Light Body Activations: Symptoms and Spiritual Relations

Light Body Activations: Symptoms and Spiritual Relations

Here are some of the signs your body is realigning spiritually

By Sid
Light Body Activations: Symptoms and Spiritual Relations

What Is A Light Body?


The light body begins its journey as a basic coordinated energy field that serves the purpose of a bio-plasmic membrane or outer body. The younger stages of its growth account for it being known as the “aura” or the “consciousness field” which surround a person. In general terms, the light body possesses the core traits of the cellular membrane. This cellular membrane carries out vital functions through mediums such as frequencies and vibrations. However, it is to note that the cellular membrane of the outer body relies upon conscious regulation, unlike the other cell membranes of the body. The outer body membranes are associated with one’s contact with high-frequency vibrations (known as ‘Spiritual Influences’) emotions, information, and psychological input.


The light body has several layers – these include the Etheric Layer (a defensive immune-related layer near the physical body), the Emotional Layer (which possesses a magnetic value and is often called the “astral body”), and the Mental Layer (which guards an individual against frequencies that are excessively concentrated for integration – during the development of spiritual awakening, this is the layer that

Light body activation refers to the process of acknowledging the well-defined energy matrix that extends from one’s physical body. This process occurs when this matrix reaches one’s consciousness and activates a spurt of its elements, abilities, and activities.


Moreover, as one becomes more familiar with light body activation, it becomes easier to use its resources and gain access to an unlimited flow of discovery, learning, and value realization entertainment. Being aware of this process ultimately triggers personal growth in an individual – revealing one to their true personal nature. Questions that one needed answered finally start to emerge such as the meaning of one’s existence and the road to one’s life journey. 

progressively becomes more permeable). As we investigate each layer, we conclude that layers are differentiated based on their frequencies. The frequency of each layer is what their distances are based upon.

What Are Light Body Activations?


Light body activation refers to the process of acknowledging the well-defined energy matrix that extends from one’s physical body. This process occurs when this matrix reaches one’s consciousness and activates a spurt of its elements, abilities, and activities.


Moreover, as one becomes more familiar with light body activation, it becomes easier to use its resources and gain access to an unlimited flow of discovery, learning, and value realization entertainment. Being aware of this process ultimately triggers personal growth in an individual – revealing one to their true personal nature. Questions that one needed answered finally start to emerge such as the meaning of one’s existence and the road to one’s life journey. 

What Are The Stages of Light Body Activation?

1. Biological changes


You may experience symptoms such as flu, headaches, rashes, and diarrhea. This is because all these ailments are symptoms of the body dropping its density. Moreover, in this stage, your brain chemistry alters and your DNA components also begin to change.

2. Disorientation

You may feel disoriented and my experience of 'bouts of flu'. This is the stage whereby many begin to question their existence. Light in the etheric blueprint executes a fourth-dimensional structure and triggers spins in the geometries of the mental, spiritual and emotional bodies.

3. Sharpening of the physical senses


In this stage, one’s physical senses become considerably sharper –one’s body stars absorbing more light.

4. Further changes and acknowledgment of the emotional body

Changes continue to occur in the brain, causing headaches, loss of hearing, and occasionally chest pains. Some claim that the chest pains occur since the expanding energies cause the heart to open up to deeper levels. All of this results in one being more sensitive to feelings and acknowledging the emotional body and learning to manage it.

5. Dreams start to alter

In this stage, one’s dreams may alter and become more 'lucid' in nature – feelings of De-Ja-Vu are also common at this stage.

6. Relying on others for support

At this stage, people often rely on others for support, while questioning how they identify with others and themselves. Moreover, people may also leave old, meaningless friendships and look for new friends. By this stage, one may feel as though they are much more comfortable opening up their inner senses.

7. A time of immense emotional clearance

This stage involves one becoming more in tune with their emotions. It is a time of immense emotional clearance as one seeks to rid themselves of useless emotional baggage. One may feel more synchronized with each moment, feeling very present and bursting with life – old relationships would often end or change rapidly

8. One would start speaking from their heart and soul

By now, one may be familiar with the languages of Light. However, one may find it hard to find words to express themselves. One would start speaking from their heart and soul which would cause others to feel disorientated as they no longer have any connection with the person experiencing all these changes.

9. The termination of the ego


This stage calls for the body to change its shape as the energy spheres shuffle. One may feel interrelated to all Being's far and wide and just like one’s experience in stages three and six, this stage calls for serious re-evaluations as one finally begins to surrender to their Spirit. This stage involves the termination of one’s ego and can be a painful experience since making such a dive can be overwhelming even though one may have evolved many times to reach this juncture. Moreover, it is also possible that one may go to and fro, hanging to old comfort zones before finally letting go.

10. The construction of the Light body


By now, one’s DNA is no longer two-stranded but instead constitutes a complex biological twelve-stranded composition. Moreover, the Light body has finally been constructed and enables one to pass by time, space, and dimensions.

11. All levels of the light body have been formed


By this stage, all levels of the light body have been formed and stimulated and are linked to one’s physical body. By now, time is no more linear but instead is simultaneous since the past, present, and future now co-exist as one.

12. The planet extends into Light


By this stage, the planet and her residents will have been 'rewoven' into Light to glow in their maximum grandeur as the last stages of this Divine Plan evolve. The planet extends into Light, moves out of this facet, and is carried into a multi-star procedure where everybody is a light body and ensues Spirit in total Mastery.

What Are The Physical Manifestations Of Light Body Activation?

As loosely discussed in the stages of Light body activation, some physical manifestations of Light body activation include lucid dreams – the person experiencing Light body activation may be in much more control of their dreams and would be aware that they are dreaming. This may also be able to alter and manipulate their dreams. Moreover, headaches, diarrhea, and pain in one’s chest may also occur as the body prepares for major changes in its overall composition. This is similar to a balloon expanding to accommodate more air within itself. Abrupt changes in one’s temperature may also occur. This notion is similar to how one’s temperature increases after a workout since adapting to such an overwhelming change in one’s biological composition is no less than a workout.

What Are The Behavioral Manifestations of Light Body Activation?

Such major changes in one’s everyday life call for major changes in one’s behavior and attitude. During the process of Light body activation, one may have difficulty concentrating on everyday tasks – this includes studying, reading a book, watching television, or even driving a car (which is, we must point out, simply dangerous!). Moreover, one may also avoid ending up in situations that involve a large group of people such as a party or an office. As discussed earlier, one may also have a desire to cut off with people who don’t possess the same spiritual intellect as them – thus it wouldn’t be surprising if many meaningless friendships come to an end and many new friendships start to emerge. Lastly, one could experience an increase in their empathy towards others – one could become much more sensitive to certain sounds, images, situations, and people.

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In conclusion, it can be said that Light activation is a process that makes a human a superhuman. If we look at it from a religious as well as a psychological point of view, God created us to explore the world and our existence and purpose within this world. Light activation proves to be a medium to do just that since it allows one to get in touch with their inner senses and let go of their ego or the “I” element in their spirit. Once one successfully activates their Light body, the possibilities to explore, understand, learn, and alter their role in this world are endless.