A Recap on Celebrities and Their Baby Carrier Styles
Find Out What Baby Carrier Celebrities Use While Baby Wearing
Nov 17, 2018

It is very normal for us to follow what is trending in the life of celebrities. From clothes to cars to houses and everything that pertains to them in general. And so it is that some people also like to follow what is trending for celebrity parents as concerning baby wearing and the types of carriers that they prefer. This post is a recap on the type and styles that celebrities adopt for baby carrying.
Find Out What Baby Carrier Celebrities Use While Baby Wearing
Julia Roberts

Source: Pinterest
Jennifer Meyer & Nicole Kidman

Source: NFPHOTO.com
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie
When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had their twins, they used the Bjorn Baby Carrier. The twins made it five children in all. When you have these amount of children to deal with, it is expedient that you use a baby carrier because you will need to keep thigs flowing as well as handling the filming business, while keeping the twins happy as well. That’s not an easy feat, but thanks to baby carriers!
Kate Hudson

Source: carrymeaway,com
Everyone knows Kate Hudson is a fashionista! She still lived up to the billing while carrying her baby with the ring sling. You cannot also help but wonder how she manages to wear pumps and heels while carrying a weight that’s not so light with her. My advice: do not try this at home!
Jennifer Connelly

Source: Fame/ celebbabylaundry.com
When you see the Jennifer Connelly’s baby, you can’t but smile in awe. The baby looks so cool and calm nestled in the Boba Baby Carrier. This also makes the mother able to go through the hustles and bustles of New York. The baby seems not to be complaining at all.
Sheryl Crow

Source: People.com
You cannot help but wonder how Sheryl Crow manages to keep fit, especially as a mom. Anyway, the Moby D Wrap she uses always keeps her up and going. This unique wrap might be challenging to wrap in the initial, but once you get used to it, it becomes like second skin.
Celebrities and Their Ergobaby

Source: Pinterest
A lot of people believe that the Ergobaby carrier is one of the best in the market especially if the positive reviews are anything to go by. It feels very comfortable for both the mother and the child. Especially as the mother can have her hands free to carry out other tasks. Below, is a list of celebrities who use the much talked about the ergobaby carrier.
- Keira Knightley: stunner! I’ve always been a fan. Seeing her rock her baby in a carrier is only more adorable.
- Pink: you can only expect pink to carry her baby in a pink ergo baby sling. Well, she did not disappoint us.
- Orlando Bloom: yes, A man, finally! Although we could not see the face of the baby, we know from the father’s looks that the child can only ne lovely.
- Julia Roberts: already looking like an experienced mum, she surely knows what to do in the baby department. Her baby looks calm and safe nestled very close to the mum.
- Gwen Stefani: Always carrying her baby around in an ergobaby sling and putting on that Gwen smile she is always known for. She makes parenthood look so easy.
- Ethan Hawke: another man who does not shy away from carrying his baby in public. His wife will be very proud and bless the day she brought an ergobaby carrier to the house.
Celebrities with Their Baby Bjorn

Source: https://www.growingyourbaby.com
Another baby carrier worth mentioning is the Baby Bjorn. It is important to bring them to the fore because celebrities also use them to carry their babies. We all know what this means. It means that the product has been tried and tested and has not been found wanting in any way.
It might interest you to know that even Prime minister David Cameron has been seen going for a walk with his baby in one while not having tea with the queen, of course. Multi-talented singer Pink has also been seen carrying her baby for a stroll with a Baby Bjorn carrier while not having a studio session or going on tour.
Apart from these two, Sarah Jessica Parker has also been photographed wearing a Baby Bjorn carrier. This is someone who is a symbol of style and also a mother of three, so you can be rest assured that if she decides to wear this type of carrier, then it has to be something.
Other celebrities to have used this baby carrier include Kate Blanchet, Ashlee Simpson, Tori Spelling and Heidi Klum. All of these all looked comfortable carrying their children in the Baby Bjorn carrier with the babies tucked in close to them without hassles.
Celebrities with the Lightweight Baby Tula

Source: ceoemporium.com
I know that this product might not be too familiar with some people, but trust me, some celebrities are already rocking this baby carrier to express their style and passion for parenthood. In a recent event put up by Tula to launch some of its new products, some celebrity moms were on hand to celebrate earth day with Tula on the beach.
Some of the celebrities at the event seen spotting the Tula baby carrier include Christy Carlson Romano who took lots of snapshots with her four-month old baby. The baby seemed quite calm with her legs and arms dangling freely in the air.
Another celebrity mom who came out to play was Meghan King Edmonds and he cute baby Aspen who was always putting up beautiful smiles for the camera. We now see why this woman always looks fit all year round. She does not allow the rigors of childbirth make her lazy and want to stay indoors. The Tula baby carrier makes the baby nestled close to her as she is free enough to do other chores.
In another separate event showcasing Tula product, Princess Velasco who is also a mom was seen carrying her baby Kobe. The inspiring thing here was that she was able to perform for a crowd while carrying her baby, therefore, she was performing dual roles: entertaining an audience while also singing for her baby. Now that’s baby wearing at its peak.
At the same event, Amanda Griffin-Jacob, a celebrity mom, was also seen babywearing. This same woman won the Influence Asia Award for Parenting in 2015. Now, that’s no ordinary feat. She is also an author and a source of inspiration for women. All of these can only be possible when you use Tula baby carrier that will leave your hands free to work while keeping your glued to your baby all day.

Source: Benutzer
Baby wearing is an important aspect of parenthood and childhood. Studies have shown that babies like to be cuddled close to their mother’s body since this was the position they were in while in the womb. They also like that rocking feeling when you carry them about in a baby carrier.
Celebrities are human beings like us. They also have to give birth and take care of their children like we do. If you are looking of the best baby carrier to use, you can make a choice from the ones highlighted here that celebrities also use.
The Ergobaby carrier and the Baby Bjorn have been seen with aa lot of well-known celebrities. This means that the product is durable, comfortable and also classy. While some may not know about the Tula baby carrier, it is also high up there in the ranks of the best baby carriers to use.