What Do Dreams About Pregnancy Mean When You're Not Pregnant?
Everyone dreams but some dreams such as miscarriage dreams can be frightening. Whether you saw a miscarriage blood or baby in your dream, here's the meaning.
Jul 25, 2018

What Does A Pregnancy Dream Mean?
Dreams aside, to be pregnant is to anticipate a new creation or life. Barring any complication, at the physical level, one would expect that at the end of nine months, a live baby should be born. This literal understanding of pregnancy is very useful in comprehending pregnancy dreams.
So, proceeding from this knowledge, you should not look too far for the meaning of your pregnancy dreams if actually, you are pregnant. Most times, pregnancy dreams are nothing but expressions of your fears concerning your condition. Once you can take care of your concerns, you can pretty much get rid of the dreams.
However, you can begin to seek meaning to your incessant pregnancy dreams when you are not pregnant or planning to be but you keep dreaming the dream. There is surely more to the dream than the natural biological process. In most cases, the dream signifies the birth of a new idea, direction, output, focus, or endeavor in your life.
Stated differently, it means that when you or someone who is not pregnant keep having pregnancy dreams, there is a major change that is about to take place in your or their life. The nature of this change would, however, depend on the nature of the dream. Several twists to this dream type which, of course, carry different meanings exist and are treated below.
1. Meaning Of Dreams About Labor And Childbirth
If you keep dreaming about you giving birth to a baby or even undergoing labor, the meaning of the dream is that you are eagerly anticipating a new step you are about to take in life.
The baby in the dream represents the goal, and if eventually, you see yourself giving birth to the baby in your dream, that means you are going to achieve your desired goal in real life.
The labor period is always full of anticipation in the physical sense. So, the greater the labor in your dream, the greater your expectation that your new creation, idea, prospect or what have you should come through.
2. Meaning Of Dreams About Pregnancy Test
In the physical, going for a pregnancy test means that you are trying to ascertain if you have a baby or not. As such, the result can be negative or positive at the end of the test.
If you are not pregnant in real life and you keep dreaming that you are going for a pregnancy test, the meaning of the dream is not far-fetched; you are about engaging in a new phase of your life or career. Better still, the dream could mean that there is a decision that you are about to take that is capable of transforming your life totally.
The way you felt about the pregnancy test in your dream has a lot to say about your eventual disposition towards your new venture in real life. If in the dream you were happy going for the test, it means that you are excited about the new phase or decision you are about making. The reverse is also true.
Going further, was your test positive or negative in the dream? If it was positive, the dream meaning is that your new phase of life is going to see the light of day. On the contrary, if it was negative, the dream means that your expectations are not going to be met. You are probably not going to be achieving your goals if measures to counteract the dreams are not put in place.
3. Meaning Of Dreams About Pregnancy Miscarriage
A miscarriage in real life is a loss of a potential baby and perhaps, figure in the future. The miscarriage can be intentional or as a result of factors beyond your control. Whatever be the case, if you dreamed that you had a pregnancy miscarriage, the dream meaning is that a potentially benefiting opportunity has been lost.
It might not only be an opportunity; the pregnancy miscarriage dream could also symbolize the loss of a very important person in your life or career. Like we earlier hinted, if the miscarriage dream was spontaneous, that is, you didn't initiate the miscarriage, it means you have no power over it.
However, let's say that in the dream you saw that you were the one that initiated the miscarriage, the meaning is that there is an opportunity coming across your path for which you are unprepared. As such, your unpreparedness would cost you the opportunity.
4. Meaning Of A False Pregnancy Dream
So, let's say in your dream you thought you were pregnant but upon careful test, you aren't; it means that you may find your planned goal(s) difficult to achieve.
The hallmark of pregnancy is to give birth to a new baby but if you think you are pregnant whereas the reality says contrary, the dream meaning is that there is probably an impending failure in your newly-found mission or project.
6. Meaning Of Someone Else's Pregnancy
Let's say you are not pregnant yourself but you keep dreaming dreams about someone else getting pregnant, there are at least two possible meanings to that kind of dream. First, the dream could mean that you are jealous of that person's new vision, exploit, or achievement in life. This is especially more probable if you know the person in real life.
