31 Children Activities and Tips That Can Hone Personal Development

31 Children Activities and Tips That Can Hone Personal Development

Develop child's growth with these interesting children activities and tips

By eronsalexander
31 Children Activities and Tips That Can Hone Personal Development

Children Activities for Cognitive Development

Cognitive development is simply put enhancing a child interaction with his environment. This includes maximizing the use of their sense organs while teaching a child to figure out some stuff, process information, differentiate between some items, learn new skills, solve problems and identification.

Parents play a major role during this cognitive development process as they help provide a safe environment for these children to learn and grow. This development process is usually between children of 18 to 24 months.

Some activities for cognitive development include:

1. Identification

At this age, it is right for the child to begin to identify some objects that he comes in contact with daily. For example a chair, table, bed, spoon, cup etc.

2. Sounds

There are some sounds that we come across everyday such as car honk, tap running, Television sounds, and door sounds. Begin to help your child become aware of this sound because it plays an important role in their development phase.

3. Shapes and Colors

This is a very interesting aspect for a child when he knows the different major colors and shapes and can as well identify them. Get lots of colorful toys with several shapes and help him discover them.  Keep telling them examples such as; a red ball, a blue car, a green shoe and so on.  This would help them master it.

4. Practice the Alphabet

There are lots of colorful toy alphabets that you can get for children to enable them get used to the various alphabets. You can keep repeating the letters with them until they can identify them. You can as well turn the letters of the alphabet to a song and make them sing along.

5. Practice Counting

This can be best taught using colorful marbles. Starting from number one to three teach them to be able to identify numbers. At first, you can count alongside always and gradually, they become familiar with them.

6. Take Them Out

Do not leave your kids at home when going to an outing or visiting a fascinating place.  This would help them create beautiful memories and experience new activities. While outdoor, you can play ask who can show me a green light? Who can pick a red apple? This would interest them and make the learning process faster and more fun.

Children Activities for Language Development

Learning communication language is very crucial at this stage, which is normally taught at preschool or at home. This would help them develop their verbal skills. Some of these language activities include:

7. Play Group Activities

Most of this preschool includes play group games in their daily activities this would help the child interact and communicate with their peer groups

8. Reading

Parents and teachers are encouraged to read children books aloud for them to listen. This listening aspect would encourage the child to get used to some words and learn to speak them as they have heard.

9. Creativity

Give the child crayons and drawing book and encourage them to draw whatsoever fascinating memory they have. This would help them express themselves and create a safe environment for them to learn with ease.

10. Recital

Children love to sing and sing along.  Recitals help the children build their language skills and help identify sounds through rhyming activities. Tell stories also and let them hear and learn.

11. Imitation (Do As I Do)

Try pronouncing your words and make the child repeat after you. For example, ma, da, bah, tick, loo, look at the child while he participates. Clap and make them clap alongside, jump and let them do likewise, dance and let them do likewise.

Children Activities for Intellectual Development

Intellectual development deals with how this children figure out how the world they live in works. The ability to become aware, think, respond to situations, organize their thoughts and minds as they live daily.

This is a very important aspect of development as it helps the child to reason, understand numerically, build sound vocabulary, good sense of judgment, and communicate fluently.  At this stage, their learning process has become advanced so they should be able to engage in these activities that can enhance their intellectual development excellently.

12. Encourage them to try to write down their names.
13. Help them to make long and correct sentences.
14. Identify numbers that are higher than number 10
15. Identify at least eight colors in a color box
16. Identify words or sign they come across often.
17. Correctly pronounce and recite all the letters of the alphabet.
18. They should begin to identify sequence of letters, unique attributes if some animals and name them.

Children Activities for Physical Development

The way children respond to their physical environment is a vital aspect of their development process. At this stage, the child is able to move, coordinate, practice and interact with others freely.

Here is how to promote physical development in your kids

19. Healthy Food

A child physical appearance is a representation of what they eat. At this stage, a child need to eat varieties of food in their right proportion for them to grow. Feed them with fruits, dietary needs and vegetables this would enhance their skeletal structure.

20. Games

Encourage your child to commence taking part in some hobbies like sporting activities games and fitness.  Take him to a children’s park and watch him climb and swing.

21. Enough Sleep

Children are still at the developing stage that requires them to have enough rest. Do not allow them to engage in physically draining exercise instead ensure they observe their siesta and night rest adequately.

22. Regular Checkup

Ensure to visit your doctor regularly for regular medical checkups. If you observe any abnormality or an area of concern, talk to the doctor immediately. Children need to be properly monitored and checked always.

Children Activities for Emotional Development

Gradually, as children are exposed to their environment they begin to develop some feelings and tend to express them. As a parent, you are supposed to help him understand this feeling and help them express them properly.

Some activities to guild their emotional developments include:

23. Children relationship with parents, extended families, peers, caregivers and neighbors goes a long way in influencing their environment. Make sure they are always in a loving environment so they would grow up feeling loved and wanted.

24. A child who is eating good food and in good health would always be sound and well. Make sure to satisfy your child dietary needs.

24. When a child expresses his feelings about an issue to encourage or validate it. Do not be violent towards a child irrespective of the motive behind the feelings he is expressing. Caution them with love.

25. Give clear instructions to enable you to understand them. You can as well maximize the use of an emotional card to help them express how they feel and understand them.

26. As soon as a child can identify a feeling guild them through that feeling at that moment.

Additional fundamental aspects that hone a child development include:

27. Social Development

At this point, a child would begin to smile, laugh, intermingle with their peers participate in play group games and socialize with others. You can enhance this progress by including them in plays, illustrations, recitals, games and outings.

28. Speech Development

At this point, a child would be able to put on or two words together and likely say their first words like dada or mama. They began to blabber some words they have heard before so you need to speak to them often, read to them as this would affect how they communicate later.

29. Fine Motion Skills Development

This is the ability for children to do some stuff freely like picking objects, using colored pencils and making gestures. Feel free to take them for short walks in the park and a little exercise daily, this act would help boost their immune system and improve their body metabolism.

30. Gross Motor Skill Development

A child at this point should be able to sit up, jump exert their larger muscles to do some activities on their own.  Allow the child to crawl independently, engage in fitness and handle little things on their own.

31. Educational Development

Get your child enrolled in a crèche or playgroup. It is just the perfect time for them to gradually get used to a school environment. This would play a vital role in their development process.

These are all activities and tips that can help your child develop their life skills. Do expose them to a variety of them while taking good care of their diet, sleep and also healthcare to ensure optimal growth in your child and his personal development.