What areas can collagen injections be used for

What areas can collagen injections be used for

Overall health and beauty boosters through collagen injections

By Gabriela Petit
What areas can collagen injections be used for

Do you want your skin to always look fresh, pure and fresh? Let us give you the solution: collagen.

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein entity that is present in various areas of the human body. The human skin, being the largest organ of the human body, comprises of three layers: the epidermis (which is located in the outermost layer of the skin), the inner dermis (under the epidermis), and finally the hypodermis (comprising fats and tissues).

The principal function of collagen is to ensure toughness and exuberance by giving support to tissues in the body, making you appear youthful.

However, harsh conditions such as continuous exposure to sun's rays can weaken body collagen leading to deformation in skin vitality making you look old because of the presence of wrinkles on the skin.

One way of avoiding wrinkles induced by excess exposure to sun rays has been to stay away from the sun as often as possible. But, if you already have wrinkles on your skin or perhaps a poor and emaciated lip caused by natural effects of old age, the application of collagen injection can restore order to your once beautiful skin, bringing back that youthful look and smile.

What are collagen injections

At a certain stage in a person's life, there will be some physical signs of the aging process, i.e. the gradual depletion and diminishing of collagen start taking place. We definitely don't need Facebook's throwback photos to remind us. Some people are fine with these developments but others may not, and in situations like these ones, collagen injection becomes a lifeline to get back those lovely plump lips and robust facial tissues.

The predominant importance of collagen injection when administered is to smoothen and make finer the skin's physical look.

Furthermore, collagen injection can be used to boost your body's natural supply. Most importantly, it’s not enough for you to assume that you need a collagen injection to solve your skin problem. It’s very important that you know your eligibility status before you get the procedure.

How is the procedure carried out?

This procedure is performed by a doctor who specializes in skin problems and has masterly experience in the field. The doctor labels the spot where the problem is and proceeds to inject the collagen onto the wrinkles or folded line until it completely saturates the entire region.

Before the injection, however, the application of an antiseptic is pertinent to the prevention of possible infections. There are different specific areas of the skin where collagen injections can be placed. They may include the lips, face, joint, stretch marks and many more. Here are some of the areas where the injections can be used for.

Collagen injections for lips

This technique is practically called "lips magnification" and it’s performed to amplify and make the lips look robust once again.
The two primal sources of collagen injections include Bovine (animal) and human. There are situations where some people become allergic to products obtained from animal sources, this should prompt you to confirm from your doctor the perfect type for your skin.

1. Zyderm (Bovine source)

This one has extracts from animals. Zyderm functions perfectly for the removal of wrinkles, restoration of healthy looking lips and correction of undesired skin alterations. With the application of this collagen-based injection into the skin, the rebuilding process instantly begins, thereby reforming the lips making it look better than it was. 

2. Autologen

This type of collagen injection is usually obtained directly from human skin, usually during an antecedent operation. It is purified and treated for later use just in case you develop allergies from bovine collagen injections. 

3. Cosmoderm

This is composed of hugely decontaminated human-based collagen, which can be injected to erase undesired wrinkles, restoring the lips to a good condition. However, depending on the quantity of collagen administered and also the area of the body treated, results may last from three to six months.

Collagen injections for face

Your face is the part of your body that receives the most attention and there is no doubt that we all want our face to always look good.

As a result, it is the face that usually receives the most collagen injections over the years. Injections of collagen for the face include:

1. Artefill dermal filler

This dermal filler is injectable and it’s bovine collagen. Artefill is used to remove wrinkles and facial folds resulting from deformation of collagen in the skin. 

How is it injected? It has a unique technique of application and therefore performed by physicians with exceptional skill and professionalism. This product is administered by a special technique called "threading". 

Candidates for Artefill collagen injection

  • Any man or woman above 18years.
  • Women that aren’t pregnant.
  • People with no skin problems.
  • Patients that don’t develop allergies to bovine collagen.
  • People seeking permanent remedies to skin alterations. 

