These Baby Movement Monitors Helped Parents During Sleeptime

These Baby Movement Monitors Helped Parents During Sleeptime

Monitor your babies with these movement monitors during zzz

By Tony Zorrilla
These Baby Movement Monitors Helped Parents During Sleeptime

Are Baby Monitors Necessary?

Baby monitors, are they really necessary? Talk to any grandparent or great-grandparent and they will tell you no. You will get responses like "We didn't need them when we were parents?" or better yet, " We didn't have them for you, and look how you turned out." Well, talk to any parent who has used one and their answer will be quite different. They will tell you they cannot be without it. So obviously there are two sides to that argument but times have changed and so has the technology.

My mother was one of those grandparents who felt that a baby monitor was not needed. I remember we received one as a baby shower gift, and she was quick to let us know her opinion, she is good with that just ask my wife. Well fast forward to the first time she babysat my daughter. We had just laid her down for bed when my mother came over to start her shift. We told her that she was sleeping and that you can keep an eye on her just by using the monitor. Again, she made it known how she felt and then we left. When we came home that evening she raved about using the monitor, because "she never had to get off of the couch". So let me just finish off by saying "Guess what my brother got for his firstborn child?"

Baby In Blue Blanket

As a parent, keeping our children safe is our top priority. As a parent, why would we not want the ability to be able to monitor and keep a safe eye on our child? Baby monitors give you just that, peace of mind, and this represents the best argument for the use of baby monitors. As parents new or experienced, sleep is important. There is nothing more stressful than wondering if your child is "ok" or "safe," especially when you are trying to sleep.

A baby monitor will allow you the capability to watch your child without having to leave the room. They can pick up the slightest noise or movement, so you will not miss whatever little sleep you may be getting. A monitor can be used for toddlers as well. They are great to use especially when they are awake and playing in their room and you need to get stuff done around the house. You will be able to keep a fine eye on them especially when they try to reach for that unreachable toy.

2019 Baby Movement Monitors With Reviews

So now that you are in the market for a baby monitor, which one should you get? There are so many options available, that it can be quite overwhelming to choose just one, without breaking the bank. Here is a list of some top rated monitors of 2019:

1. Infant Optics DXR-8

Infant Optics DXR-8 Pan/Tilt/Zoom 3.5" Video Baby Monitor with Interchangeable Optical lens

Infant Optics DXR-8 Pan/Tilt/Zoom 3.5" Video Baby Monitor

Ease in setup does not take away from the quality of video that this monitor has to offer. Offering excellent video quality easily makes this the top pick. The Infant Optic DXR-8 comes with multiple interchangeable lenses that make viewing your baby easy. The monitor is able to monitor room temperature, making sure that the room stays nice and cozy for your little one. Can easily be mounted to walls for better viewing. The only negative to this monitor is the lack of Wi-Fi capability, but that is not enough to make it not a viable option.

2. Anmeate Digital Monitor

ANMEATE Digital 2.4Ghz Wireless Video Monitor with Temperature Monitor

The Anmeate Digital Monitor comes equipped with a high-resolution Display that has 2x zoom for better, more up close viewing. This monitor comes with temperature monitoring and high definition night vision as well. There is a two-way talking feature that will allow you to check in and communicate with your baby. 

3. AXVUE E632 Video Monitor

AXVUE E632 Video Baby Monitor with Two Cameras and 5“ LCD, Night Vision, Temperature Detection, 2-Way Talk, VOX, Sound Lights, Power Saving On/Off, Expandable Cam

AXVUE E632 Video Baby Monitor

The AXVUE E632 is a very simple monitor with excellent viewing capabilities. This monitor comes with two cameras that give you a high-quality video that can really zoom in (up to 2x) when necessary. The night vision is top notch and comes with battery saving standby. Two way conversation is available as well.

4. Cocoon Cam Plus

Cocoon Cam Plus - Baby Monitor with Breathing Monitoring - Updated 2019 Version

Cocoon Cam Plus

Monitor your little one with the Cocoon Cam Plus. This monitor has a crystal clear HD video stream with night vision and a two-way speaker. What makes this monitor unique is that it can track a baby's breathing while they are sleeping. Works with your smartphone, so you will be alerted when your baby wakes up or breathing patterns change. The one downside to the monitor is that it will quickly drain your smartphone battery and the camera needs to be mounted to the wall 3 feet above the mattress to properly monitor.

