12 Best Lip Treatments That Sort Out Your Dry Lips Issues
Try these best kinds of treatments that can help you with dry lips
Jul 03, 2019

Dry lips are a menace. They can give you a dry and olden look without you even noticing. From the UV damage sustained by outside exposure of sun to simply avoiding adequate hydration; anything can be the root cause of your recurring dry lips. Thankfully there are at home remedies as well as therapeutic cosmetic and medical products to combat this devil! Give these best treatments a try and never go back to having cracked chapped or dry lips. After all your smile truly is worth a million dollars!
Best lips treatments that can work

So you feel like you’ve tried it all by lathering on the most expensive or the best-rated lips balms on the market but still face the problem of chapped lips? It could be because there are certainly other ways for you to tackle this problem. Here are some of the best lip treatments which can help you get that kissable pout in no time!
For severely chapped lips
Exfoliation Treatment

We couldn’t possibly stress this enough. Just as your skin needs exfoliation, your lips badly need it to. If you’ve been skipping on this part in your skincare routine, here’s your chance to actually vow to never ditch it again. This step might seem unimportant and/or extra to some of you but trust us, this is for the home run.
You can make at-home scrubs with honey and sugar to help exfoliate the dead skin off. There are other lip scrubs in the market for you to try out and get rid of that chapped look for good. Here are the top lip scrubs you can buy if you don’t want to DIY it.
1. Sara Happ The Lip Scrub

2. Lush The Kiss Lip Scrub

Cleansing Treatment

Just like the rest of your body, your lips also need adequate cleansing after being subjected to the harsh makeup products, wear n tear of the atmosphere and natural damage. The hydration in your lips is important to make them look soft, full and healthy. You should never skip cleansing your lips and for this, you can use different cleansing kits available in the market. If you don’t want to spend extra money on this one you can even use a clean toothbrush for this purpose and scrape off the dead skin and expose that beautiful plump pout!
Moisturizing Treatment

Now that you’ve understood the importance of exfoliating your dry and chapped lips; it’s time for you to know how important moisturizing is. We can possibly not over-state the importance of moisturizing your dry lips. The lips lose their hydration under the dry sun and need an adequate supply of moisturizing products to retain their shine and glow. There are plenty of ways for you to moisturize your lips including home-made remedies and other beauty products.
Shea Butter and beeswax are some of the most important ingredients in a moisturizing lip balm. Now you can invest in the perfect lip balm with moisturizing components in it.
This is one of our most favorites when it comes to lip balms with moisturizers. Get your hands on this one here,
3 Imitation Burt’s Bees Lip Balm

For fever blisters

Source: http://wikipedia,com
Fever blisters or “cold sores” can be caused by a virus, namely Herpes Simplex Virus 1 or 2. It is commonly found and HSV can manifest itself on the face, lips, gums or even the tongue. These fever blisters can be painful and have fluid oozing in which condition they are contagious. You can use various products to combat this. Some of the top lip treatments for fever blisters are listed below.
Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an extremely effective remedy for cold sores. Their components are truly remedial for the condition. Here’s what you can use on your lips that contain lemon balm and will impart all the benefits in no time
4. Badger balm

Badger makes amazing organic products containing essential oils. You can shop their lemon balm lip balm here,
5. Aloe Vera

Few botanical products and herbs are as effective as Aloe Vera when it comes to skincare. Aloe Vera is useful for a perfectly smooth and silky skin including chapped or sore lips. Oral sores or cold sores can also benefit from this. You can grow aloe vera in your own garden or simply buy it in packaged form. Just rub it on the lips like you would any other balm or product and see the instant effects of this miraculous plant.
For Peeling Lips

If your lips are crusty and peeling, use these lip treatments for perfect looking lips and stop the peeling for good.
Overnight lip masks treatment

Overnight lip masks are ideal for their effect on the lips. Check out this one from BiteBeauty to combat the dried and crusty lip skin.
6. Agave Lip Mask

Best Tinted Lip Treatment

Many tinted lip treatments will prevent the chapping of dried up lips. You can buy them in the shades of your choice and get the flavor that best suits you. Glossier lip balm can easily be named as our favorite tinted lip treatments for chapped and peeling lips. You can even use Vaseline or any other lip balm with SPF to combat your peeling lips. Buy this one from glossier here,
7. Glossier

Lip Balm with SPF

SPF is important to help save your skin including your lips from the damage of the sun’s harmful UV rays. As the sebaceous glands are not present in the lips, they tend to undergo more drying effect and eventually get more damaged in comparison to other parts of the body. Buy yourself some lip balm with SPF to avoid any further damage from the sun, Here are a few that you can buy,
8. Revlon kiss balm lip balm

Source: http://Influenster.com
9. The Body Shop Vitamin E Lip Care SPF 15

For Accutane users

Cheilitis or chapped lips are a common consequence that Accutane victims suffer from. Here are top remedies to help you get back the perfect pout without stressing about further wear and tear.
10. Hanalei lip treatment

With kukui oil and other organic natural products, their lip treatments are rejuvenating for dry lips and will relieve you of the painful chapping due to Accutane use. It is available in many flavors and tints so that you can look your absolute best while protecting your lips from the dryness.
Lip Balms

You can buy lip balms to help soothe and moisturize the chapped lips, as well as avoid any further deterioration. There’s a whole array of lip balms to choose from; from ones with SPF to different flavors and ingredients. The key here is to look for natural ingredients that might help in moisturizing the lips.
11. Aquafor Healing Ointment

Vaseline and Aquafor are regarded as wonderful and dermatologist approved products that help in reducing the dry lips. You can shop for it online here,
12. Hydrocortisone
Hydrocortisone is useful in many skin conditions including the ones for lips. You can look for lip products that contain 1% hydrocortisone to help with your dried up lips.
Lipster’s medicated lip balm is the top product out there to help with the dried up lips due to Accutane use. The hydrocortisone in this will especially help give some relief to your lips. Buy this one here,
Products that help you with dry lips

You can always make home-made remedies to deal with the dried up and chapped lips but there are many products in the market too. Look for the ones best suited for your skin type, your condition as well as your budget. Use these 12 best lip treatments to help with your dry lips and flaunt your soft and kissable pout at all times!

Have a luscious lip with this routine and tips on lip care

Use these lip treatments to help with your problems related to dry lips and truly benefit from them. Now you don’t have to feel like you are stuck with chapped lips without any escape route or mercy. Along with these products, your overall health is of extreme importance in this issue. You should try your best to maintain optimum hydration and give your body all the nourishment it needs to look its absolute best and to function at its absolute best. Adding on these lip treatments will surely make a noticeable difference and you’ll never have to worry about dry lips again… Keep smiling with the healthiest, softest and smoothest lips you’ve ever had!