on in my makeup routine. I believe my eyes are one of my best features on my face so I try to accentuate them accordingly with eyeliner and makeup for my eyes. Eyeliner can be subtle and eyeliner can also be very dramatic. This all depends on your preference and style. Regardless of how subtle or dramatic you want it to be you have to take into consideration the size of your eyes. Do you have small eyes? Do you have big eyes? Do you have almond eyes or round eyes? Do you have hooded eyes? Do you have no eyelids or too droopy of eyelids? So many things to take into consideration when you're doing your eyeliner, especially if you aim to look your best.

10 Best Eyeliner Tricks For Girls With Small Eyes

1.Blue Eyeliner

If you have small eyes you can guarantee that blue eyeliner can draw a lot of attention to your eyes. A good vibrant eyeliner can always do the trick in complementing your small eyes. It can definitely make your eyes look a lot brighter. This is especially flattering for hazel and brown eyes.

2.Black Kohl Eyeliner

If you haven't already realized it by now, lining the lower lash line with black kohl eyeliner is a big NO! If your eyes are already small this makeup strategy will make them appear even smaller. Try to put eyeliner on the upper lash line. You'll thank me later.

3.Avoid Thick Winged Eyeliner

When you have small, round or almond eyes it is most likely that you have small eyelids. One thing you must avoid when lining your top lash line with eyeliner is to not draw on a thick winged eyeliner look. Thick wings can make the eyes appear smaller rather than bigger.

4.Cat Eye Makeup

One really good eye makeup look to make your small eyes look a bit bigger is the Cat Eye look. Perfect for hazel eyes! All eye colors really. It's a great party look and going out on the town look for women with small eyes. To achieve this look, you have extend the winged eyeliner further and then smudge a deep brown shade or grey shade onto the outer wing. Make sure to smudge it with the base eyeshadow you put on the whole lid to give it a more gradient, smoky look.

5.Cut Crease Makeup

I think we can all agree that the Cut Crease makeup was invented for anyone out there who has small eyes and want to make your eyes appear bigger. This is a popular trend that originated in Europe. To get this look you must use a lighter eyeshadow as a base on the entire lid. You will not only line the upper lash line, but you must line above the eye crease to create different volumes for the eye shape and elongating the eyes. A good tip to remember is when drawing the crease line is you can make your eyes appear more rounded and doll-like by slightly curving the eyeliner wing towards the crease.

6.Nude Eyeliner

A good way to make your small eyes appear bigger is to put a nude color eyeliner on the lower lash and line your inner top lash line. This is a great tip to make the eyes look more full and awake.

7.Eyeshadow On Lower Lash Line

Another great helpful tip to make your small eyes appear bigger, besides using eyeliner, is to use eyeshadow. Eyeshadow can be used in multiple ways. In this case, you would use a light shade of eyeshadow to line the lower lash lid. Start from the inner corner of your eye to the end of the lashes.

8.Define Your Eye Brows

Sometimes we forget that when doing any type of makeup look or eyeliner a good tip and trick is to also consider your eyebrows. If you have small eyes sometimes the best thing to do for your eyes is to define what frames them. And what frames your eyes other than your eyes eyebrows? Take into consideration the way you have put your eyeliner on and where it ends. Your eyes and eyebrows need to have a good depth to make your small eyes appear bigger.

9.Shimmer And Glitter

A life-changing tip for you ladies with small eyes is when you're done doing your eyeliner make sure to add a touch of glitter and shimmer at the inner corners of your eyes. It a great way to make your eyes seem fuller and alive. This is a great tip for all shapes of eyes.

10.Curl Your Lashes

Another helpful tip to make your eyes appear bigger and fuller is to curl your lashes after you are done applying eyeliner. Some prefer before so they know where their eyeliner is going to begin and end on their eyes. Colored mascara can also draw more attention to your eyes and make them appear bigger.

Makeup On Fleek!

Native American Indians always said that eyes are the windows to the soul. If that is the case, and Native American Indians always made sure to give praise to peoples eyes and took care of their eyes, then maybe you should too. Your eyes tells your story even when you don't speak. So regardless if you have small eyes or big eyes, whether you have eyeliner on or no eyeliner, whether your eyes makeup is on fleek or not, you're speaking. So with that in mind be creative and free when you are putting makeup on your eyes. You should consider how to add depth to the story that is being told through your eyes. Small eyes or big eyes should never keep you from wanting to try eyeliner on or to put makeup on your eyes. In fact, you should always be confident in your eyes and your makeup.