Definitely, the fact that you are dreaming about someone else getting pregnant means that new doors are about to open for them. It may be that such ones have been expecting a promotion at their workplaces or about inventing something new.
As such, if they eventually give birth to a baby in your dream, the meaning of the dream is quite easily predictable - they are going to succeed in their endeavors. Your reaction to their pregnancy dream would go a long way in determining if you are jealous of, anxious about, or happy for their anticipated achievement.
7. Meaning Of A Pregnancy Scan Dream
If you or someone else dream about having a pregnancy scan, what the dream means is that they are curious to know if their anticipated endeavor would be successful or not. The result of your curiosity would depend on whether you were able to see through your pregnancy in the dream or not.
8. Meaning Of Proclaiming Pregnancy News
If you find yourself dreaming about you proclaiming or announcing that you are pregnant to everyone, what the dream means is that in real life, you are willing and eager to let everyone know about your aspirations, inventions, and direction.
In another vein, let's say that in real life you are actually considering becoming pregnant, dreaming that you are announcing your pregnancy can only mean that you will surely get pregnant soon. But instead of announcing your pregnancy in your dream, let's say you are hiding it. The dream meaning is clear- you don't want anyone to know about your moves and ambitions yet.
Similarly, the nature of the dream itself can symbolize the nature of the ambition you are pursuing. Suppose you're with an undesired pregnancy in your dream and that's why you are hiding, the dream meaning is that you are biting off more than you can chew.
You probably are not operating within the limits of your capacity. As such, your impending failure is making you hide. To stop dreaming the dream, you may have to operate within your limits.
9. Meaning Of A Water Breaking Dream
Dreaming about your water breaking can only be best understood when the context in which the situation took place in your dream is known. Your feeling when dreaming about your water breaking is also very important.
10. Meaning Of A Pregnancy Dream With An Ex
If in your dream you saw that you are pregnant with an ex, what the dream implies is that you still have feelings for them. Dreaming this dream is perhaps a way your inner man is telling you to reunite yourself back to him/her.
But then, there can be another face to this dream; you could have become pregnant with your ex through infidelity. Put differently, it means that in your dream you could see that you are married to someone else and yet pregnant with your ex.
What this dream means is that you are not satisfied with your current job, project, vision, and perhaps environment and you are seeking every way possible to go back to the good old days. You may have to consider your current engagement and surrounding and change whatever you can change to make your experience as sweet as it was before.
11. Meaning Of Pregnancy Dream With Menstruation
Ordinarily, you should not see blood when you are pregnant but let’s say you are actually pregnant and dream dreams of bloodstains on your clothing; that is, your period, what the bloodstain means is that you are fearful of a miscarriage. That is, you are afraid you would have a miscarriage.
However, if you are not pregnant, the meaning of menstruation blood (miscarriage) on your wears is that you are afraid that your expected gain or ambition would not be successful. In other words, the miscarriage is signaling you of the possibility of your plans failing even before you start.
12. Meaning of Pregnancy Dream With Genders
It is normal for anyone that is pregnant to want to know the sex of her child. So, if you are naturally concerned about the sex of your unborn baby, dreaming dreams about a baby boy or girl could mean you should actually be expecting one. However, in this case, we are considering a scenario in which you are not pregnant or planning to but you kept dreaming dreams about newborns and their sexes.
So, let’s say you can identify the sexes of the newborns in your dream, the dream meaning is straight. You know exactly what you want in life. And depending on the number of babies you saw in your dream, the magnitude of your expectation can vary.
If you witnessed multiple gestations such as triplets, quintuplets or more in your dream, you are sure to be better off by the time your expectation materializes. That is, your soon-to-manifest goodness will be so great and in multiples.
13. Meaning Of A Surrogate Pregnancy
A surrogate is a woman carrying someone else’s pregnancy. Therefore, if you dream that you are pregnant with someone else’s child (i.e. you are a surrogate), the dream meaning is that you are living out someone else’s dream. In other words, you are doing what you are told or coerced to do and not what you wish to do.
