Why You Should Maintain Your Integrity Steadfastly
Do the right thing even when no one is looking for karma sake
Jul 11, 2020

Integrity as An Inherrent Value in You

Integrity, a word derived from the Latin integer that means "whole", refers to the name given to an entity that is complete, that has all its parts intact and that performs correctly.
This reaches human quality since integrity is the state of an individual that has total physical, mental, and spiritual integrity when what they think, what they say, and what they do have the same meaning and are coherent with each other. An individual is considered complete when they are honest, have firmness in their actions, and acts in the correct way.
Integrity is understood as a basic right of every person and must be guaranteed on a physical, mental, and moral level. In other words, no one should be tortured or receive cruel or degrading treatment.
Even when an individual is deprived of his liberty as a consequence of a crime before the law, they must be treated with respect and dignity. The right to personal integrity was enshrined in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Why You Should Do the Right Thing Even When No One is Looking

Integrity is maintaining coherence between what you feel, what you say, and what you do, and it has the courage to finish things off in the way that seems most appropriate to you. A definition that does not have to be related to that of "upright" (upright, unimpeachable person), a personal trait that does not seem to be highly valued in today's society.
For this, it is necessary to link integrity with values and ethics.

In any case, it is clear that acting with integrity, or what is equal "being true to oneself" has its advantages. Demonstrating consistency increases respect and builds trust since others know exactly what position they are in and are more likely to acknowledge their mistakes rather than cover them up in the hope that you won't notice.
Basically, acting with integrity in any situation, even when no one is watching, will unconsciously shape yourself and what you will naturally and automatically do in situations where people are actually watching and you should respond with integrity. Isn't it better to be one way in any situation than then having to fake? The answer is: yes! Always act with integrity, and that will be the person you will become in any situation.
How to Improve Your Integrity Level

To start you will have to talk to others and know what they think of you. You will have to find out if you have a level of confidence suitable for others. This way you will know if you are acting with integrity or if there are parts that you have to improve. With these tips, you can shape your integrity so that others begin to trust you ... really.
Keep your promises

Keep your promises both in your family, with your friends or at work. If you break a promise, you will have to apologize ... But never break promises as a pattern of behavior or nobody will trust you.
Keep your apointments

Keep your professional appointments, but also personal and family ones. Others also need you to be by their side, so never let anyone waiting for you or not see them when they need and invite you.

Before committing yourself to something you will have to reflect and be 100% sure that you want to do it or that you can do it.
Say no

You must feel that if you want to have integrity, you shouldn't have to say no, but it's absolutely the other way around. No one can say yes to everything and get on with it. It is not healthy, or good at all. One must learn to say no when its needed and when situations are just nonacceptable.
Examine your reactions

You will have to examine how you react to your most instinctive emotions. In addition to how to have long-term commitments (for example, attending events, completing projects, etc.). Use this introspection to be self-aware, score, and improve. (You can also use this behavioral criterion to determine if others act with integrity towards you.)
Improve your communication skills

Reread that email or report before sending it; Plan what you will say in oral presentations and phone calls. Blurred or fuzzy communication leads to unfulfilled promises ... Ask someone to review written communications and point out ambiguities before sending them.
Develop Skills

You will have to think about what are your skills and strategies that you need to develop better integrity in yourself. You may need to stop certain actions (for example, speaking impulsively or sweetening your responses). And you may need to improve others: build your personal courage (because fear prevents you from acting with integrity). Apologizing when you need to since it is more effective than trying to justify yourself for your mistakes.
Watch your language

It is important that you be careful about the language you use, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like sexual preference, racism, and religion.
Avoid people who have no integrity

People who don't have integrity don't have to be around you. Others will think about how you are according to who they are around you.
Maintaining Your Integrity Level in Times of Uncertainty

Many times by following internal coherence in difficult situations we can lose integrity. Attending to our truth and putting it into practice means not losing the perspective of the world in which we move. If you follow your internal voice but you don't know how to speak in the language that society understands, the only thing you can do is isolate yourself, moving away from the objective that this coherence wants to achieve. How can you offer something to live if the way of expressing it separates you from it?

When you try to find a balance between your truth and that of the world, you can lose yourself completely; until you reach an extreme where you lose the perspective of globality, and in the end, you end up forgetting why you are following that path that one day you chose.
When you become aware of the space you have entered, everything you are not proud of appears, you begin to perceive what you would not have chosen, what you would have immediately eliminated, the very stones that you have thrown against you. But what have you done? If you get hooked on it, the destination is clear: guilt and withdrawal from the field of play.

Letting yourself rock in this new discovery will make you observe the extent of the resonance of that decision that at first seemed so in tune with your truth.
You will feel it clear: coherence without global integrity is no longer coherent.
If coherence prevents you from connecting with society, hindering your life purpose ... can you speak of coherence?
During uncertain times, you might feel lost in wanting to maintain your purity and authenticity. You may not want to sell yourself to a movement that you are not part of in order to fulfill what you were supposed to have delivered to this world. You can not submit to anything that deviated from your ideals.

Putting this coherence into action without integrity will leed you to make decisions and undertake projects. You will involve more people in it. You will be in a hurry to put yourself on the podium of coherence, faithfully betting on it and giving your best.
As you will do so, become aware that the result was not connected to that truth.
And that's when you can rescue integrity. That space that thanks and gives rise to each experience that has made you be where you are. That network perspective that connects and unifies without preventing movement from authenticity.
For this, it is essential to know how to surrender to error. It is vital not to run when you feel shipwrecked in your own mess. Only in mistakes can you recognize what led you to them. Only there can you hear the new signal that will create a very different perspective through contact with that darkness. Only in the emptiness of certainties does the order of clarity appear.

It is as if each part of your life has given you a key that at a certain moment would open the door to a new present.
If, after going down a hard road, you suddenly get rid of the keys and start walking without the gifts that you have obtained through your own experience in the past, where can you access? Who can give you the place that you yourself have discarded?
Only when we can land, giving land through action, and respecting every part of us, we come to discover that we are whole. To be upright is to include, but not only include our ideals in our actions but to feel ourselves to be part of everything that is outside. Denying is different from choosing.

Follow this life advice to improve and excel in your life

Now that you have got the key to having the greatest integrity, even in the worst situations, what are you waiting for? Apply all the tips we have given you in your life, think about it every day, get the best vibes, and you will see it is not hard at all! You will lead a much happier and healthier life.