Baby Teething Symptoms that shows Baby's first tooth

Coping with these baby teething symptoms as a new parent

By Rosemary Zenith
Baby Teething Symptoms that shows Baby's first tooth

What is baby teething?

Have you ever noticed other parents providing their children with the rubber toys, which the little munchkin gratefully chew on? If you have noticed in particular, babies tend to first suck their thumbs or their fists and after a year or so, they start to find things to chew on. It is not like they are suddenly craving for chewing away the world! It is more probable that the child is soon going to have his/her first tooth.

This teething experience can vary from baby to baby. Some go through immense pain while others grow a tooth or two while just enjoying the chewing phase.

Age and Signs of Baby teething

There is a wide scope of the unpredictability of when a first tooth may show up. A few infants might not have any teeth by their first birthday celebration though some have a prior tooth development story. Normally, the first tooth to come in is quite often the lower front tooth, and most babies will ordinarily have the majority of their baby teeth by age 3.

Age of baby teething

When your little baby is around 4 to 7 months old, commonly, you will start seeing the symptoms of baby teeth growing. These baby teeth, which can show up from as young as 3 months or as old as 12 to 14 months. The teething process can cause swelling and soreness just before the tooth comes through. In extremely uncommon cases, a few babies, around 1 out of 2000, are born with their baby teeth.

Signs of baby teething

Baby teething is a unique experience for every child. Some go through immense pain while growing the primary baby teeth while others face less pain. However, for each child, there are some specific signs that point out that the baby is or will be growing baby teeth shortly. As a parent, it is necessary to keep these in mind so that you can understand the symptoms as soon as they appear. These signs may include drooling, crying, irritability, waking up at night, biting, rashes etc. 

Baby Teething Symptoms at 3 months

Most infants cut their teething at around a half year; however, just 1 percent cut their first tooth before 4 months. There are some basic symptoms that parents and doctors find noticeable in babies during their teething at 3 months. Usually, the children show sensitivity towards teething, irritation, sore gum, coughing, fever and diarrhea. Numerous children do have gentle indications when teething, but parents sometimes confuse them with serious illness and blame the symptoms of illness on teething. Make sure that your baby is healthy and facing teething symptoms only before coming to any conclusion. 

7 Common Baby Teething Symptoms

Here are 7 common baby teething symptoms that you should keep an eye for. 

1. Drooling

One of the signs that show a child is getting their primary teeth is when their drooling increases. This drooling may occur during the first 10 weeks of the baby which can take up to 3 to 4 months. 

2. Crying

A few children easily finish getting teeth with little to no cry, while others experience the pain of inflammation because of the irritation of delicate gum tissue. As babies are very small and have no other option but to share their pain through crying, that is the mode of conduct they use. First teeth normally hurt the most. Even though most children, in the long run, become adapted to what getting teeth feels like and are not exactly so disturbed later on. Discuss with your doctor about when to offer them pain relievers.

3. Biting

Teething babies may bite on their toys or even fingers to help reduce the pressure they feel on their gums. Pressure from the new teeth poking through under the gums causes the child a ton of uneasiness, which can be lessened by counterpressure which is also known as biting and chewing. Teething infants will gum whatever they find around them, from teething rings and rattles to your nipples (in case you're breastfeeding) and fingers. So, try to provide them teething toys during this time to help them cope up with the uneasiness.

4. Loss of appetite

During teething, children may lose their appetite and decline to eat or drink as their mouths will hurt. Usually, providing food to babies who are facing irritation, pain and uneasiness due to teething can help to calm them. However, eating or sucking food may hurt as their gums may be sensitive during teething and can cause them pain. Thus, feeding teething children can be a handful as they are fussier and more annoyed to see food than usual.

5. Rash

Sometimes excess drooling may cause rashes around the child's mouth, chest, and chin. It is highly important to keep an eye on the infant and wipe any drool away. Try not to wipe the baby too often as it may irritate the skin and can create more rashes. You can try a subtle, unscented baby skin cream to moisturize the baby skin as required.

6. Irritability

It is not surprising or unnatural for a baby to be irritated or fussy while his/her first teething is happening. Those sore gums that accompany teething are probably going to make your child feel annoyed and uneasy. Your baby's mouth will hurt as that little tooth pushes on the gums and jabs up to the surface. A few babies might be sensitive for only a couple of hours; however, others can remain fussy for a considerable length of time or even weeks. Keeping your teething child diverted or consoling her with cuddling can once in a while help with the pain.

7. Coughing or fever

When your baby ends up drooling excessively due to teething, it can cause coughing or gagging. In any case, it does not cause for concern if your child has no different indications of cold, influenza or hypersensitivities. It is possible that an infant who is teething may have a high body temperature, which is also known as teething fever. Contact your baby's doctor if the baby is feeling uneasy or if the fever endures and is more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, which may show your child has some other illness.

Source: @allthehearteyes / Instagram

Coping with fever and diarrhea during teething

Even though it is unusual that a child may catch a cold or fever while teething but such side effects are not unknown. Although, children do tend to get a little fever from the teething, fever greater than 100.6 F is not related to teething. Any fever in a 3-month-old requires a medical examination, regardless of whether he/she is teething or not. It is better to talk to the doctor of your child to rule out more serious reasons for the fever.

Source: @punkinbuttbaby / Instagram

Now, another symptom that occurs while a baby is teething is diarrhea. Teething may cause loose stools yet, for the most part, does not cause diarrhea. As a parent, it is normal to fear that the baby is going to face dehydration and weakness due to diarrhea caused by teething, but it may not be true in every occasion. Dehydration can happen from diarrhea, regardless of what the reason, especially if the child is as young as 3 months. Call your paediatrician instantly whenever your child faces diarrhea, regardless of whether he/she is getting teeth or not.


We hope this information will help you to take care of your baby while teething and help him/her get their first tooth in an easier manner. Happy teething!

Happy teething!