Another twist to this surrogate dream is that you are even the one looking for someone else to carry your baby for you. That is, in your dream, you are seeking to transfer your pregnancy to someone else. If this is the case, what the dream means is that you don’t have the capacity to carry out your statutory function either at home, in the society, at work, or somewhere else.
This dream can be a warning that you should not attempt to carry out a given task alone but that you should seek the cooperation or assistance of colleagues, friends, and perhaps professionals. So, it's a dream that must be paid attention to.
14. Meaning Of Male Pregnancy Dream
Another possibility of a pregnancy dream is for you, a male, to dream dreams of you or another man like yourself becoming pregnant. This dream is a signal that your sexual exploit is beginning to get out of control and you might probably have to tone it down a bit.
However, if the male pregnancy dream is for someone else, the dream means that you are doubting the capacity of a person’s ability or qualification. That is, you may be unwilling to admit that a person has actually succeeded or accomplished much.
More On Miscarriage Dreams
One of the unfortunate but possible outcomes of pregnancy is a miscarriage. With a miscarriage, you get to see drops of blood on your clothing and the sight of blood can, of course, be scary. That aside, no one likes to carry a baby in their womb for any period of time only to have a miscarriage. The experience can be very devastating.
But talking spiritual now, when you dream of having a miscarriage, it is usually a dream pregnant with meanings. Apart from the fact that the miscarriage dream can be frightening, there may be something you have to do concerning the miscarriage dream to avert a possible danger.
If you are not pregnant but you keep having miscarriage dreams, you should know that the miscarriage dream cannot be interpreted literally. So, here are some twists to your miscarriage dreams which we shall look at shortly.
1. A Miscarriage taking place in a car (Car miscarriage)
2. A Miscarriage taking place at home (home miscarriage)
3. A Miscarriage happening to you in the street (Street miscarriage)
4. A Miscarriage happening to someone else (Third-party miscarriage)
5. Miscarriage dreams as a man (Male miscarriage)
6. A Miscarriage at the hospital (Hospital miscarriage)
7. A Miscarriage with no one to help (Helpless Miscarriage)
All of these miscarriage dreams have their individual meanings and you can have all or some of the miscarriage dreams depending on your situation. So, fasten your belt as we check out each of these miscarriages.
a) Miscarriage Dreams In A Car (Car Miscarriage)
If in your dream you could see a miscarriage blood on your clothing while in a car, it means you are desirous of progressing with a feat, decision, or ambition in life. However, the process might take forever to be accomplished or unsuccessful in the end.
If the miscarriage took place in a moving vehicle, it means you are still hopeful but if the car you dreamed of having a miscarriage in was grounded, then, it might be next to impossible to achieve your goals.
Your miscarriage dream is likely signaling you to have a re-direction and perhaps, a change of strategy. Far from abandoning your goal, the miscarriage dream in a car is a warning that to achieve it, you need to do things differently. The more you keep having this miscarriage dream, the more you should consider your ways.
b) Miscarriage Dream In Your House (Home Miscarriage)
So let's say you dreamed that you had a miscarriage right in your home; the meaning of the miscarriage dream could be that you are not pleased with the turn of events in your family. A miscarriage dream at home suggests a family expectation that has been unmet or dreams thwarted. A home miscarriage dream is usually a warning.
You might have been dreaming about having a miscarriage in your home because of a misunderstanding with a family member. The miscarriage dream can equally be a kind of alert to let you know that there is someone within your family circle that may not be on the same page with you.
It's good you take the dream (home miscarriage) seriously and reconcile with any aggrieved family member so things can be up again. Having a home miscarriage dream is not something to be handled with levity. If you take the right steps, the miscarriage dream can cease with time but if not, you can continue to have miscarriage after miscarriage in your dream until you heed the warning or you become a victim.
c) Miscarriage Dream On The Street (Street Miscarriage)
If you dreamed that you had a miscarriage while in the street, the miscarriage dream is a sign that a particular project you are planning to execute in the future may be unsuccessful. Put differently, a street miscarriage is a bad omen. The more you have the street miscarriage dream, the more you should reconsider your plans. As such, this kind of miscarriage dream is also a warning.
