Celebrity Moms learnt these beauty tips from their Mothers

Celebrity Moms learnt these beauty tips from their Mothers

These celebrity mommies learned their beauty tips from their moms

By Caren M
Celebrity Moms learnt these beauty tips from their Mothers

We love our moms because they are the best at literally everything, they know what's best and what's not good for you. They let us learn our own paths all the while being a step behind, giving us that comforting feeling that there's nowhere far enough that you could ever go that mom won't find you.

Celebrity moms and their famous moms

These celebrity moms have access to the world's best makeup brands and artists but they still look to dear ol' mom for the best advice on keeping young and staying beautiful.

1. Beyonce Knowles, Solange Knowles- Mom, Tina Knowles-Lawson

Tina Lawson with her daughters, Beyonce, and Solange Knowles: @mstinalawson/Instagram

Tina Knowles-Lawson is the gorgeous, beautiful, and funny Instagram Queen mama to two absolutely beautiful women Beyonce Knowles-Carter and Solange Knowles. Tina has raised her beautiful daughters to be gracious and confident in their own skin and as proud women. Tina, who owned a salon in Houston way back when, has said that the best beauty advice she ever gave her daughters was that outer beauty fades but inner beauty has a lasting effect. 

Beyonce and Solange: @mstinalawson/Instagram

In an interview, Bey also revealed that her mom told her to always wash her makeup off, she doesn't always do it, but she tries. We are all obsessed with how perfectly flawless Queen Bey and her sister always look and now we know that it is the whisperings of their dear mom keeping them so youthful.

2. Kate Hudson: Mom, Goldie Jeanne Hawn

Kate Hudson and mum, Goldie: @katehudson/Instagram

Kate Hudson is one of the most beautiful people in Hollywood, both in and out. The star is always so well-groomed and nice despite being the daughter of famous actress, Goldie. Growing up with a famous mom had its advantages especially in learning to take care of her body. 

Goldie with a young Kate: @katehudson/Instagram

Kate has revealed that her mom always insisted that skin changes as we get older and you need to take care of your body if you want it to take care of you right back. One of the earliest beauty products Goldie gave her daughter was a luxe moisturizer that Kate uses up to this day.

Kate, her son and mom: @katehudson/Instagram

She's also insisted on the use of coconut on everything: hair, body, food because it is a miracle worker and what we consider the best beauty advice that a mom can leave her daughter with, beauty relates to your personality so an ugly personality translates to an ugly you no matter how physically beautiful you might be. Sounds like what Tina Knowles tells her girls regularly.

3. The Kardashian-Jenner sisters: Mom, Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner with four of her daughters: @kimkardashian/Instagram

Kris Jenner is the famous momager that manages the careers of her five daughters and have gotten them to the very top. She is super successful and four of her daughters are great working moms in  their own right and one daughter is a super successful supermodel. One thing you can never deny looking at all the five sisters is how beautiful they are. 

Kardashian-Jenner sisters with all the kids: @kimkardashian/Instagram

Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim have shared in interviews all the little beauty tidbits that they have learned from their mom over the years and you'll be surprised at how simple it is. Hot washcloths over the face to exfoliate. Simple right. Kris insists that using a hot washcloth to clean your face daily will do a really good job of exfoliating your face and opening up your pores. However, this advice may not be suitable for many because a heated washcloth could cause discomfort on the skin.

Kris with all her kids: @krisjenner/Instagram

That said, you don't have to worry about all the extra chemicals found in exfoliants reacting with your face. They also revealed a beauty gold tip they learned from her is to never touch your face because you'll be transferring about a million germs that can react causing breakouts. Thank the heavens now we know why their skin is always to die for.

4. Rashida Jones: Mom, Peggy Lipton

Peggy Lipton: @rashidajones/Instagram

Rashida Jones is the famous actress we all like for her crazy talent and #goals makeup and hair. The mom of a beautiful baby boy, Isaiah Jones, revealed her beauty secrets including moisturizing instead of outright attacking breakouts and her simple makeup routine that has her looking flawless. 

Rashida and her mom: @rashidajones/Instagram

The daughter of actress and model, Peggy Lipton says that the one piece of beauty advice from her mom that she would pass down was, "I would pass down the advice that my mom has always given me which is that there is really only one way to really exude beauty and that's from your own contentment in your life and your own satisfaction within yourself."

