10 Best Spiritual Books to Read for 2019 for a Spiritual Upgrade
Best 2019 spiritual books of all time for enlightenment
May 24, 2019

Enlightenment is when you see a situation in all its glory. We acquire education to enlighten ourselves with the knowledge of the world, but what about our spiritual enlightenment? What do you do to polish that? There are various ways how a person can enlighten themselves. Some of these ways include through talking to people of experience, or looking into religious matter and see what speaks to you.
One way that has proven very effective is reading spiritually themed books. Here are some books that you can read while on your way to discover your spirituality: The Book of joy, A return to love, The Untethered Soul, Conversations with God, The alchemist, The book of Awakening, Tao Te Ching, The four agreements, A new Earth, and Inspiration.

All these books have been helping people discover or rediscover their spirituality over the decades, these books have proven successful and therefore have traveled with time, and still are referred when talked about spiritual books.
Can spiritual awareness really give you enlightenment?
We spend so much of our time, wondering where we have gone wrong, how much more difficult things can get, and how to fix it all? These answers usually don’t come up to you out of the blue, and help you get through life. Instead, what you need to do, is look within yourself and seek for these answers.

More often than not, you are unhappy with yourself and how your life is because you do not know what to do to make it better. The answers usually lie in your questions. When you embark on the journey of spiritual awakening, you learn how easily you can forget your own importance in this world, and how little the things you worry about matter in the bigger picture.
When you look into yourself and find the answers you were looking for, you are enlightened about the world, your life, and the people around you and most importantly you start viewing your relationship with God, in a way you never thought before. Spiritual awakening helps you sort your life out and become more compassionate to yourself and those around you.
List of 10 bestseller spiritual books of all time for 2019
1. The Book of Joy – Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu:
The noble prize-winning book was published in the year 2016 and is a self-help book that helps you get to your inner spirituality. You must want to know what makes this book a Nobel Prize winner, and here is why: in the book the author discusses how difficult it can be to live a life of joy and happiness because life keeps throwing difficulties at us.
However, this is why this book is an absolute piece of work. Both the authors had lived a difficult life and were heavily faced with oppression and lived in exile away from families and their general lives at some point. However, despite all these shortcomings, they were able to smile in the face of adversity and the challenges life threw at them.
2. A Return to love - Marianne Williamson:

Written by Marianne Williamson, "A Return to Love" is a New York Times Bestseller and to this date is one of the most effective spiritual books you can find. The author splits life in two parts, the first part being love, which you are born into in this world, and the second part being fear that we somehow learn or “Acquire” in our journey in this life.
She talks about how spirituality is the process of unlearning the fear and absolutely basing your life around the principle of love. The book helps you see how much you stay back out of fear from new opportunities, love life, relationships, etc.
3. The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer:

All of us have limitations and barriers that we cannot break while functioning in life every day. How would you feel if someone told you that you are free from all your worldly limitations? The author Michael A. Singer helps you to see the way to a limitless life, where your soul is free from all worldly things holding you back from complete inner peace and serenity.
This book will help you accomplish all these things through its beautiful strings of words. The author beautifully describes the process of learning to live in the present, and avoid dwelling on painful memories that keep you from finding the inner peace you need.
4. Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsch:

Seldom do we find literature that shakes us to our core, and makes us believe in all the prospects of life that we never looked at before. Conversations with God is one book that opens your heart to the idea that God will forever be around to listen, only if you are ready to talk to him.
This book has the potential to make you reassess all aspects of your life like love, religion, death and the entire idea of life. If you have been feeling unsuccessful and without a purpose, this is the book that will remind you of who you are and what your purpose in life is.

5. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho:
The Alchemist even though was published back in 1988, it still holds great value amongst the names of books that have a spiritual background. If you have ever felt like you needed to be on a journey to get to the things that you find of value, yet never found the results you wanted? If the answer is yes, this book is something you will relate to along with finding the answers you have been looking for, for a while.
The Alchemist talks about how you could look around for as long as you want, travel the world, but there are some things in the world that you already have but will only value once you have lost them: such as love, family and faith.
6. The Book of Awakening - Mark Nepo:

This, as its title claims, is truly a book of awakening – one that's supposed to be a friend to you, throughout the time that you read it. This is a spiritual book that focuses on looking at the little things: how many days of our lives have we spent worrying about the bigger things, the college application, the new job, the house we want to buy and ended up overlooking the things that mattered more.
Have you ever missed a significant little moment that you didn’t think was interesting enough but later realized it held importance in who you become as a person? This book helps you find those little things in life and be happy for a longer time, instead of timed happiness you find in monetary and temporary things.
7. Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu:

This book was originally written in Chinese, but various translations of it can be found on Amazon. This book is a book that awakens you spiritually not only about yourselves but also about the society and the people around you that you affect with how you feel. This one’s for people that want to make a difference but often find themselves at crossroads with how they actually feel and what they want to do. It teaches you simplicity, patience and compassion; both for yourself, and the world around you. It teaches you the importance of protecting the world just as much as your own soul.
8. The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz:

Written by Don Miguel Ruiz, this spiritual growth book focuses mainly on a specific play-by-play game plan on how to free yourself from self-limiting scenarios in your life. He discusses four agreements that he assumes all people make with themselves, the people around them, God and to life itself. These agreements shape their behavior, and how they deal with life.
The book puts into perspective certain things like happiness and personal transformation along with freedom from all the shackles that are limiting your soul to certain situations. According to the author the aforementioned agreements are what makes a man suffer in his lifetime.
9. A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle:

Eckhart Tolle, the author of A new Earth, in his book challenges his readers to live in the current moment instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. If anyone is able to do this, they will find the joy of life in the little things they experience on a daily basis.
Once you have freed yourself from the weights of yesterday you will be able to move on in life with no emotional baggage, which will let us live a much healthier, and happy life as compared to when we keep resenting what has already happened and fear what is yet to come.
10. Inspiration - Your ultimate calling – Wayne Dyer:

Wayne Dyer in his wonderful work talks about focusing on your inner self for encouragement and inspiration instead of looking for these things outside of your own self. He puts emphasis on the fact that people can often make themselves of value if they look closely enough.
His main idea behind the book was to highlight the struggle you have between finding the motivation within yourself and becoming inspired by your own ideas and struggles. He focuses on making intrinsic goals than running after them all your life.

There are so many ways to look for spiritual awakening in the world, you could talk to people with experience, resort to nature and find inner peace there, or you could spend a little time reading the literature that could give you the answers you have been looking for your whole life. These spiritual books could help you see life, death, God, yourself and love in a different light. Once exposed to these books you might begin to appreciate things more in life.