11 Ways to Heal Myself When I Feel Broken Inside
It's okay and normal to feel broken. Learn how to recover
Aug 10, 2020

Find Out if You Are Broken Inside

The person, who has been through this broken phase, truly knows how harsh this world and its reality can be. Every single person falls a victim to it in some way or the other. Some take the blows like a challenge and become much more resilient, while some handle it at a slower pace and feel completely broken.
How to tell if you’re broken?

This feeling goes deep to the heart and is difficult to get it out. When someone is broken inside, this word ‘broken’ is the only thing they can think of. Their life, their mental state, their body, everything seems to fit in the definition of the word ‘broken’. Still here are some signs to look for to evaluate yourself:
1. Oh, the self-loathing

If you constantly feel you’re not worth it, you’re completely useless, and all your success is meaningless, then you’re definitely a broken soul. The feeling of not being worthy and not being good enough totally overwhelms a broken person. It’s hard to let this feeling go once it has consumed you, but it’s always good to keep an open mind and have the desire to change.
2. The comfort in being alone

Broken people like their alone time, not because they don’t like other people, just because time with themself is comforting and they feel least judged then. It’s their way of clearing their heads and dealing with the sadness all by themselves. So if you’re introverted enough to touch this limit, then your heart must be broken.
3. Love repellents

Obviously broken people want to be loved, but they just think of themselves as not worthy. It might be because of a previous harsh relationship that made them feel this way. They lack confidence in a relationship because they weren’t treated right. If you feel that way, you might be broken deep because of love.
4. Overly sensitive
It is pretty usual for broken people to be sensitive. Seeing some cruel realities mold them into being so cautious about everything. They even take some jokes literally and overreact on minor things. But that’s not a bad trait, this just shows how broken they feel and it reflects in their behavior.
Know that it’s completely okay
When you think about happy and successful people who flaunt their lives like they have had it the best way, don’t believe that. It is most likely even they have been tried in life and its challenges. Be it love or career, at one point every person feels like giving up and demotivated. It’s up to them how they react afterward.

So before you bury yourself beneath the burden of the negative thoughts, know that you’re not alone and it’s all okay. It’s not like we’re justifying these emotions to make you feel better (though that is the goal here) but also because it’s a fact. It has happened to us all at some point in life. Once you realize how to get out of it, you’ll rise stronger than ever.
11 Ways to Heal Yourself
If you’re thinking about healing yourself and moving forward, you’re halfway there. That’s a great initiative to make yourself happy again. If you’re confused about where to start, we’re here to help you out.
Broken and Free
When you’ve got a lot of time on your hands, use it mindfully and wisely.
1. First thing’s first, accept yourself

What made you this broken isn’t something to be afraid of. That’s you, a normal and functioning human being who got hurt along the way of life. But when you’re free and alone with only your thoughts, that is where you decide what you want to be. Accept everything about yourself and let go of blames and self-doubts.
2. Realize, you’re beautiful

Source: @chippythedog/Giphy.com
When was the last time you felt beautiful? In that rough hairdo, those sweats, and a face with an overdue facial? That needs changing. Get up, get your hair done, maybe a new color would be great. Wipe your tears and get your glowy skin back. After a well-deserved makeover, look at yourself in the mirror and feel beautiful. Loving yourself is the stepping stone to healing yourself.
3. Learn a new hobby

It’s time to awaken your creative side and get that brain up and running. Recall the times when you weren’t sad and had so many things in your mind but you couldn’t find the time to entertain any of them. Well, now is the best time to chase your dreams and those ignored hobbies. Pick anything you want, gardening, painting, photography, cooking/baking, etc. It’s going to be your opportunity to heal and grow.
4. Redecorate and refurbish
When you’re letting things go, you should change your surroundings as well. Sometimes a painting on the wall or your sofa where you used to sit and cry will remind you of your broken self. So let those memories go and change everything that would bring back any sadness. A touch of bright color would do the trick.
5. Work out/meditate

Meditation doesn’t always mean a strict yoga routine. Do anything that soothes your soul. Some people find peace in a healthy diet and exercise. This makes a person feel good about themselves and regains that lost confidence. Some people go on a nice run with their favorite upbeat music on, totally letting go of all the negative energy. Do whatever suits you, make sure it’s healthy and uplifting.
6. Travel

There’s nothing like a retreat from the boring routine especially when you have the free time. Instead of wasting it on overthinking those hurtful things, make it productive by taking a short trip to your favorite place. Or you can try something exciting and new, challenge yourself and travel a place where you never thought you’d go.
Broken but Busy
Here are some tips that will fit right into your schedule.
7. A life journal

Writing a journal can be very helpful and relaxing. It’s just like keeping a therapist in your pocket. Whenever you get a 5-10 minutes break from work, take out your journal and write anything you want. How your day’s going, what are your thoughts, etc.. After a week or two, check your progress, you will be amazed how far you’ve come. This will definitely help you heal inside out.
8. Appreciate yourself, daily

Every time you’re getting ready for school or work, take a minute to pause from the morning rush and look at yourself in the mirror. Appreciate yourself, practice self-compassion. Tell yourself you’re awesome. Even if you’re sensing the day a bit gloomy, don’t forget this.
9. Find a support system

This can be a colleague or a social group that can help you out and blend into your busy routine at the same time. It can be a bunch of friends at lunch break or a therapist that offers short sessions. It’s always a help to listen to other people and hear their perspectives about things. People’s stories about healing can help you get hopeful.
10. Have plenty of Me-Time

Being with your self is therapy in itself. Go and eat out by yourself, take long relaxing baths, with your favorite shows on, read a good book whenever you get the time. You HAVE to fit in Me-Time in your schedule, make it as essential as work.
11. Take break from social media

Getting off the grid is what we all need sometimes. This will help you regain that focus on work and keep you away from social negativities. The expectations you get from people and their apparent perfect lives will only make you broken again. You can get back to that whenever you’re ready to accept the world again.
Hotlines for More Help
If you’re still lost, it’s okay to reach out to a professional. There’s no harm in it, there is no one to judge you. DO reach out even as a last resort.
Crisis Text Line
Here you can get free 24/7 support with simply tapping on your phone. The number to text is 741741 for the US and Canada.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

A person will listen to your problems and concerns and professionally guide you through it. With resources, the counselor will provide support to you and help you with your crisis.

On this platform, you can chat live with a person and share your thoughts. They’re there to help you out.

Healing prayers to get you through different challenges in life
Fixing a broken heart seems hard, but it takes half the effort when one tires to heal oneself. No matter what people tell you, what you believe yourself is going to stick. So make sure that includes everything positive and never give up hope.