25 Clear Signs That He's Really Into You And Not Just Being Nice
Confused if your guy is really into you or is just being nice to you? Here are 25 clear signs that will tell you if he is really into you.
Jul 24, 2018

Is he really into you?
The fear of being rejected is the biggest reason a guy never opens up to his crush. Your guy might be into you, but might be afraid of expressing his feelings for you. Not all guys are comfortable letting their loved ones know that they are adored. It becomes your job to decode his feelings for you. It is always confusing when it comes to figuring out whether he really likes you or is just being nice to you. There are some signs that will clear up the air and confirm that he really likes you. There is always a limitation for being nice. It really takes a lot of love and affection and that is the only way to decode his feelings for you and learn that he is not just being nice. Here are 25 clear signs that he is really into you and proves that he is not just being nice.
1. Pays attention to his looks
When a guy is really into you, his looks will matter a lot to him. Your crush will want to impress you with his killer looks. He will try to seduce you by trying to flaunt his best features to amaze you. He would always be classy when he is around you to grab your attention. Guys who try to be nice will never care to impress you. So, this is one of the sure subtle signs that tell you he is really into you and not just being nice to you.
2. Initiating conversation is one of the signs that he is into you
When it comes to making calls or texting he will not wait for any of the universal rules or signs. He would rather call or text you immediately even if you are at work. He will let you know that you are being missed and that he had a great day with you. You will notice that he will never wait for you to start a conversation; rather, he will have endless conversation starters that will keep you engaged. Even while texting you will find his chats are never-ending. This is one of the signs that he likes you.
3. Will make plans to see you
When your guy is into you, he will make plans to meet you either as a group or alone. Even if it is a last minute birthday party invitation you will find him absolutely present just to see you. Even when at work all his coffee breaks he would want to spend time with you or take a break with you as you have completely bewitched his mind and soul. This is a clear-cut sign that tells you he is really into you.
4. His body language
A major giveaway and one of the signs that screams he likes you is his body language. When a guy likes you, he unknowingly gives you some hard to miss signs that are easy to read. Note his eyes and his gaze: they will always revolve around you. You might also notice that he is always angled towards you, even when at a distance. He will lean towards you, making you realize that he is into you. This is one of the major signs that says he is really into you and that he is not afraid to hide it from you.
5. Never gives up on you
Your guy will be persistent even when he knows that there is no chance for him. He will never give up on you but try and try till he gets rejected if you have no feelings for him. You will make every effort to try and impress you and get you to like him. It is one of the most obvious signs that he is interested in you.
6. Listening to you is one of the signs he is into you
When a guy really likes you, he will listen to all your stories and remember them. Even a tiniest little details don't get left out. He will be a good, active listener even if you are distracted. You will be always his priority and he will make sure that you realize that you are being heard. If you think your guy is just being nice, he will definitely not be able to remember all the small details. But when he does, it's one of the signs that he is really into you but a little afraid to let you know.
7. Being open with you is among the signs he likes you
When a guy really likes you he will open up to you. He will be able to discuss his passions, goals, and other interests. It is not easy for guys to open up but when he does it really means that he trusts you. He will want you to be aware of his fears, excitement, and his anger. This is one of the really good signs that says he is truly into you.
8. Prioritizing your needs is one of the best signs
If your guy takes into account your needs as his priority and makes sure you're satisfied, chances are he is into you. You will notice that he will make a considerable effort to make your life easier and that is a sure way to tell he is really into you.
9. You are a part of his life
You are always a part of his life. His friends and family are your friends too. You will even know his friends at work. You will slowly realize that nothing ever happens in his life without your knowledge and that you are becoming a part of his life. This is among the crystal clear signs that tells you he is really into you and not just being nice.
10. He sees a future with you
When your guy is sincerely into you he will see a future for you both together. His small talk will always include you in his future. This really means he wants to stick around you and he sees a life with you. This is one of the sweetest signs and clearly means he is into you.
11. Complimenting you is one of many clear signs
You will notice that your guy will be full of genuine compliments when he is into you. He will have eyes of admiration for you and appreciate you for your looks or for just being awesome. You will find him not afraid to compliment you through texting. Considerate actions and signs like this show that he is really into you.
12. Understands your point of view
When a guy is really into you, you will notice that he genuinely tries to understand your beliefs. He will always consider your side of an argument and will learn to appreciate it. This is one of many obvious signs that he is not just being nice.
13. Makes compromises to make you happy
Your happiness is all that he wants. Just to bring a smile to your face, he will not be afraid to do anything. He truly understands that compromising for our loved ones makes life even better. Signs of compassion like this clearly show that he is into you.
14. Gets jealous
If your guy is really into you and is not just being nice, he gets jealous when you are with other guys. He will let you know that he is not comfortable when you enjoy other guy friends' company or even when you're just texting other guys. This is one of the easiest signs to spot.
15. Remembers your important dates
Your guy is never afraid to either greet you through text or to shower you with lavish gifts on your important dates. Your birthdays, work anniversaries, and much more will never go by without gifts or greetings. This is among the most important signs that he is really into you.
16. Excited about spending some alone time
He gets excited when he gets to spend some alone time with you. Time spent with you will be the best moments of his life. He will make sure that you had a great time with him too so that you don't get bored. This is the most undisguised sign that tells you his love for you.
17. Teases you
When your guy is really into you, he will try to tease you but will never hurt you. If you notice him teasing you, he is just trying to be funny around you and keep you engaged. He feels that he gets more interesting when he teases you. This way he can prove that he is more fun than other guys and that you should choose him.
18. Interested in your life
Your personal life will always be interesting to him. He will want to meet your family and friends and will be very keen to know what is happening in your life. He will want to be a part of your life by getting to know all the people around you and everything that is currently happening.
19. Tells you his darkest secrets
When your guy tells you his deepest darkest secrets, it is a sure sign that he is into you. A guy will never open up unless he has romantic interest towards you and believes that you have a beautiful chemistry that bonds you.
20. Believes in your dreams
If you guy has a romantic interest in you he will believe in your dreams and help you achieve them. He will be of great help when it comes to helping you in shaping up your career. This is a crystal clear sign that tells you he is actually into you and not just being nice to you.
21. Stands up for you
He supports you if someone mistreats you, even when it happens in your common friend group. He is the first one to raise his voice for you. Not all guys stand up for girls just to be nice. It sure says a lot about your guy. He is obviously into you and not just being nice.
22. You're comfortable with him
You will notice that your guy makes you feel comfortable when you are with him. He will bring out the real you and you can be relaxed around him. If this is the connection that you have with your guy friend, chances are he is really into you and not just being nice.
23. He treats you differentlly
If a guy is trying to be nice, he will treat everybody the same and you'll get no special treatment. But if he is into you, you will feel the difference. He will do all things to make you feel special. This is the biggest sign that really means he is into you.
24. He DIYs
When your guy puts in extra effort to make you a card that really means something. This is a good sign that means he is into you and not just being nice. A guy wouldn't go that extra mile just to be nice to you.
25. He is always in a good mood with you
Whenever he's with you all you'll notice about him is that he is full of smiles. Guys who are trying to be nice will not be excited to see you at all times. But if your guy is then you have hit the jackpot.
Now that you have cracked his little secret it is time for you to take the relationship to the next level. There is no point in waiting for him to confront you with his feelings when you truly know he is into you. Go ahead, make the greatest decision of your life which you will never regret. Be yourself, take things slow, and have a happy and fun-filled love life.