5. HelloBaby HB32

HelloBaby HB32 Wireless Video Baby Monitor 3.2Inch LCD Display 960feet with Two-Way Talk System, Infrared Night Vision, Expandable Cameras Long Range and Rechargeable Battery

HelloBaby HB32

The HelloBaby HB32 not only offers two-way conversation so you can check in on your infant,  but will also play up to 8 different lullabies to soothe your little one as they drift off to sleep. You can also set up an alarm for feeding times. Contains night vision as well. Fully charged battery can last up to 12 hours on normal mode.

ultrasound photo surrounded by string lights

Baby Movement App for Pregnancy With Twins

If you are expecting and are curious about your little one's development, there are several pregnancy apps that you can use to help keep track of your little one or ones. The question is " How do you track twins?" Well usually around the third trimester a mom has a pretty good idea which one is jabbing and which one is kicking at the time. Tracking a baby movement is a good way to keep tabs on a baby's overall health especially during the third trimester. Once a pattern is established, you will be able to have an idea if the babies are in distress based on any changes in their pattern. But remember these apps do not replace your doctor. If you are concerned with any changes in your babies patterns, contact your doctor immediately. 

1. Count The Kicks!

Count the Kicks
Count the Kicks!

"Count the Kicks!" app helps new mothers to start tracking their baby's kicks and movements during the third trimester. The app tracks each session and allows you to share your babies development on either your social media page your just download and save for later. The app also features useful information and stories after each session is completed. You also can set reminders for sessions so you stay consistent. The app is available in 10 languages.

2. What to Expect

Cover art

‎Pregnancy & Baby Tracker
What to Expect

There is no product more synonymous with pregnancy than What to Expect, and this app does not disappoint. It offers day to day or week to week guides to help you through your pregnancy. It also offers support form a large community of parents and other mothers to-be. It has all the tools that an app needs to help track your babies.

3. Baby Connect

‎Baby Connect
Baby Connect

Coming home with one child can be a little daunting and now you have 2. Keeping a schedule and trying to set up a routine can be beneficial for your sanity. Baby Connect does just that. It will not only help keep you on a schedule with feedings but it will also keep notes on diaper changes, medical information and your child's activities. Setup to link up with as many kids or caregivers as you deem fit. And just because you lose your phone doesn't mean you lose the information. All your information is backed up so you will be able to access it whenever you need it. So don't let early motherhood be any more challenging then it already is. Download this app to get control of your day.

two person holding pair of baby's shoes

Baby Movement App for Pregnancy

1. WebMD Pregnancy

‎WebMD Pregnancy

WebMD Pregnancy monitors you and your baby's development with week by week updates and illustrations. Get access to hundreds of doctor-approved articles, slideshows, and videos, to help track your babies development. Offers a Pregnancy Community where you can reach out to other mothers for information and support. The app will help track you and your babies health with its symptom tracker, weight and blood pressure tracker, kick counter and contraction timer. You will be able to keep a journal and record photos in the belly photo album for keepsake purposes.

2. Hello Belly: Pregnancy Tracker

Hello Belly: Pregnancy Tips & Tracker
‎Hello Belly: Pregnancy Tracker

This app is perfect for those expectant moms that are looking for a light and wholesome option to track your baby's development. Using this app feels like sitting down and chatting it up with your pregnant friends. Complete with professional tips that are available every week of your pregnancy without all the heavy medical facts. Track how your baby is developing and also gives some insight and advice on how to prepare for the first six months baby is home. This app is sure to supply you with a lot of useful and practical tips that are sure to make you smile.

person holding belly photo


They say that information is power. So if this technology and information are available why not use it, especially with medical technology becoming more and more accessible. Just remember when it comes to using a pregnancy app tracker, it does not represent a doctor. Make sure to see your doctor throughout the duration of your pregnancy to give you and your little one the best chance for a healthy and safe pregnancy.