The 101 Guide On What Are Fertility Test And When To Do One
Everything about fertility test for females trying to conceive
May 18, 2019

Fertility tests are an important part of fertility treatment and evaluation. Through fertility testing, your medical doctor can possibly discover what has been preventing you and your spouse from getting pregnant. Your regular gynecologist might carry out some basic testing and you might even be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist (for female) or a urologist (male) for more thorough fertility testing. Fertility testing involves both the female and male. While we might think of pregnancy as something that happens in the woman’s body, conception, however, involves two.
When to do a fertility test for females?

If you and your partner are trying to conceive a baby and have tried severally, but got no good outcome, you should start to think of getting a fertility test. It is advised that female runs a fertility test if she has had regular sex without birth control for about a year. Specifically, it is also advised that before marriage, the bride-to-be should visit her doctor for a proper medical check that includes a fertility test. This gives a detailed background of her fertility and health condition. When you visit your doctor, he/she definitely will start asking questions about your lifestyle and health.
Your medical adviser would want to know your medical history to including any long term surgeries and conditions, the type of medicine you take, whether you smoke cigarette, drink a lot of caffeine, alcohol or use drugs or if you have contacts with radiation, chemicals and even toxins at work or at home. He/she will also be interested in issues such as if you have had a sexually transmitted disease, if you are having a problem with sex or whether you have been having sex outside your relationship or marriage.
Particularly for women, fertility testing might include a basic gynecological examination, blood work which can include antiphospholipid and thrombophilia syndrome as well as testing of thyroid and androgen hormones. Majorly, some of this blood work is carried out on a specific day of a female menstrual cycle. For example, progesterone is usually checked on the 21 days of your menstrual cycle.
What Are The Fertility Test Available And The Cost?

Fertility tests are the best means to know whether you are fertile or infertile. The test can help you detect the cause as well as provide you solution. While it can be quite difficult to tell whether you are actually infertile, as there are no other symptoms of infertile rather than just being unable to stay pregnant or get pregnant, the only way to be sure is to meet with your doctor and get an infertility test. Here are however the available test and their cost:
Test You Can Get Online And Do At Home

1. FSH Test

This at-home Follicle Stimulating Hormone aims to inform the user on the number of eggs that are remaining in the ovaries as well as the status of their ovarian reserve. The FSH tests are quite similar to pregnancy tests that are administered at home. It involves using a small cup to collect urine from the first urination of the day, then dipping of a strip into the collected urine. Take the strip out after 3 to 4 seconds and place the strip on a flat clean surface. Wait for about 10-20 minutes before reading the result and it is important to see the instructions before using.
All FSH testing is to be completed on the third day of the menstrual cycle. The 1st day of a full flow bleeding before 5 pm is recognized to be day one. However, at-home FSH tests are not considered accurate when taking a hormonal contraceptive like birth control pills. It is advised to stop any hormonal contraception for about sixty days prior to using an at-home FSH test. While the FSH test does provide information about an ovarian reserve, it doesn’t evaluate other female infertility cases such as fallopian tube blockage among others.
2. Ovulation Predictor Kits

This test is also very similar to a pregnancy test, implying that it uses hormone levels in urine to determine the result. It is considered as a fertility test that involves the collection of a small amount of urine, then dipping of the testing stick into the collected sample. The first urine sample of the day is not necessary when taking a fertility test with ovulation predictors kits and since the test will likely be repeated for several days; it is advised to administer the test at the same time every day.
To also carry out a fertility test with this kit, it is advised you don’t take excess intake of water and fluid a few hours before taking the test. For a better result, it is suggested that you read the instructions for a better result. Patients taking Clomid can use OPKs, but Clomid can, however, affect the length of a menstrual cycle as well as the result.
3. Modern Fertility Test

This is recognized as a comprehensive fertility hormone test that you can take at home. The test can be conducted or carried out even on birth control. The fertility test kit tests your hormone to learn about the number of eggs you have, what your hormone level means for menopause onset, IVF and egg freezing. How it Works – A doctor reviews your order and modify it based on your current birth control. You can collect your sample at home before sending it via mail to a CAP or CLIA lab. It is regarded as easy and quick as results will be reviewed in the personalized dashboard after a few days.
Test to do from a clinic

A woman needs to undergo numerous fertility tests to determine why she is unable to stay or get pregnant. Some of the fertility tests that can be done from a clinic include:
4. Ovarian Function Test

This test helps to check if your hormones are working normally when ovulating. Common examples of this test include the third-day follicle stimulating hormone, the third-day estrogen level, and blood tests. The ovarian function test costs $325, although it depends on hospitals or clinics.
5. Ultrasound Test

This fertility test is conducted to determine if the ovaries and uterus are functioning effectively. It is also used to detect the thickness of a uterine lining. The cost of an ultrasound test varies from $200-300.
6. Luteal Test

This test helps to check the level of progesterone in the body. The luteal phase of an ovulation cycle occurs after the egg is released.
7. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This is carried out by injecting a dye into the fallopian tube or uterus. It is usually conducted between six to day 14 of your menstrual cycle The cost of this fertility test ranges from $147-$814, depending on hospitals.
8. Hormone Blood Test

This hormonal test for female fertility involves extensive testing of various hormones that can be found in the female reproductive cycle. This fertility test includes testing for estrogen, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, inhibin B as well as dehydroepiandrosterone. This test costs about $70 and more.

Other fertility test, however, includes Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Cervical Test, Sonohysteroscopy and Endometrial Biopsy.
Natural Tips For Female Before Trying To Get Pregnant

To optimize your fertility, taking care of your body is a good first step. The most important advice for a woman before getting pregnant is to know her body, particularly her menstrual cycle. Here is however a list of natural tips to know before trying to get pregnant:
- Record your monthly cycle frequently.
- Have a healthy body weight.
- Monitor and evaluate your ovulation period.
- Eat a lot of antioxidants.
- Take a prenatal vitamin.
- Cutout on strenuous activities.
- Consume healthy foods.
- Quit drinking and smoking habits.

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A woman is considered infertile if she has been trying to get pregnant for at least one year and have not been successful. It is recorded that a little fraction of females are affected by infertility. Female infertility is recognized to account for approximately five out of 10 cases of infertility. A woman can be infertile as a result of some causes that include damaged ovaries, damaged fallopian tubes, increased age, hormonal problems as well as impaired cervix. However, to determine the cause of your infertility, you need to undergo some the aforementioned.