What Artefill can do

  • Erase scars formed as a result of acne.
  • Restore and enhance the buoyancy of your face.
  • Erase wrinkles and facial folds.

2. Artecoll

This is another collagen injection that can restore your skin in order and comportment. It contains super fine particles of polymethylmetacrylate which are encapsulated in a collagen solution.

This product has been used to treat thousands of people with successful results making it safe. 

People who should steer clear of Artecol

  • Those that are allergic to bovine collagen products.
  • Those that don't understand what the treatment is all about.
  • Those with allergic reactions to lidocaine.

3. Zyderm

This is another great collagen product that can help with problems of skin and related issues. It’s derived from the body of cows, and it helps to replenish and replace diminished collagen.

One advantage of Zyderm is that you need don’t need to do a pre-skin test before proceeding to the main operation. 

Collagen injections for joints

Joints have its fair share of age impact over the years and many people suffer from a lot of complications of the joint that now collagen injections have been able to solve. The injections help to relieve pain and lubricate the joint. It also helps with the healing of internal joint injuries. 

Here are some injections that are used for the joint:

1. Cartizol

Cartizol contains absorbable collagen and when applied onto the joint with a defect, it helps to trigger the healing process and stimulate cell penetration. It is also called intra articular injection.

2. Chondrofiller collagen injection

Chondrofiller contains collagen that has been purified to a great degree. It's used for the treatment of joint defects.

3 facts about chondofiller that you probably didn’t know:

  • It doesn't damage healthy cartilage.
  • Appropriate for large size defects.
  • Totally fills the affected area.

Collagen injections for stretch marks

Stretch marks can be very disturbing and can be a permanent skin defect without any treatment. Now, with collagen injections, this problem can be taken care of. It can leave your skin as radiant and youthful as before. 

The best treatment option available is:

1. Nithya

Nithya is used in removing bad looking stretch marks from the skin. This product when injected into the skin triggers the formation of new fibroblast. Nithya has been used for many years to solve skin problems and alterations like scars, stretch marks, and other skin issues.

Some functions of the Nithya collagen injection are:

  • Helps to boost the regeneration of new collagen, thereby erasing stretch marks.
  • Smoothes the skin and eradicating acne.
  • Works against wrinkles plus facial folds.

Also, it's important for you to know who are the suitable candidates for Nithya collagen injection:
  • People who do not suffer from diabetes.
  • People who are not breastfeeding or pregnant.

Do's and Dont's after the operation

  • Endeavor not to touch the treated portion.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake.
  • Apply SPF in order to prevent the Sun's rays from doing further harm.

Pros and cons of collagen injections

As expected, there are some pros and cons of using collagen injections. Here are some to look into before trying them out:


  • Because they contain a naturally occurring material that is present in the human body, they don’t easily cause infection when patients are administered with it.
  • A very important benefit of collagen injection is that the effect is instant and can be observed within minutes of administration.
  • Not painful since anesthesia is used.
  • Collagen injection can perform a broad spectrum of activities from curing facial wrinkles to facial folds and collagen loss.


  • Very expensive.
  • The solution provided by collagen injection don’t stand the test of time and only lasts for a few months reaching only a maximum of six months.
  • In some cases, a person's skin type may not be compatible with the collagen injection and this may lead to peeling of skin.
  • When there is an excessive dosage of collagen injection onto a particular area of skin, it may cause swelling of the area leading to other skin infection.


As we humans get older, the toughness and strength of our skin reduce because the collagen in the skin starts to wane gradually leading to face and skin disfiguring. This has all been improved by the advent of collagen injection.

Collagen injections are excellent at restoring health to one's disrupted skin structure. Since it’s composed of natural substances which also happen to be present in the human skin, it’s very safe and most times do not lead to skin complications.

Although there have been recent development and advancement in cosmetology, and new techniques have been discovered as suitable alternatives. Collagen injections still remain relevant and are still in use up till date to solve skin problems. You can make use of this resource without problems! Just remember to always do it with your trusted doctor.
