Struggling With Large Pores On Your Nose? Shrink 'Em Overnight!

If you are struggling with the large pores on your nose, here are a free home remedies for getting rid of them. You can have a clean smooth nose overnight.

By Tanaya Nath
Struggling With Large Pores On Your Nose? Shrink 'Em Overnight!

Struggling With Large Pores On Your Nose? Shrink 'Em Overnight!

Large open pores on face and nose is a sign of unhealthy skin. They also give birth to other skin care problems like blackheads and acne especially for those with oily skin. However, there are ways to shrink those large pores on your nose overnight. Many go for product achievements for them that instead of minimizing the pores worsens the matter. So before we get to the ways that give best possible results, without laser treatment, first we need to know the reasons behind the large pores.

Sun Exposure

The large pores on your nose and skin can be an outcome of protracted sun exposure. Sun exposure damages the skin collagen does shrinking the elasticity of the walls of the skin pores canal. This results in large open pores, especially on your nose.


Large open pores could also be the result of aging since with age skin loses its elasticity.


In some people, heredity could also cause the enlarged pores on the nose and face.

Excessive Oil Production

The natural oil that is sebum close to the skin pores lining gets out of the pores and then spreads over the surface of the skin gradually if the oil production is normal. However, in case of excessive production of oil from the glands, the oil combines with dead skin cells, specks of dirt, and sweat, therefore clogging the pores. This process also happens due to the excessive use or overly applied thick makeup. And, due to not removing the makeup before going to bed. As a result, these pores make a setup for the oil to flow freely causing the pores to get enlarged. Even when the pores widens for offering extra space for the outflow of oil, it can still be trapped by the dead skin cells especially around the nose. They are in turn exposed to the air and get oxidized to form blackheads.

How To Get Rid Of Large Pores On Your Nose Overnight.

You can find options for using cosmetics products for treating enlarged pores problem on the nose, or you could go for the laser treatment. However, you should keep in mind that skin pores cannot be eliminated completely. They are not a window that could be closed or open. Despite what many beauty products claim these pores are always open. What we can do is shrink their size so that they do not appear prominent. For this, we need to keep the nose and skin clean and free of dirt and dead skin. This is how we can do it.

Exfoliate, Clean, and Moisturize

The open pores on your skin look larger as they are often clogged with oil and dirt. One of the fastest ways to shrink these pores on the nose is by cleaning and fixing your skin problems properly. For reducing the size of the pores on your nose, you need to exfoliate it an option for getting rid of dead skin cells that can make your pores look enlarged. For an exfoliating mixture, ground dried orange peel and ground almonds with some milk to make a scrub. Use this for exfoliating scrub on your nose and clean the pores. Once you have scrubbed your nose well, wash it off with lukewarm water or clean it with a cotton ball or cleansing cloth dipped in warm water. Then apply the sum of divisors over it. You should carry on this routine at least once a week for keeping your pores clean and small.

Lemon or Cucumber Juice And Rosewater

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One of the easiest and best natural remedies for reducing the large pores on your nose is using lemon juice. It contains natural enzymes that tighten up the facial skin, and its acidic character cleanses the skin impurities that lies deep within along with Vitamin C that helps in lightening the skin. You can also make 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with a half cup of cucumber juice and one cup of rose water and apply this on your nose first shrinking the pores.

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is considered a natural astringent and toner. It removes thickened oil, blackheads and whiteheads from your nose and skin and cleanses the pores. As a result, apple cider vinegar tightens your skin and shrinks the big pores along with restoring the skin pH balance. Mix the organic apple cider vinegar and water in equal parts then soak a cotton ball in it. Wrap this soap cotton ball gently over the big pores on your nose and leave it for few minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. You can do this but the pores on other parts as well. Repeat this every night after your clinic your face. It will give you fast results. Also, don't forget to follow it up with the gentle moisturizers.

Lemon Juice And Egg White

A face mask made from egg white is great for drawing excess oil out of the skin. Egg white along with lemon juice make a mask that helps large pores on the nose to string overnight by toning it up and lightning the skin. For making this mask break an egg and remove the yellow portion then whip the white. Mix few drops of lemon juice in this egg white and spread it evenly over your face and let it dry completely before rinsing it off. Egg white dries the skin pulling out the dress from the pores does tightening the skin. You can use this remedy twice a week. If you want quicker results cover your nose with pieces of soft tissue paper after applying the egg white mask, and after the mask dries completely, peel off the mask. You can even use the mask without mixing the lemon juice. And you can also make the egg white face scrub. Making the scrub remove the yellow portion from one egg and whisk the white. Add to it some lemon juice and oatmeal and apply it evenly to your nose and face. Let it be on your nose for about 30 minutes or until it is dried out completely. Scrub out of your nose gently then rinse your face with cold water. Use this mask twice a week for better results.

