10 Ways To Treat Dry, Cracked, Peeling Feet

10 Ways To Treat Dry, Cracked, Peeling Feet

Use these wonderful tips to heal your dry skin on your feet once and for all! You will regain your confidence one foot at a time!

By Nicole Muir
10 Ways To Treat Dry, Cracked, Peeling Feet

Natural Remedies for Dry Skin and Cracked Feet

You start to put your shoes on and brush against the rough surface of your feet. Your skin is dry and cracked! You want to show off your feet in a nice pair of heels, but how can you exude confidence if you feel there would only be glaring eyes set on your dry and cracked feet! You want to practice yoga, but no way are you going to go barefoot because everyone will see your dry feet! You want simply to walk with confidence, but this may be difficult if the very soles of your body is a problem area? You don't need to be hindered or in pain by your cracked and dry feet anymore! There are many natural remedies for this widespread issue to help! Not only can you use this tips for your dry feet but also your itchy skin as well.

Take your confidence to the next level!

Not only will you regain more confidence, but you will also be more comfortable. How amazing would it be if those hours you had to stand for work weren't made more painful by having itchy and dry skin? Don't let your insecurities about your dry and cracked feet keep you from letting your confidence shine! Gain your self-security and smooth skin back using these tips!

1. Get to moisturizing your dry feet

This may seem obvious, but it is easier said than done for some of us. Life gets busy, and we forget to put lotion on our feet, we put aside that much-needed pedicure, and we ignore the dry and itchy skin and just cover up. I am guilty of putting off moisturizing, and by the time I notice my feet are dry and cracked it is past the point of simply moisturizing. This is vital for any healing of your feet, but there comes a time your feet will need more treatment than lotions and butters. This also applies to moisturizing your skin; it needs to be hydrated to avoid dryness. Use these butters to prevent dry skin and cracked heels. This is the start of setting your feet on the path to smoothness. * Shea Butter: Make sure this is a high-quality brand of shea butter. It is rich in Vitamin A, which is essential in treating dermatitis, eczema, and wrinkles. More information about the benefits of Shea butter and how to pick a high-quality one can be found at https://www.sheainstitute.com/asbi-library/21reasons/. * Cocoa Butter: Contains Vitamin E, amazing at healing dry skin by moisturizing the skin and soothing itchiness. Make sure to apply any moisturizer to the top and bottom of your feet for full effectiveness.

2. Use a foot scrub to exfoliate

Sometimes just lotion is not the end all be all regarding healing your dry feet. You may need a better treatment plan to heal possibly severe cracked skin. Exfoliating can relieve that itchy sensation and smooth the top and bottom of your feet. The porous ingredients act as a scrub to remove the dead skin and calluses easier. Take it to the next level and use a pumice bar when exfoliating as well, just be careful to not over-scrub your skin and cause too much skin to be removed. This, like with moisturizing, can be used on your skin as well as your feet. Try the homemade foot scrubs below for fun options! These are unique recipes to customize to your liking. You may even have all the ingredients in your pantry.

Tea Tree and Mint Homemade Foot Scrub — Salt & Ritual
Easy Homemade Body Scrub: Vanilla Coconut - WonkyWonderful

3. Let your dry feet soak in an epsom salt bath

Epsom salt is an amazing mineral that benefits your skin! Aside from the benefits of Epsom salt for your body, it does wonders for dry and cracked feet by using it as a soak. You can soak your feet for 15 minutes in 2 cups of Epsom salt and warm water. Next you will want to scrub the top and bottom of your feet with a pumice stone. This will get rid of some of the dead skin and smooth out those dreaded calluses! If you don't want to do a foot bath, you can always add it to a normal bath and absorb the benefits through the rest of Epsom skin and not just your feet.

4. Use an oil (Coconut oil, vegetable oil, sesame oil)

Oils are extremely hydrating and soothing to itchy, severely dry skin. Oil will smooth out your rough skin and penetrate deeper than moisturizers. Moisturizers can dry out quicker on the skin, while oils provide more extensive hydration for longer lasting and smoother skin. * Coconut Oil: Contain fatty acids, which penetrate the skin for deeper hydration than most other oils. It is also anti-bacterial, which is important if the cracked skin is severe enough, causing deep cracks or bleeding. * Vegetable Oil & Sunflower Oil: Works as a barrier to keeping moisture in and prevents chemicals from damaging the skin. Also, it is anti-bacterial like coconut oil. * Be sure to purchase high quality and organic oils for the best benefits.

