Sexy & Hot Female Cops With Pictures

Sexy & Hot Female Cops With Pictures

Female cops are strong, empowering, independent, and also very attractive. Check out this gallery of hot female cops in uniform!

By Daina
Sexy & Hot Female Cops With Pictures

Sexy and Hot Female Cops

Regardless of if it’s a male or female that pulls you over or approaches you, you must respect all police officers the same.

However, that is not to say that you can’t secretly admire how they look, especially the hotter ones. After all, it seems the best-looking people are cops. That goes for both male and female police officers. Female cops are less likely to let themselves go; from the moment they are rookies until they retire from the force, they are hot and sexy.

Lucky for you, we have collected pictures of sexy and hot female cops, just for your viewing pleasure. In no way do their looks undermine their power and position. But they make us wish we were pulled over!

But first, a little history to explain why female cops are scarce and why it is essential for female cops to remain strong-willed. 

History of Female Cops

If you watch old western movies or even black-and-white detective movies, you will notice one thing: there are not many female police officers. The first female cop in America was not enlisted into the forced until 1891. The next ones to follow were 1908. A woman was not appointed captain until 1943. And from there, the numbers continue to rise.

The reason women are the minority in the police force is due to the discrimination and abuse they have faced in law enforcement. Before the first female officer joined Chicago PD in 1891, women did not have as many job opportunities as men. When they began gaining more power in society, the police departments began getting more and more women. Now, that was a long time ago. However, that does not mean that to this day; their male counterparts do not undermine them. They also face sexual harassment from male officers and the community.

In no way, today am I compiling this gallery for sexual harassment reasons. After all, many of the female cops that posted these pictures meant to show off their gorgeous eyes, hot bods, and beautiful hair. So enjoy these pictures and hope the female officers that pull you overlook like this, so at least you have something nice to look at when you are about to be issued a ticket or citation.

Gorgeous Eyes

Eyes are the window into the soul. They are typically what people focus on when you talk to them. It’s no wonder that women with beautiful eyes are most people’s kryptonite. Add a badge to those women and not only are you in trouble, but you are so focused on gorgeous eyes you don't know why you're in trouble.

It would be hard to concentrate on what she was charging me with when those eyes would be the ones staring me down. But I can tell she doesn’t let having gorgeous eyes stop her from being badass in the field.

One of the stereotypes of hot lady officers is that they are more manly than girly. This one female cop breaks the stereotype and hangs it out to dry, looking hotter than most females in any profession. Her look is beautiful and flawless. If you want to check out her Instagram, her Instagram name is @the_beauty_cop. The pictures get hotter and hotter!

It’s not every day you see a police officer whose eyebrows and eye makeup are on fleek. I would be paying her a compliment on those if I saw her on the street, whether she was in her uniform or not. The fact she is a cop and still cares that much about making sure she looks good earns her more respect in my book.

Even in uniform and fresh out of training, this hot lady’s eyes are shining brightly. And, her smile and dimples match it perfectly!

Another hot cop’s eyebrows and eye makeup on point. It’s a wonder how, after a shift of fighting crime and wearing a hundred pounds worth of gear, female cops can look that hot. Proof that females can be badass and beautiful at the same time!

Hot Bods

Like I said before, hot women cops tend to keep in better shape than male cops, especially younger female cops. They keep in shape by hitting up the gym before and after work and taking their job seriously. Here are the best hot female cop pictures.

This woman looks badass and hot in the gym and the uniform. Typically, police uniforms are ill-fitting and lose the shape of a woman. However, this lady rocks it and allows her curves to shine through.

She has the perfect hourglass figure, and no amount of police gear will hide those hot curves. Possibly, this is why uniforms are so loose-fitting—it would be very distracting to see a hot bod like that in a police uniform.

