16 Ways To Finetune Your Art Of Sarcasm And Block Sarcasm
Learn how to get back on a sarcasm with a higher level of sarcasm
Jun 17, 2020

What is sarcasm

By definition, sarcasm is an ironic, bitter, and a sharp statement made to taunt another person. A sarcastic statement is easy to spot and it often points to the elephant in the room. The point of sarcasm is to, first, make yourself funny and hilarious with the sense of humor. Second, to show the foolish, uneducated, and stupid side of the person you are taunting.
Behold though, although sarcasm is meant to taunt and make fun of another person, it's not an insult. You don't go to the person and insult them. But rather, you tell them in a witty way they are wrong/ did something silly.
The Annoyance And Anger That You Get From Sarcasm

Not everyone can appreciate the art of sarcasm. Many take it as an offensive act of insult. If someone tells you there're 30 alphabets in English and you say "yeh just like Australia is a made up country". It's obvious that any educated person wouldn't say those two sentences with pride. You're merely stating the obvious that he was stupid for saying that. But, in most cases, the taunted person will perceive it with hostility and think you're trying to attack and insult them.
The annoyance and anger every sarcastic person gets are more than words can describe. Often times, the person in the wrong gets angry because their mistake gets pointed out in a witty way. Well, behold, and below are 16 ways to finetune your sarcasm and to avoid those unappreciative audiences!
16 Ways To Finetune Your Art Of Sarcasm And Block Sarcasm
Get your sarcasm checked
1. Are you making an insult?

A key difference between sarcasm and an insult is the intention and presentation. A sarcastic comment is supposed to reflect a certain level of stupidity at one's comment, directed at the issue mostly. It's an ironic comment rather than a statement spoken.
Whereas, an insult is targeted at one's personality with the full intention to make the person feel bad at all levels. You don't intend any mercy. Often times, people confuse sarcasm with an insult and would get annoyed or even angry.
For example, when someone made a stupid comment, instead of using a rhetorical question or statement to mock at the comment, you say "what an idiotic thing to say". That's obviously an insult rather than sarcasm. There's no humor in it nor it is ironic.
Not everyone finds sarcasm funny and most will confuse it with insult and think you are rude. Carefully think through the words you use and ask yourself are you making an ironic statement or a flat insult?
2. Do your friends find it funny?
One excellent way to evaluate your fun level is to see how your friends like it. Typically you'd share the same interest and values with most of your friends, that's why you are friends, duh! So if the majority of your friends don't find your jokes funny, or even find it hostile, you then have some serious thinking to do.
Are you really as funny as you think you are? Of course, that's also a good way for you to select your friends. In the end, maybe it's your friends that don't appreciate a good, old sarcastic joke, judging you on the moral high ground. Think it through and eventually you will be surrounded by like-minded people.
3. Be mindful of your surrounding

Sarcasm masters don't throw sarcastic speech round the clock. They know what is a good time to do so and what is a good time to stay silent. Read into your surrounding. Are you at a birthday party and want to show people your sense of humor? Who is it that you're mocking?
Never mock at the host to make yourself funny in front of his friends. That's the only embarrassing. Never mock at inappropriate times, the obvious would be when comforting a friend. Your friend is already upset that she doesn't need to hear you mocking her.
4. Be specific
Whether it be a person or a subject, pick a specific one to target. Don't shoot your sarcastic comments like a sprinkler. Mocking at everyone wouldn't make you funny, it would only make you annoying and obnoxious. Being able to find a specific target shows your sense of humor and not overdo it.
5. Pick someone that finds it funny

The last thing you want is to shoot your sarcastic fart at someone that wouldn't understand, even if your audience would. That's tricky because you'd know everyone would have a good laugh but the strict person you are mocking at would find it highly offensive. In that case, you still shouldn't make the joke. If the person flips on you, however funny the joke is, it will no longer be worth it as you would have an angry person to deal with.
6. Know when to laugh with the crowd or maintain a poker face

It's more than throwing a comment and leaving it there. Reading the crowd and see if you should laugh along adds tremendous points to your joke. If you're surrounded by a crowd of people with a dry sense of humor, you would want to refrain from laughing with your jokes.
If it's a casual party, go along with the crowd and laugh at your own jokes. it's just pals chilling together.
Examples of high level sarcasm
7. The one-time surprise
Quality over quantity. Between throwing sarcastic comments all night, find the one moment where you feel really connect and believe you can throw a golden comment, go for that moment and win all the glory.
8. Political sarcasm in real life
In this day and age, people are way more political than 100 years ago. Everyone has an opinion on it. A great way to show off your witty jokes is through political comments applicable to a real-life situation. Maybe not everyone will appreciate a political comment, but you surely will get applauded for knowing politics.
9. Promoting a movement

The ultimate goal for sarcasm is to be able to be thought-provoking with positive influence. Well-use of social issues to ironically raise questions about the state of our world can be good to let the audience think. Relate issues to equality, poverty, etc. Your sarcasm can promote change.
10. Use celebrity as references
Good sarcasm is those that reference real-life characters or events. They are real and would resonate with the audience lots more than made-up scenarios.
11. Make a sarcastic comment about yourself
How's that going to add points for you? Well, it shows that you're so much more than about mocking people. You mock at anything, even yourself. It proves you're after the issue and nothing personal.
12. Use a quote

Probably one of the most brilliant way to be sarcastic. Throw a famous quote of dialogue, not only can it prove your point easily, but it also resonates with your audience much better.
Blocking sarcasm
13. Ignore

As said before, sarcasm isn't for everyone and it's not your fault if you are not susceptible to the humor. What you can do is ignore any sarcastic comment. Force your brain to filter out any sarcastic statements and only respond to comments you find pleasing. You don't need to respond to unpleasant comments.
14. Divert topic
Change the topic immediately can hint the person you aren't a fan of what's being discussed right now. Anyone smart enough would pick up the hint. If he doesn't budge, simply bring up your topic again, showing him you have no interest in it.
15. Tell the person you aren't appreciating this

You can block sarcasm passively or you can take the stance by telling the jokester his jokes aren't well-liked. Let your thoughts flow calmly and say you would appreciate it if
16. Perceive it as a lesson

This is the gold to reach for. It's hard to do, yet you will find the zen zone once you're there. Not only you are able to filter out the "aggressive tone" in a comment, but you are also able to take the essence of it and take it as a lesson. As said, every sarcastic comment stems from mocking someone's foolishness.
Are you able to take the lesson and perceive it as a friendly reminder to not make such silly comments again? Are you able to use it as an opportunity to reflect upon yourself? That's the master level in blocking sarcasm. You are able to not let it bother you and at the same time, you will let it fly high with pride because of the good takeaway from it.

If your dream in life is to make a room full of people laugh, then you need to dream bigger. Still, I can show you how to be more sarcastic.

Sarcasm is a never-ending lesson. There's so much to learn. It's not about throwing offensive comments but about finding the humor in everything and to improve yourself by not making the same mistake again. It's not humor for everyone and many still don't see the catch of it till this day. But for those who enjoy, they are surely having fun trying to figure out how to master their sarcastic skills every day.