Stylish toddler headphones which are safe for children's ears

Stylish toddler headphones which are safe for children's ears

Best toddler headphones for kids that are safe and yet stylish

By Bettie Bransfield
Stylish toddler headphones which are safe for children's ears

Children’s ears are more sensitive to noise damage because a young child’s nerve endings are still growing and developing. Loud noise can be a serious distraction for a child of any age and can impact a child’s behavior and ability to concentrate.

Overexposure to loud noises from concerts, video games or loud music can cause hearing problems when they grow up. It can also impact their speech and language which can cause difficulty with learning. So, having ear protection for a young child is very important.

Best wireless toddler headphones which are safe for children's ears

With so many choices for headphones for a toddler, how do you choose? So, it will be a personal choice, and well, I always feel that wireless is the best choice for a toddler. This being that my child tends to get caught up in the cord.

When I went to the Amazon website and entered child wireless headphones over 2000 possibilities came up. They come in every color available as well as probably every character ever made. There are even ones that light up with disco colors. There are some specifically designed for travel as they fold up. Pricing ranges from twenty dollars to over eighty dollars. 

Things to note when buying a wireless headphone for your child

When choosing a wireless headphone for your child, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Sizing

First, sizing is crucial. A child will not keep headphones on if they are continually falling off. So, measure your child’s head and read the sizing measurements of the headphones you are buying to ensure they will be a good fit.

2. Volume control

Humans have an outer, middle and inner ear. These three ears work together to accept sound waves, process them and then send this sound wave to your brain. If the sound is too loud, the ears can strain and be damaged. The Children's Hearing Institute says that any noise less than 80 decibels should not cause hearing damage. To give you an idea of where this decibel level falls, 60 decibels is a typical conversation.

When a child is not using headphones, you can quickly tell when the volume is way too loud. But when headphones are in use, you have no real idea the level they are listening to. So, check that there is a volume limiting option on the headphones.

3. Noise canceling headphones

Third, it is recommended that you get the noise canceling headphones. This will help cut out the extra outside noise making it easier for your child to hear and thus keeping the volume lower.

4. Stay away from in-ear headphones

Lastly, do not get in-ear headphones. At a young age, they are hard for a child to put in and keep in and with the earpiece being so close to the eardrum it can cause damage if the volume is up too high.

Toddler headphones for plane rides

It is suggested by about everyone who has ever flown to get headphones for your child if they are going to be listening to music, playing games or watching a show on a tablet. There is nothing more than a crying baby that will annoy the passengers around you more than hearing to a child's game at high volume. Nowadays, many airlines have rules about listening to electronics and require headphones by all passenger.

Planes can also be very loud with the engine noise, people talking and announcements over the intercom. This constant sound can be unsettling to many young children making them scared and upset.  As a parent, we want to do anything we can to make the flight easier and enjoyable for everyone. By having noise-canceling headphones, you can help keep your child calm and allow them to hear their music or game.

You will want to buy these headphones before your trip and have your child try them on and wear them a couple of times. This will ensure they fit first off and second allow the child to get used to wearing them. You do not want to introduce headphones to a child on an airplane. Should you run into any issues, you can get a new pair or go to plan b (whatever that may be). Below are 2 recommended toddler headphones to get for plane rides:

1. LilGadgets Untangled Pro Premium Children's/Kid's Wireless Bluetooth Headphones with SharePort

Source: @lilgadgets / Instagram

Untangled Pro – LilGadgets

Priced at $49.00 with six vibrant colors to choose from, we can tell this is a popular choice among all parents and toddlers. With the ability to move 30 feet away from the device, this nifty Bluetooth gadget boasts a good 12 hours of listening with 180 hours on standby. 

2. BuddyPhones Explore

BuddyPhones Explore - The best headphones for kids - For sharing & fun

At a lighter price tag of $24.99, Buddyphones have 4 colors to choose from and they have custom stickers for you to pick for your child. With the hyper-flexible construction, we felt that this was built to last in hands of a toddler! We liked how their cable has a built-in audio splitter that allows p to 4 kids to connect to the same device.

Toddler headphones for concerts

As a parent, I love taking my kids to music events both indoor and outdoor. I found that the music level indoor is so loud that I needed earplugs and my kids' needed noise-canceling headsets. The music decibels at a concert are way above the suggested level for young children.

So, noise canceling headphones or headset is a must for a child under the age of 12. Noise canceling headsets will bring down that level to make sure no damage will be done to the eardrum.

These headphones can be cumbersome and hard for a young child to handle so, you want to confirm you buy ones specifically designed for young children. Check to see that the earpieces covers their ears properly and will fit snuggly over their ears. Some children might not like how tight they are, but for the sound to be cut down, they do need to be tight.

Also, check that there is good padding around the ear especially if they will be wearing them for a good amount of time. Finally, make sure that the headpiece is adjustable. This will guarantee that the headphones fit correctly and that you can get a couple years out of them.

1. Vanderfields Earmuffs for Kids

Vanderfields Earmuffs for Kids

These Vanderfields ear muffs help to reduce loud noises from outside to a more comfortable level suitable for children's ears. Made with comfort in mind for children to wear, these lightweight ear muffs have extra padded ear cushions and they can be easily adjusted to grow with your child.

2. Snug Kids Earmuffs

Snug Kids Earmuffs/ Hearing Protectors

Also another lightweight option, the SNUG Kids Earmuffs are effortlessly stylish and are also adjustable to fit a growing child. The foldable design allows portability and this works great for toddlers. The best thing about the SNUG Kids Ear muffs would be its 5 year warranty - that can speak so much about the the confidence they have on their own product.


As a parent, it is essential to protect your child’s hearing as long as possible (don’t get me started on teenagers lol). Most modern technology can blast the volume to levels well over 100 decibels.

To get the best options for your child, start by letting your child help in picking out the headphones. This will ensure they are excited about wearing them. Then make sure they are a good fit. If they don’t fit, your child won’t wear them.

Ultimately, it is important that you do your research on what type of headphones you want for your child, what they are for, are they age appropriate and will they for controlled noise options.

Please note that even though a headset has volume limiting options, parents should always listen to the music or a game using these child wireless headsets to verify that when on the loudest setting the volume is not too loud.  Games can sometimes be louder at certain points than music. A good test to know where to set for the volume for your child headphones would be if someone asked you a question from an arm's length away and you could hear them. We hope that you've gained a good understanding before you shop for your own toddler's headphone.