How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex And Move On

Stop thinking about your ex! First, we advise you to stop the persecution of your ex on Facebook, then follow these effective ways to overcome your ex.

By Vera Aries
How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex And Move On

The Relationship Has Ended... What Now ?

Love separations hurt, open wounds that hardly heal and cause negative emotions that slowly disappear. Breaking up is the end of a love adventure that once filled us and made us happy. So it's set in the past is not easy, and sometimes the overcoming can be a true challenge. You have spent a lot of time together; you have many memories filled with happy but also with unhappy moments, even the presents from him still stand in a prominent place. But the relationship has reached the end, and there is no backward. You do not have any choice but to lift your head and move forward. But you must first face reality.

Are You Still In Love With Your Ex

Time is passing, and you are still thinking about your ex. And there are times when you think that you are doing well. But there are days when all feelings are coming back, and you have that feeling again, your heart is kicking you from your chest, You think you're a fool because you need more time, and wonder why you're still crying. You just want to get to the point of illness. You take the phone in your hand because you want to see what is he doing and how is he. But, more than anything, you want to know if you miss him. There is no time limit for overwhelming. Take time as long as you think you need. Pain is a process, and sometimes a person is simply not ready to move on. There are things that help you to forget your ex and to stop thinking about him, and there are habits that only make it worse.

Signs That Show That You Aren't Over Him

Do you think you have erased the ex from your heart? After long hours in front of the mirror, convincing yourself that you have overcome the breakup and after many days filled with false smile and an effort to prove that you are happy without him, it is possible that some signs still will show that you are in love with him. Stop fooling yourself that you have overcome the ex and do not deny that he still rules your heart if you still do the next things:

You count the days spent without him

If you think every day about the time that has passed and in one breath you can tell how many months, weeks, and days you are separated, you are definitely not over him.

You are spying on Facebook

Every day, you check him on Facebook and carefully read each one's status and comment on the idea of ​​discovering that he regrets the separation and that he intends to return to you. You are detailing his photographs to see if there is any new thing in his life and you get frustrated whenever a female person writes a flirting comment. And it's not only Facebook but all forms of social media apps: Instagram, Twitter, all the likes, comments, and everything suspicious. You have become his little stalker.

Suddenly he becomes a prince of a white horse

You erase all his negative features, and when you think about him, it's almost perfect. Now you think of him as someone very special. Though you are broken, you keep thinking how fun he was, charming, and how he made every moment magical.

You are going out in hope that you will meet him

It's Friday night, and you dress in the red dress that received the most compliments from him, hoping to meet him and remind him of what he has lost. And you do not leave the "accidental" meeting to destiny, but deliberately visit places that are most likely to meet him. When you see him, you behave like the party is reserved for only you. You laugh out loud, talk with someone else (especially someone that will make your ex-jealous), dancing like never before in your life. Of course, everything to convince him and make your ex-think that you do not fall apart for him and to make him want to return to your fun life.

As a broken tape in your head you are constantly listening to the last conversations with him

You think all the time about your last conversation. You hope that analyzing the latest word exchanges will reveal why things went wrong and that everything could have been different. You wonder: "Was the separation the right decision?" "Can we save the relationship?", "Should I try more?", "Was I too strict?" ... It is a sign that you are nourishing the hope of recovering the relationship.

How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex

Everyone has someone in their life which they are trying to forget. A long or short relationship, a difficult or easy ending, the breakup is difficult for both partners. And while some deal more easily, you get stuck in the so-called "emotional breakdown" and you can not go any further. So instead of the loneliness, popcorn and romantic films with a happy ending that will only make you feel worse, listen to the following tips and give yourself a second chance to be happy.

Give yourself space and time

Getting over the person you love is a long and painful process. There is no magic wand that will turn all the gray into cheerful colors. You will also have bad days when it seems to you that nothing makes sense and that you have not moved away, but do not let it shoot you down. You are stronger than you think. Accept those moments as part of your healing process and give yourself the time you need to heal. Feel yourself above all. Denial of emotions will not solve anything. If you feel sad, do not keep your tears. Pay all the grief you carry for yourself. Acceptance of feelings is always the first step towards healing after the break.

Stop any contact with your ex partner

It seems hard, yes. And it's hard - you're killing a part of yourself, but this is something you have to do. You must set boundaries that, however hard, you cannot cross them. Complete termination is the most important step in the process of overcoming.

Get rid of all the things that keep you awake

You do not need them. Put them in a box, take them to the garage or throw them away and forget they exist. The additional reminders of your relationship will only make you feel bad whenever you see them.

Stop analyzing, re-examining & thinking

When you have already broken up, do not put yourself in a position to reconsider that decision. There is a reason why the relationship did not survive, and all those "what if" and "maybe it would have been otherwise" will not settle the mess in your head. You do not need excuses and explanations, as soon as you accept that you are no longer together, the sooner you will get over it.

Spend more time with your friends

True friends are a cure for everything. Here they are when you are sad, here they are to make you laugh, here are in good and in bad times and when you need them the most. You need their support, so do not be deprived of it. Fill your free time with people who love you and think the best for you, call your friend who you have not heard for a long time and let yourself think of everything but your ex.

Be active

Clear your head with some physical activity. The best thing to get rid of negative energy is playing tennis or basketball with friends, running on a quay or aerobics. Do whatever physical activity that makes you feel good about yourself. Inactivity would only ruin the positive energy that is already slowly returning to your life. Physical activity reduces stress and fatigue the body, so you will get a better sleep and also you will get a better angle of looking at the future.

Write down your thoughts and feelings

You are thinking about your ex and need to talk to him? Wrong decision! It will only make you feel worse after the conversation will end. When you feel like picking up the phone and calling your ex, take a pencil and a sheet of paper and instead of opening old wounds, start writing everything that lies to your soul. Express yourself to yourself. Then tear the sheet and throw it into a bin. The worst has passed.

Spoil Yorself

Now is the time when you need to think about yourself and do something good for yourself. The brain does not understand the difference between emotional and physical pain. Go to the spa center, you will feel reborn. Accept some challenges. Change something about your look, that you have wanted to do a long time ago. Or change something about your everyday activities. For example you've always wanted to drive roller skates or learn some new language, enjoy your free time and get a new activity or a hobby.

Learn How To Enjoy Your Freedom

The relationship started at times when you try to find yourself again and get over your ex, are rarely succeeding. It's better to use the time for yourself, let anger and grief leave before you open your heart to someone else. Do not deny yourself the chance that perhaps that person who appears at the end of the street is the right one for you. Now that you have more free time for yourself try to get the maximum. Read the book that has long been capturing dust on the shelf in your room, subscribe to an organization that you did not previously have enough time to devote to, find a new hobby, and let yourself get lost in time doing something that fulfills you. Now you can finally make up for all the things you missed while you were in a relationship.


These few tips will surely help you with the intention to move on with a clean mind and a heart ready to love again. And when they release the radio song that you used to call your own, do not be afraid to change the frequency. When memories begin to fester, be courageous and push them out of your thoughts, and in their place, place the ambitions and goals you set in your life and find a way to accomplish your dreams. Just remember: "Every story has an end, but in life, every end is a new beginning."