Ingrown Labia Hair: Tips For Dealing With Hair On Vagina Lips
Ingrown hair on the labia can bring a lot of discomfort and annoyances. Get to know some tips to deal with it in this piece.
Jul 25, 2018
![Ingrown Labia Hair: Tips For Dealing With Hair On Vagina Lips](
Understanding A Woman's External Genitalia
One of the odd places for a female to experience ingrown hairs on her body is the vaginal lips which are also known as the labia. The oddness is connected to the fact that a woman's vagina is considered as a private body part that many may not be able to present to a doctor or friend for help without some levels of embarrassment. Therefore, if a woman has a skin annoying condition such as ingrown hairs on her genitals, apart from the discomfort accompanying it, she is likely not going to find discussing her challenge with others easy. What is often referred to as the vagina by many people including women themselves is only their vulva. The vulva is the name given to the external genitalia of the female folks. It consists of diverse structures with each performing a distinct role. The labia minora which is also known as the small lips of the vagina is made up of layers of skin rich in fatty acids and has no hair follicles. So, the labia minora cannot experience ingrown hairs. The labia majora, on the other hand, is commonly referred to as the large lips of the vagina and are composed of large layers of skin housing the sweat gland and hair follicles. The hair follicle is where the genital hairs seen on a female vulva grows from. As such, when we talk of ingrown hairs on a woman's vagina lips, the emphasis is on the labia majora where the hair follicles are situated.
Causes Of Ingrown Labia Hair
The primary cause of ingrown labia hair is improper hair removal method often employed by most women in getting rid of their unwanted pubic hair. One popular method of pubic hair removal is shaving but when the process is not properly carried out, it can lead to ingrown labia hair. Ordinarily, hairs are supposed to grow outward and upward but when shaving is done against the direction of hair growth, a remnant hair is often left behind which has a pointed end with which it grows back into the skin. Once this happens, your body's immune apparatuses interpret the ingrown hair as a non-self and as such, fight against it. This "fighting" eventually results in bumps on the labia which may be itchy and reddish in color. Again, ingrown hairs can result when the hair follicles have been clogged by dead skin cells or sebum because you don't exfoliate regularly. The tendency to suffer ingrown hairs on the labia also increases if your hairs are naturally curly. A curly hair type would normally grow inward rather than outward and so, it takes a right shaving method to prevent ingrown hair with it. In addition to this, if you wear very tight undies just immediately after shaving, you might be placing a pressure on the hair follicles and the remnant hair may orient sideways into the skin causing ingrown hair. Furthermore, shaving pubic hair too often can also multiply your chances of having ingrown labia hairs. The ideal thing is to leave enough time between one shaving and the other. Also, it is better to have your skin lubricated before shaving so as to minimize skin pulling which can lead to irritation and general discomfort.
Ingrown Labia Hair Vs Genital Herpes
There are some resemblances in the appearance of an ingrown labia hair bump and genital warts or herpes such that more often than not, the two are confused. Herpes and warts are two common sexually-transmitted diseases which also has labia bumps as one of its possible symptoms. The onset of genital warts can always be traced back to a sexual encounter with an infected person as the disease is contracted via sexual intercourse with someone already having it. Genital warts and Herpes are viral diseases caused by the human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus respectively. They are usually accompanied by fever and you would notice something that appears to be like a gray growth that is flesh-colored around your genital area. Ingrown labia hair bump would always surface after you perform a hair removal method namely shaving. Typically, the onset of ingrown hairs in any part of the body is usually 12-24 hours after shaving or waxing such that you would know that it is because of the hair removal process that it has surfaced. Again, ingrown hair on the labia though may be itchy and produce pus if infected, does not usually lead to fever or general body ache. Nevertheless, if you aren't sure what the situation is, you can go for a checkup with your doctor. Bumps anywhere in the body, especially in the genital area, should not be ignored because it can be a sign of a serious condition such as cancer. You need to seek medical help if you notice blisters or ulcers around your labia that have refused to heal after three days. It's most likely to be herpes or genital warts.