Tomato Lotion Acts Like A Laser Treatment

Tomatoes are a natural cleanser and toner, so this remedy works well for reducing the size of large nose and skin pores. Also, tomatoes help in reducing the extra oil from skin, thus tightening it and minimizing the large pores. Lycopene and antioxidants in tomatoes repair the skin fast and also helps in slowing down the aging. Mix few drops of lemon juice in one tablespoon of tomato juice and apply it in your nose. Let it be for 15 minutes, then wash it off with cold water. You can also use it for removing blemishes.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a gentle exfoliator as it helps in getting rid of extra oil, impurities, and dirt from the pores of your nose, making them appear smaller. It also maintains the pH balance in the nose and skin. For this method, add lukewarm water to two tablespoons of baking soda and spread the mixture over your nose. Massage gently with fingertips. Rinse and apply moisturizer. Do this every day for a week for longer and better results.

Clay Mask

El barro Multani mitti de Biolife Cosmética también conocido como arcilla Fuller Earth es muy popular por sus propiedades curativas contra el acné, las manchas faciales y la psoriasis en el cuero cabelludo. Es de origen mineral, rico principalmente en cloruro de magnesio el cual ayuda a reducir el acné. Originalmente utilizado como absorbente en la industria de la lana, el barro Multani mitti se utiliza ahora de manera significativa en muchos productos para el cuidado de la piel y el cabello como lo son jabones, champús, tónicos faciales y especialmente como mascarilla facial o capilar mezclando la arcilla pura con agua de rosas, vinagre de manzana o agua. ¡Adquiérelo por RD$ 325/ 4 Onzas! Pedidos Privado y Whatsapp 829 916 6608 Entregas sin costo en Occidental Mall y Plaza Central Servicio a domicilio en la provincia Santo Domingo Envíos a todas las provincias de República Dominicana #arcillafacial #arcillacapilar #multanimitti #fullerearth #barro #mascarillaantiacne #mascarillafacial #mascarillacapilar #faceclay #hairclay #claymasque #hairmasque #facemasque #cleanningmasque #cleanningclay

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This mask absorbs excess oil and is a good remedy for enlarged pores. Fuller’s earth is the best way to shrink the pores on the nose overnight. Take two tablespoons of Fuller's earth and make a paste by adding rose water to it. Apply it over your nose and let it dry. Scrub it lightly after it dries then wash it with cold water. Don't forget to moisturize and repeat this twice a week to keep your nose smooth.

Sugar Scrub

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Sugar is an excellent exfoliator as it removes excess oil and debris from the pores. Take a lemon wedge and put some sugar on it. Gently rub it over your nose, then clean it off with cold water. Do this twice a week. For a twist, add a little olive oil and lemon juice to two tablespoons of sugar. Use this scrub to massage your nose for a minute gently, then rinse. Repeat this two times every week for keeping your pores invisible. Or you can use honey instead of olive oil and use it as a scrub. You can let it be for ten minutes over your nose before rinsing it off with cold water.


For shrinking the pores naturally and removing the blemishes yogurt is the best natural remedy. The lactic acid in yogurt helps in minimizing the size of the pores. It also removes dead skin cells, removes excess oil and impurities from the pores along with tightening the skin. Take unsweetened and unflavored yogurt curd and apply it over your nose before taking a bath. Leave on for ten minutes then rinse.


Avoid getting large pores on nose and anywhere on your face don't use products that block or clog pores. Avoid products that cause oil glands to emit more oil. Avoid using soap and only use gentle water-soluble cleansers, and for moisturizer go for the water-based ones. Be careful about the kind of makeup you using and always clean your makeup off before going to bed. If you take care of your skin properly, you would never get into the problems with the pores, especially over the nose. The home remedies mentioned above for the enlarged pores are among the best natural treatments that will make your pores shrink almost overnight, being able to notice the difference in a day and without laser treatment. They will also unclog the pores, making your skin glow and blemish free. But make sure you keep using the remedies as suggested. If you get into a regular skin routine, you will never encounter any issues with your skin or pores including acne, blemishes, whiteheads, blackheads and enlarged pores.