Peggy Lipton with her daughters: @rashidajones/Instagram

What more can we add to that perfect statement? Being confident and cool with yourself makes you feel good and really being happy with what you have is the key to true beauty.

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  Our skin is alive and is a very active organ. Natural processes in our body and skin lead various imperfections, as well as unpleasant skin conditions we want to treat. 

Tips and what products do these celebrity moms recommend for busy moms

As a mom you need all the help you can get while raising your Bambini and we've got you covered with the tips and products that fellow celeb moms recommend to make your busy schedule a little more bearable.

Beauty tips and products from Beyonce

Beyonce: @beyonce

Beyonce is the queen of simplicity and believes less is more. On her tips that always make her look rejuvenated, she says:

  • Aquafor Healing ointment is her little secret. You can use it to clean off makeup, as a lip moisturizer and on your eyelids.
  • Carol's Daughter sea salt scrub doesn't just exfoliate, it moisturizes too so you can skip the whole lathering your body up with lotion.
  • If you want smooth baby-soft skin without spending as much money and time on it, simply get a baby oil as a body moisturizer.

She also advises washing your face at least twice if you're busy to get rid of the dirt and germs accumulated but really that's up to you and a good tip is to use gold eyeshadow on the inner eye to appear more awake.

Beauty tips and products from Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson: @katehudson/Instagram

Kate Hudson is pretty much next-door girl with her beauty regimen that works for busy moms as well.

  • Avoid washing your face too much as this will strip it of all its natural moisturizer and use an oil cleanser like DHC Deep Cleansing Oil 
  • She always uses a moisturizing cream by one of her favorites, La Mer followed by an anti-oxidant serum like Paula's choice, and finally,
  • Never ever leave the house without SPF.

Beauty tips and products from Rashida Jones

Rashida Jones: @rashidajones/Instagram

Rashida Jones says that her beauty routine is simple, Powder your face And a red lip will always make you look sexy and confident. We already know the 'always moisturize' rule she got from her mom that's got her skin looking so good. Here are a few other products she swears by.


Beauty tips and products from Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian: @kimkardashian/Instagram

Her daily regimen to keeping a youthful look while she is so busy is actually quite simple.

  • Use your regular body oil before you hit the exercise mat to keep everything firm and prevent cellulite.
  • Be a moisturizing freak. Stay moisturized even when running simple errands and your skin will thank you for it.

Pregnancy beauty tips from celebrity moms's moms

Preganancy beauty tips from Tina Knowles-Lawson

Tina with Beyonce, Solange and Kelly Rowland: @beyonce/Instagram

In a recent interview post her twins, Beyonce revealed how good parenthood is to her and how much she enjoyed. Her pregnancy with her twins was different. She was glowing just like her mom. Tina has talked a little bit about pregnancy and advised mommies to get enough rest during this phase as rest will make you appear healthier more glowy. She also advises women to take care of themselves in terms of health, making sure they eat right, hydrate and above all else, love themselves unconditionally.

Pregnancy beauty tips from Goldie

Goldie with Kate: @katehudson/Instagram

Goldie Hawn has very much been involved in her daughter's life during pregnancy and now with her grandkids. Through her pregnancies, Goldie has always advised her daughter Kate Hudson that the secret to looking healthy and glowy during pregnancy is eating healthy. Embody healthy eating habits and be bffs with your green juice and your body will thank you for it.

Pregnancy beauty tips from Kris Jenner

Kris and her girls: @krisjenner/Instagram

We all know how involved Kris is in the lives of her daughters and her grandchildren. In the latest series of pregnancies, popularly dabbed as the Kardashian baby boom of 2018 in which Kris got three more grandkids to add to her brood, she admits that it is important for pregnant moms to feel comfortable in their skin and to constantly hydrate. Eating healthy is also a big part of staying beautiful even during this journey.


We can never get tired of listening to celebrities sharing their go-to beauty secrets and by all accounts, the motherly advice they got is the ultimate icing because advice from mom will always stick with you no matter where you go. It's nice to see that these famous moms have the simplest advice for their celeb daughters and that we can take a thing or two from that as well.

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 Kylie Jenner is the world-famous reality tv star of the E! hit series keeping up with the Kardashians.