Symptoms Of Ingrown Labia Hair
You would experience all or some of these symptoms if what you are suffering from is ingrown labia hair. 1. Headless bumps that have some dark spots at the center. Usually, this dark spot is the trapped hair. 2. The bumps become swollen, tender, and painful majorly because of the inflammation that has caused the skin to stretch. If the labia bump rests on a nerve, you can also experience nerve pain. 3. Itchiness is another symptom to watch out for. This is as a result of the irritation caused by the hair trying to grow back into the skin. You would feel the urge to scratch it but doing so will only prolong the healing process. 4. If the ingrown hair has been infected maybe through your incessant touching or hygiene issue, the bumps can become reddish, yellowish, or whitish depending on how deep the infection is. 5. Similarly, if the infection has graduated to a high scale, the bumps can change to a cyst which can release pus.
Tips For Dealing With Ingrown Labia Hair
Suppose you only have a few ingrown hairs on your vaginal lips, you can remove them yourself by following simple aseptic techniques and the use of a tweezer. Below are the steps to take in order to remove the ingrown hairs. 1. Ensure your genital area is clean by using warm water and a mild soap to wash it. 2. Make sure to apply steroid creams at least 3 days before you remove the ingrown hair so that the inflammation would have subsided and you can see the trapped hair clearly. 3. Perform a hot compress on the bump or area in general before you remove the ingrown hair. 4. Once you can clearly see the trapped hair, use the tweezers to pull it out. Don't pluck it or try to remove the trapper hair from the follicle as this may cause a serious injury and scarring. 5. Take care of the area by applying disinfectant to steer off infections and hasten the healing process.
Home Remedies For Dealing With Ingrown Labia Hair
Interestingly enough, you can get rid of your ingrown labia hair at home using some readily available recipes that wouldn't stretch your pocket and at the same time, have no side effects. Here are a few of them.
1. Tea Tree Oil
The tea tree is known botanically as Melaleuca alternifoliate and has anti-stringent and antiseptic properties that help to fight infections off your ingrown labia hair. You can get an already prepared tea tree oil from the store and if you like, you can make one at home yourself. Making tea tree oil at home can, however, take time because its production involves steam distillation of the leaves. However, if you buy an already prepared one, all you have to do is apply the tea tree oil to your ingrown labia hair two times a day allowing it to stay there for up to 20 minutes before washing it off. The tea tree oil would hasten the healing process and keep infections off because of its antibacterial capacity. You may, however, have to dilute it before applying it to your genital area because a concentrated tea tree oil can cause irritation to your skin. Similarly, if you've got a sensitive skin, you may want to consider any of the other home remedies.
2. Hot Compresses
Perhaps the most annoying symptom of ingrown hairs is itchiness. And how embarrassing is it to be scratching your groin area in public! You can deal with this at home by simply performing a hot compress on the ingrown labia bumps. This process would also help you see the trapped hair clearly so you can remove it with tweezers if you choose to. All you need for a hot compress are warm water and a clean towel or any absorbing cloth. Dip the towel inside the warm water and then wring it before placing it on the bump. While doing so, try to apply some pressure to help expose the embedded hair to the surface. This hot compress should be done twice daily for a quick result.
3. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is one of the potent home remedies for dealing with ingrown labia hairs. Just like the tea tree oil, aloe vera gel equally has antibacterial properties which help to keep infection off the bumps and by that, hastening the healing. Aloe vera equally helps to combat inflammation which is a normal symptom of ingrown hairs. Aloe vera gel can also be used as a moisturizer to apply before embarking on hair removal from your groin area. It is mild on the skin and can be used even by individuals whose skins are sensitive. Simply extract the gel from the stem and apply it to the troubled area. Leave it to stay for up to 20 minutes before washing it off. This procedure should be performed twice daily for optimum result.