5. Apply a foot mask

Foot masks are more intensive for the occasional use and if you severe dry skin. It works by using some sort of sheet (usually plastic) and adding the foot mask liquid inside to coat the top and bottom of your feet. This then sets until you peel the sheets off. Your dead skin and calluses will then begin to shed. One of the cautions to keep in mind when trying out foot masks are to make sure you don't peel off skin that is not quite ready to shed. This can lead to more irritation and more severe issues down the road. Use the link below for an easy DIY foot mask!

DIY Pre-Summer Foot "Power-Peel" (Easy to make!)

6. Use apple cider vinegar

This is another type of soak but well worth trying! Apple cider vinegar is an acid, yet weak enough to use. It works best as a cleanser as well as a sanitizer. Make sure when buying you purchase a high-quality apple cider vinegar that contains the "mother." Vinegar is great at removing bacteria from the feet, hydrating the skin and improving cracked feet. It even can be used as a treatment for foot odors, warts and fungi! Combine 1 part of vinegar to 2 parts of warm water and let your feet soak for about 15 minutes. Make sure the first time you try the foot soak you notice any reactions since it is an acid. If you do notice any reaction simply add more warm water to the soak.

7. Discover the healing of lemons with dry and cracked skin and feet

This is an amazing natural remedy for the painful calluses and dry feet many of us are plagued with! It is such an easy trick you may even run to your kitchen right now to try it! There are many ways of using lemons in the treatment of your dry and cracked feet but this one deals with using the lemon peel as a type of mask. You can even DIY lemon lotions and balms for your skin or even lemon exfoliating scrubs. To use the lemon peel in your socks, you will want to cut a lemon in half and apply the peel that is mostly squeezed of juices onto your heel. After that apply your socks and let it soak when you're sitting down or overnight. This doesn't produce results overnight, but after a few nights, you should start to notice a huge difference in your calluses and dry feet! The reason this works so well: The natural oils! Lemon peels and the pulp contain amazing oils that are great for regenerating healthier skin, fighting itchy and dry skin, acting as an anti-inflammatory and more!

Lemons. #lemons #foodphotography #foodstyling @sorjastudio

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8. Try a sweet remedy, honey!

You put honey in your coffee, in your tea, in your cookies and desserts. You may even put honey in your hair or on your face for masks! Why not use honey on your feet? Honey is a great moisturizer aside from the typical lotions. Like vinegar, it is an antioxidant, is antibacterial, and can be itchiness. This works well, especially with cracked feet, because it creates a type of barrier to keep infection out and lower inflammation. If you want more ways of using honey aside from Epsom it on your feet alone, visit the link below for 6 combinations of honey use!

Top 6 Ways To Make Your Own Honey Heel Moisturizer for Dry, Cracked Heels | DIY Home Remedies, Kitchen Remedies and Herbs

#canyonhoney #rawhoney #honeyhealth #homehoney PC: Alona Kraft via Unsplash.com

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9. Avoid walking on your feet barefoot

This is a struggle I have, and I am sure you have as well! I either walk around barefoot or in sandals all day long. This is one of the worst ways of maintaining smooth feet! Remember, walking around not only increases your need for lotions and exfoliating scrubs by increasing calluses but also is not offering support for your feet and joints. If you are like me and struggle to even wear shoes, simply try putting on socks while walking around the house or slippers. This, along with wearing shoes more often, can prevent those pesky calluses and maintain smooth and silky feet. All of which you can achieve with the rest of these tips!

10. Keep up with maintenance on your dry feet

Remember that maintenance is key! If you forget to apply lotion to your feet, they most likely will become dry and cracked. There isn't a magic potion you can rub on once a year to fix those calluses the remainder 364 days (although wouldn't that be nice). We need to form habits to take care of our feet regularly. This doesn't need to be daily, but a routine that works for your schedule. If you forget, you will just need to do more treatment of the callus build-up, and it may take longer to reach your desired smoothness again. It is a lot easier on you and your feet if you remember simply washing and scrubbing in the shower while applying lotion to your feet afterward. You can even make it your scheduled monthly alone time, allowing yourself time for pampering by getting a pedicure. Whatever the way, allow yourself to feel great in your skin!

Walk with confidence in your smooth feet again!

Now, go out and conquer with confidence! You can now do so with smooth and silky feet!