Jennifer Garner Wiki: Everything To Know About Ben Affleck's

Jennifer Garner Wiki: Everything To Know About Ben Affleck's Ex-Wife

A Hollywood sweetheart Jennifer Garner is one of the most popular comedy actresses nowadays. Here are some facts about Ben Affleck's ex-wife.

By Tashke
Jennifer Garner Wiki: Everything To Know About Ben Affleck's Ex-Wife

Jennifer Garner - Hollywood sweetheart

Known as one of the Hollywood sweethearts, Jennifer Garner made her first acting moves in her twenties. Born in 1972, from the marriage of an electrical engineer and teacher, Jenn grew up in very strict and conservative conditions. In several interviews, Ben Affleck ex-wife admitted that she and her sisters grew up almost like Amishes since they were not allowed to do many things as typical teenagers, make-up, going out at night, boys, etc. Despite the pressure from her parents, as a relatively good student, Jennifer Garner took part in various creative classes, musicals, and everything that in some way was related to art. Her strong will and determination to become an actress influenced the change in her education from studying chemistry to the theater. She wanted to become a ballerina, but the height was the main reason to give up on that and to devote to the theater.

First acting steps

When she moved into a Big Apple, Jennifer Garner didn't have many filming offers, so she was not in a position to choose. She worked as a part-time babysitter, appeared in a dozen of low-budget films, had episodic roles in popular series such as Law & Order and Spin City. There were also other roles in a few television films, but that right one has not yet appeared. Jennifer Garner moved to Los Angeles in 1997, and since then her career has moved up the road. She took several roles in Fox TV dramas, but that was still a small and irrelevant thing for the actress of her potential. We have to mention the comedy ''Dude where's my car'', where she and Ashton Kutcher had very noticeable roles, although the film did not make a big success.

''Alias'' as a kick-start

In the meantime, Jennifer Garner has also been successful in private life. She became Scott Foley's wife in October 2000, while they played together in ''Stealing time''.The year 2001 can be marked as the official beginning of her acting career, although she started much earlier. After her remarkable show-up in "Dude where's my car", Jennifer Garner got the main role in ABC casting in the new series, ''Alias''. She interpreted the role of Sidney Bristow, a sweet, innocent teenager who has a double life as a secret agent. Producer J.J. Abrahams has admitted on several occasions that this role was created precisely for Jennifer Garner and that he had no one else in mind. Her net worth has risen rapidly.

Meeting Ben Affleck on the set of Daredevil

Jennifer also appeared in the movie classic ''Pearl Harbor'', where she interpreted the side role of a nurse, besides Ben Affleck and Kate Beckinsale. It turns out this role was very important to her, both in acting and love life. She met her next husband, Ben Affleck, but they both were taken - Jennifer Garner was married Scott and Ben Affleck was engaged to Jennifer Lopez. Since their first meeting on the set of ''Pearl Harbor'', by the time Daredevil was filmed in 2002, they were just friends. They fell in love during the shooting but still weren't together officially. In October 2004, after publishing some photos that proved something's happening between them, they announced their love and Jennifer Garner finally became Ben Affleck's wife in 2005. The public simply cheered for them and soon they became one of the favorite Hollywood couples.

I LOVE @jennifer.garner 😍👏🏽✨ #jennifergarner

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Jennifer Garner's movie success

It seems that with love and happiness, finally came the success on the screen. Big roles were running one after another and Jennifer Garner became one of the Hollywood superstars. In 2005, her role of Elektra from Daredevil got its spin-off. Although the film was a complete failure, Ben Affleck's wife was very active on a movie screen. In that period, Jennifer Garner played in numerous successful movies such as ''13 going on 30'', ''Juno'', ''Ghosts of girlfriends past'', etc. She became recognizable with her humor and became very engaged in commercial comedies. For the past couple of years, Jennifer Garner has taken several successful commercial comedies such as ''Valentine's Day'' and ''The invention of lying''. She made a very short pause from shooting during her pregnancies. Ben Affleck's wife got some weight after labor in 2012.

#elektra #jennifergarner

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Great comeback in ''Dallas buyers club''

With a height of 1,73m and some extra pounds, paparazzi took numerous photos of Jennifer Garner being unacceptable by Hollywood standards. Even Ben Affleck admitted he's aware that his wife was fat, but he believes that she'd get in shape in no time. Jennifer Garner had a great comeback in the movie "Dallas buyers club", shot in 2013. The movie was a box office and critical success, and Ben Affleck's wife was on the road again.

Is Jennifer Garner Ben Affleck's wife or ex-wife?

With the rise of her net worth to nearly $60 million, her private life was cracking. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck announced they final divorce decision in April 2017, but they seem to be very friendly exes. Ben Affleck highlighted that his wife is and will always be his best friend. They are still under the watchful eye of the public, who secretly cheer for them.

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