Spitzensport trifft Bundespolizei @tinamuellerluge ist eine Sportskanone. Sie trainiert als Rennrodlerin für Olympia, doch jetzt im Moment befindet sie sich in der Ausbildung zur Bundespolizistin. Zum Bild schreibt uns Tina: "Polizistin zu werden war schon immer mein Traum und das jetzt noch mit meinem Sport zu verbinden ist einfach großartig! 😄" Wir wünschen Tina, dass sie ihre sportlichen Ziele erreicht und ihr und ihren Kollegen natürlich viel Erfolg bei der Ausbildung! 🍀 #polizei #police #instapolice #germanpolice #instapolizei #lawenforcement #lawenforcementofficer #policeofficer #polizistin #femalecop #womeninuniform #policewoman #instacop #uniform #cops #fraueninuniform #copsofinstagram #bundespolizei #bpol #federalpolice #spitzensport #ausbildung #studium #polizeimensch #polizISTmensch

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The uniform might be loose, but you can see the rocking bod she is hiding underneath it. She is flawless, from her hair to her face to her body. She keeps things real.

This lady doesn’t need the Snapchat filters to be beautiful or hot, as she used on the left side. She is gorgeous and flaunts her curves in her drab uniform.

There is a huge difference between skinny and toned. Although; many people may look at her and say she’s not skinny, she is certainly toned, which makes a load of difference as a police officer. It means rather than getting snapped like a twig; she would be the one snapping others! Every muscle in her body is defined, and her strength shows through!

Long Hair, Don't Care

Most of the time, when we think of female cops, we think of uptight women with even tighter buns. Female cops are advised to put their hair up in a tight bun, so if there is an altercation, their hair cannot be pulled. But these female cops let their beautiful locks of hair fall down their shoulders without a care in the world. They take their femininity and flaunt it in their uniforms.

The only thing more beautiful than her golden locks is her freckles that scatter across her face. She looks so cute and innocent, but I am sure she can take any offender down in an instant.

This picture is captioned “Curly Hair Don’t Care,” so it’s a perfect match for this category. This beauty lets her curly locks flow.

Who knew a woman sheriff could be so attractive, yet evoke fear and respect at the same time? I feel this woman can fit into all categories: gorgeous eyes, hot bod, and long hair. However, we’re putting her in the long hair category because she looks hot letting her straightened hair flow down. However, she would look equally hot if she had her hair pulled into a tight ponytail or bun. She is someone that can pull off any look!

This blonde hair bombshell is gorgeous, even with all the bulky gear. She let her hot femininity shine through every inch of herself.

The life of a female police officer is not comfortable. Like this red-haired beauty, in any weather, cops have to wear bulky and heavy gear for their safety. On top of that, females have this long, thick hair. It can get pretty hot in conditions like the summertime, but that doesn’t stop females from being beautiful, strong, and hot in the best way!


#wcw goes to the gorgeous officer of the law that pulled me over last night while I didn’t have my license on me. I told her the truth off back and we stared each other in the eyes for about 3 seconds. Those were the most perfect 3 seconds of my night. 3 seconds of all the love and pure goodness in the world pierced my heart. She smiled , I smiled , then she remembered where and what she was so she stopped smiling which made me stop too. She took my information that I did have and gave me a warning. Also ! Something somewhere in the area smelled like dope 👀👀👀. And she looked out ! I’d pamper her everyday if she were mine. I love you, you law enforcering ass bitch. #ops #12 #crackers #fuzz #cheese #boysinblue #femalecops #shewasgorgeous #iloveher #arrestme #bae 👳🏾‍♂️❤️👮🏽‍♀️

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The caption of this picture of hot female cops is everything - a pretty good way to sum up the article.

"#wcw goes to the gorgeous officer of the law that pulled me over last night while I didn’t have my license on me. I told her the truth, and we stared each other in the eyes for about three seconds. Those were the most perfect three seconds of my night.

Three seconds of all the love and pure goodness in the world pierced my heart. She smiled, I smiled, then she remembered where and what she was so she stopped smiling which made me stop too. She took my information that I did have and gave me a warning.

Remember, just because a female cop is hot, it does not mean you have the right to sexually harass or assault her, or demean her in any way. She, like all females, is just doing her job and is not just going to let you off the hook because you complimented her ass. Respect women. All women. 

But that's not to say you can't enjoy looking at hot pics of female cops. So save this article in your bookmark pages on your internet browser and when you're feeling down, allow these pictures to get you right back up. 

Thank you to all of our female police officers who are out there doing a fantastic job and have decided to dedicate their lives to serving and protecting those who need a voice.