The miscarriage dream on the street can also be a reflection of your fear concerning such project. Normally, when you keep dreaming about a miscarriage dream, the best thing to do in order to avoid the "miscarriage" in real life is to quit the project idea.
d) Someone Else's Miscarriage (3rd-Party Miscarriage)
If you dream about someone else having a miscarriage, that kind of miscarriage dream suggests a loss of a potentially bright opportunity for that individual. Their miscarriage can be an actual miscarriage of opportunities and perhaps, a miscarriage of direction in life.
Normally, to prevent their miscarriage dream from coming to pass, you should guide that person and perhaps comfort them if they are known to you. This is good and it may be for this purpose that you are dreaming about them having a miscarriage. A third-party miscarriage dream is a dream of caution.
But again, how you felt in the dream knowing that they have a miscarriage can give the dream another meaning altogether. If you are happy in your dream about their miscarriage, what it means in real life is that you are jealous of them. That is, you are excited that they can't make it.
e) Miscarriage Dream For A Man (Male Miscarriage)
Men do not experience a miscarriage in reality but as a man, you could dream that your sister or wife has a miscarriage. Perhaps, the miscarriage is even recurring in your dream. If this is true, then their miscarriage that you saw can be a warning that you need to give them more attention before things get out of hand.
If anything, the miscarriage dream about your female allies shows that they are feeling abandoned by you and as such, you may need to adjust your schedules to give them more of your attention and love. The more intense their feeling of abandonment, the more miscarriage dreams you should expect. So, the way out of this miscarriage dream is to meet their emotional needs.
In another way, if you are a single man, dreaming that a particular woman is having a miscarriage may be a signal that you are considering making them your future wife. The more repeated the miscarriage dream is the clearer the vision of making them your wife. In short, a male miscarriage dream can be a sign of a failed affection for a woman.
f) Miscarriage Dream In A Hospital (Hospital Miscarriage)
A miscarriage dream in a hospital setting is nothing but a warning that you need to pay more attention to your health. It could be that you haven't been having enough rest lately and you just might break down along the line if nothing is done quickly to salvage the situation. Hence, your hospital miscarriage dream.
So, when you dream of having a miscarriage in a hospital, you need to sit yourself down and make any necessary adjustment to your lifestyle and diet. The consistency of the miscarriage dream signifies the level of deterioration your health has reached. As such, take this hospital miscarriage dream as seriously as possible.
g) Miscarriage With No Help (Helpless Miscarriage)
Dreaming that you had a miscarriage and no one came to your aid despite your entreaties mean you have been deserted. That is, no one wants to associate with you anymore. The miscarriage you saw represents a major life setback and the more you keep having the miscarriage, the more setback you are likely to experience.
The fact that in your miscarriage dream you called for help and no one responded signifies that you brought your loneliness on yourself. However, that is not the only possible interpretation to this dream. The miscarriage dream can also mean that you suspect that your trusted loved ones can betray you. So, this miscarriage dream can both serve as a warning and deterrent.
Pregnancy & Miscarriage Dreams - Conclusion
Dreams can be exciting on one end and sometimes mystical and frightening on the other end. Here in this piece, we have considered what dreams about pregnancy can mean when you aren't pregnant or planning to be. We have focused on miscarriage dreams too. If anything, a miscarriage in whatever position or place is a bad omen. Howbeit, miscarriage dreams can sometimes be a warning signal.
But then, not all dreams must come to pass. Even the frightening ones such as miscarriages are most times, to warn us. You really don't need to experience the miscarriage if you heed the warning. In fact, as noted in the piece, you can end a miscarriage dream of whatever sort by focusing on the warnings and fixing things.
While there may be different interpretations of a dream for different people depending on the dream context, pregnancy dreams, in general, suggest a major change about to happen to anyone. Can we just pray that your pregnancy dreams give birth to a great "baby" and not end up in a "miscarriage"?