4. Honey
Honey has been used for various medicinal purposes for quite a while now. Its usefulness in dealing with ingrown hair lies in its soothing effect and antimicrobial capacity. Suppose you're experiencing a serious discomfort from the ingrown labia hair, honey is one home remedy you can use to stem the tide. Honey can be used by anyone as it is very mild. It equally kills bacteria that can cause infections around the bumps. Simply apply a small quantity of honey on the troubled area and leave it to dry. After some minutes, you can rinse the spot off with warm water. Using honey can equally help guide against scarring and the development of dark spot around your vag.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps to quicken skin cells and also kills bacteria. It is also a well-known anti-inflammatory substance that can help to reduce the inflammation that normally accompanies ingrown hairs. However, it is weakly acidic and using it on your vagina lips would require that you dilute it properly with water to prevent experiencing a burning sensation in your genitals. The diluted apple cider vinegar should be applied to the bumps with the aid of a cotton ball for a uniform application. Leave the apple cider vinegar solution to dry on the spot before washing off. Many of the annoying symptoms of ingrown hairs would disappear this way and the healing can thus proceed faster.
6. Turmeric Fights Inflammation
If you have access to turmeric, it is a great remedy to treat ingrown hair. That's because turmeric reduces inflammation through its curcumin. Once the inflammation has subsided, you can pretty much remove the ingrown hair by yourself or allow it to find its way to the skin. The correct way to use turmeric for your ingrown labia hair is to make it into a paste. This is done by mixing it with a small amount of water and then applying it to the spot. Within a day of application, you would see a drastic decline in the inflammation.
Ways To Deal With Ingrown Labia Hair Infection
If you discover that your ingrown labia hair has been infected, you can take any of these steps to tackle the infection. First, inflammation can be reduced by applying hydrocortisone cream which would also help in healing the bumps quickly. Hydrocortisone should be used twice a day and when you want to stop using it, it has to be done gradually and not just once. Certain infections may necessitate that you get an antibiotic either to be applied on the spot or taken orally. Let your doctor decide here what antibiotic would be best to manage your ingrown hair infection. Once you've gotten the drugs, ensure that you complete it as instructed for effectiveness. Sometimes, exfoliating your groin area can prove effective even after infection as it helps to cut down hyperpigmentation associated with ingrown hairs. Retinoids, salicylic acid, or even benzoyl peroxide are some of the exfoliating agents you can use.
Ingrown Labia Hair Can Be Prevented
Ingrown hairs whether on the vag or anywhere else in the body can be prevented. The trick lies in following some simple guidelines when getting rid of your unwanted body hair and some of which include. 1. Hair removal shouldn't be done too frequently. The more the frequency of shaving for instance, the more the likelihood of ingrown hair occurrence. Give enough time between one shaving or waxing and another. 2. For your pubic hair, you may not have to shave close to your skin surface. You can consider using a pair of scissors to trim the hair instead of shaving with a razor which can raise your chances of having ingrown labia hair. 3. If you insist on shaving, make sure to get your pubic region lubricated before commencing. In other words, avoid dry-shaving. That can lead to an irritation of the skin in your genital area and cause ingrown hairs too. 4. Yor shaving tool namely the razor must be clean and sharp. A blunt razor would pull and pluck your pubic hair rather than shave it. As a rule, you should consider changing your razor every month depending on the frequency of usage. 5. Exfoliation of your groin area should be done twice a week so that dead skin cells that can clog hair follicles would be removed. You can use the loofah sponge with some exfoliating soaps for this. 6. Consider opting for a better hair removal method such as the laser or depilatory creams to save yourself the risk of having an ingrown hair. Laser hair removal is normally carried out by a technician and it focuses on removing hair from the roots. It is long lasting than shaving. Also with the cream, you only have to apply it after trimming and the hairs would be dissolved without causing any pain or ingrown hairs.
Dealing With Ingrown Labia Hair - Conclusion
Ingrown labia hair results majorly as an aftermath of a wrong hair removal technique. It can pretty much be avoided if the necessary precautions would be taken when shaving or waxing. Where it has surfaced, the symptoms it presents can be alleviated such that the hair would finally find its way out by itself or you can remove it by yourself. Remember to maintain a good personal hygiene always when dealing with ingrown hairs on your vag lips as the skin around the area is sensitive and delicate.