5 Useful Co-Parenting App That Parents Are Using
Best free and paid co-parenting apps for 2019 reviewed by parents
Jun 10, 2019

Are you two separated, but civil enough to co-parent your children? Do you often feel that you are missing playdates, and things might be getting out of hand, because following a schedule is becoming more and more difficult? In a technology driven world, scheduling your children’s life between two homes can be easier than you thought.
When should you use co-parenting apps?
In the tech-savvy world, using co-parenting apps in divorced households, or in houses where the parents have decided to share custody of their children, has shown to be very effective. Dividing time between the two houses can become very hectic if you want to make sure the child’s routine is not affected by it.

These apps can help divide time perfectly, for example, they can be of great use in these situations:
You are planning vacations with the children.
Trying to divide holidays between each other.
Keeping each other updated about the child’s life, and their schedule.
Keeping costs in check, while maintaining a record on how much to spend on what activity the kids are spending their time on.
Managing events and dinners.
Organizing playdates.
5 Best Free and Paid Co Parenting Apps for 2019 by Reviews

2houses: 2houses is an app widely used in the world, in situations where you don’t want to communicate through your child. It costs about $9.99 per family every month.
Cozi: This a user-friendly app that helps you share calendars, to-do lists, and meal plans with your ex while making sure both of you are on the same page regarding your child.
Talking Parents: This app helps you keep a record of all your child related communication. It is extremely useful in cases where co-parenting is assisted by the courts because of how critical relationships might be.
FamCal: This app is absolutely free and gives you features like a family calendar that can help you arrange schedules, and you can even color code it!
SharedCare: SharedCare isn’t just for the parents, but also for any secondary carers for the kids such as grandparents, uncles, aunts and baby sitters so that everyone is always on the same page!
Co-parenting Apps with Google Calendar Feature
1. SharedCare

Sharedcare is an application, that assists with co-parenting in the most effective way. This app isn’t just solely designed for parents who are divorced, but it can be extended to anyone taking care of the children: the options could include grandparents, uncle, and aunts, cousins, or baby sitters. This app would keep all the people in the children’s life updated about their schedules and help arrange meetings, and play dates.

This app features organizing online calendars that you can color code according to priority or distinguish mommy-days from daddy-days. The calendars can make requests for date swaps in case someone has some important work and needs to arrange for an impromptu babysitting arrangement for the children. The app assists in creating an expense recorder to see that both parents are keeping the budget in check and if either needs help or not.
The group messaging feature helps the entire family stay connected on the important dates and milestones, like graduations, birthdates, and parent’s day at schools – so that no one misses anything and the child is not affected! This app costs only $5.99 and is available for both Android and iOS.
2. Parentship

Co-parenting can be very stressful, especially when there are still a few unresolved feelings between the exes. Nobody can be expected to have a healthy relationship with people you formerly were together with. Parentship is an app that helps you co-parent without the emotional stress – if not all, it aims to reduce some portion of it. The app has a diverse, elaborated dashboard to highlight the important notices, events, and other things that both the parents need to have a record of.

How many times have we forgotten something important, an important playdate, a dance recital, or a dinner date with the kids and left them feeling unimportant? Parentship has a feature of reminders, which gives you timely reminders of the upcoming events, and of the duties that you need to fulfill on your days with the kids. For example, if you are supposed to pick the kids from school on some days, so that you might not forget it in the midst of all of your work meetings, and tasks – family should always come first!
The app offers a customized calendaring option that helps you communicate each and every detail of your own schedule, and that of the kids with each other so there can be an agreed-upon plan of who gets to keep the kids when, and for how long without ever getting into conflicts. The calendaring option helps you reduce the need to call, text or email which can be very helpful in conditions where the parents are not on excellent terms with each other.
The most useful co-parenting apps overall
3. 2houses

This is an app that has a 14-day free trial, and then you can subscribe for the premium version for $9.99 per family, for a month. This app is specially designed for parents that have to divide the life of their children between two houses and make it as smooth as possible for the children so that their lives are not caught up in the differences that you two might have!

We understand how crucial some things are for parents trying to co-parent and sometimes all you need is a little assistance. While the aforementioned apps may have an edge over the others because of the online calendars they share to make scheduling an easy task, but 2houses is seen as an all-rounder for parents. This is an app that helps you arrange everything from scheduling appointments, to planning expenses, and keeping a record of them so that both of you can access the detailed information at all times.
This app includes features like messaging so that you can mediate conversations and communicate all children related concerns and keep a record of them all in one place while also maintaining a database for all kinds of documents regarding raising children together.
4. FamCal

FamCal is another one of the options in our list of apps that are overall assistance to parents struggling with co-parenting the kids while also keeping everything in check. FamCal helps parents not only organize things but with make lists as they go about achieving any tasks. They can also communicate through the app as we strongly recommend not to treat your children as messengers between the two of you, trust us when we tell you this, they will become far more distressed than you realize at this point in time
During the time of your co-parenting experience have you ever felt that when both of you put your schedules together it often becomes a little hard to separate the two? FamCal helps make this easy, by color coding all your entries in the calendar. Now you can color code your events, appointments, meetings, play-dates by importance, priorities, or any other way that you may seem fit.
This app is free and is available on both Android and iOS, which makes it an accessible app on your phone with no cost at all. We hope that you find this app just as useful as we do!
5. Coparenter

The third and the last app on our list of applications that can help you through your co-parenting struggles. CoParenter is another app that simplifies the process of co-parenting. The app comes with a 30-day free tutorial before you jump in to subscribe, which you will eventually. It is available on both Android and iOS versions so that you can use the app from whichever phone you use.

CoParenter maintains an elaborate log of your documents, your lists, and other children related database. Sharing documents with one another become a whole lot easier with CoParenter. While that may not seem as important, but you can really benefit from the organizing tools within the app, which keeps all your documents sorted, categorized and shared for both parents to use in an emergency.
CoParenter has features like color-coded calendars, reminders and to-do lists that make your lives a whole lot easier than with manual organizers and lists. Each of the documents is shareable and can be exported or printed whenever you like. The app makes sure that your co-parenting days are nothing less than a vacation. The timely reminders make sure you never miss a moment of your children’s lives.

Adopt a positive parenting approach when guiding your kids

We understand how difficult co-parenting can be. It’s not just about complicated relationships but also about the little things such as maintaining logs about the children’s activities and expenses and being on the same page about them. It is highly probable that one of you might miss a few things here or there. These co-parenting apps make it easier for you to maintain all your documents and your schedules so that your children can get the best of both worlds with you two!