10 Mighty Revenge Spells To Hurt And Punish Someone
Even though bible teaches us to forgive and forget, some people just deserve payback
Jun 04, 2019

Spells to punish people
There are quite a number of people that are always up to no good. Their goal in life seems to revolve around taking advantage or hurting innocent people. And in as much as letting sleeping dogs lie seems like a good principle, some people deserve to be hurt or taught a lesson.
Thankfully, there are quite a number of spells that can be used to punish someone who has caused you or your loved one pain. So, if you are looking to carry out some revenge, you can start by going through a plethora of spells and getting to pick out the most appropriate. Always go for the spells to punish someone depending on your feelings at the moment. And before you make them sick or command the spirit of misfortune into their lives, carrying out some in-depth soul searching is very important. Only proceed when you have made your mind up fully since there is no going back after casting a spell.

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1. Spiteful demon of torment spell to punish someone
This is one of the most popular voodoo spells that you can cast on someone you want to punish. The spell is easy to cast and would only take a couple of minutes to finish. Begin by drawing a circle and then a triangle before chanting the spell, word for word. The circle will protect you as the demon is summoned and directed to someone you’d like to punish.
Once you are ready, beseech the demon of torment to come forth from the depths of hell and torment your enemy as they have tormented you. Cleanse the circle and plant the object you used to cast the spell in your enemy’s home. This spell might be cast to punish someone you once referred to as your lover or friend. Remember to beseech the demon not to harm you but your enemy. You also need a personal item from your ex-lover or someone you want to punish.
2. Punish someone with the changing spell
If you wish to punish someone in ways they will never forget, then you should consider casting the “change your enemy into anything” spell. For this spell, you will require a pencil, their hair or any other bodily fluids, a piece of paper, and your imagination. Then draw the image of what you’d like your enemy to change into i.e. a frog or a snail. Let your imagination run free. Then, place the hair on the paper and chant with all of your heart and might committed to the hex. Say that you want that particular someone to change into what you want for revenge. Then finish by saying “so mote it be” which is like “amen” in witchcraft. Believe in whatever you are saying, irrespective of how sick it feels. That is how the spell will hurt someone you dislike.

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3. The effective Hecate justice spell
If you wish to punish someone in ways they will never forget, then you should consider casting the “change your enemy into anything” spell. For this spell, you will require a pencil, their hair or any other bodily fluids, a piece of paper, and your imagination. Then draw the image of what you’d like your enemy to change into i.e. a frog or a snail. Let your imagination run free. Then, place the hair on the paper and chant with all of your heart and might committed to the hex. Say that you want that particular someone to change into what you want for revenge. Then finish by saying “so mote it be” which is like “amen” in witchcraft. Believe in whatever you are saying, irrespective of how sick it feels. That is how the spell will hurt someone you dislike.
4. The day of misfortune spell
Even though this spell isn’t as powerful as the rest, it has been known to effectively punish someone who hurt you. All you’ll need to do believing in the spell, then walking towards your enemy or someone you want to punish and then proceed with chanting quietly.
They don’t really have to hear what you say when chanting the spell. As long as they are in the vicinity when chanting the spell, it will take effect. Your chant should include asking misfortune to mar his or her life all day and all night. If you do this spell right, then that particular someone is going to have a difficult time for the rest of the day. This spell will not cause any bodily harm to that “unfortunate someone” but they are guaranteed to have a really, really bad day. This is a spell that you can do to people who haven’t hurt you that bad.

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5. Bluen’s Satanic death spell
You will need to really hate someone to wish them death. For this spell to take effect, you will need to be in a dark room with a makeshift altar, and have a dark outfit. A couple of candles and the satanic bible should also do the trick. You can either get the person’s picture or write their name on a piece of paper before folding it into a ball. Then proceed with beseeching Satan to open hell and grant your sick desires of having someone die. Remember to have the visual image of someone you want to punish in your mind, triggering all the pain you are feeling. Then proceed to chant “in nomine dei nostril satans luciferin excelsi!” which is lifted from Satan’s Bible in Xerox. Tear the piece of paper four-way and take one to the river, calling upon Leviathan the Raging Sea to let the person die via drowning.
Burn another piece in the black candle wishing your enemy to die in the name of Ingernal Diatribe. The third piece should be buried in the ground (a cemetery) and in the name of Belial The Master of The Earth, wish someone dead. Finally, burn the fourth piece and throw the ashes in the sky wishing the person to die in the name of Lucifer the enlightenment. This is meant for extreme revenge and for the voodoo to work, you’ll need to do it right. Also, believe that someone who wronged you or your ex-lover will suffer punishment once the spell is successfully cast.

6. The evil guardian spell

@harvestrosewitchery / Instagram
If someone hurt you, you can sermon the evil guardian to seek revenge on your behalf. All you need to do is chant while painfully thinking about someone who hurt you. Believe in what you say and ask the evil guardian to make their enemy feel bad for what they did to you. This will make someone feel sick of what they did and most probably call to ask for your forgiveness. Only black mages can cast this spell and this is so because they have evil energy around them.
7. The revenge spell
For this revenge voodoo or spell to work, you need a candle which you’ll light then seat before it. Proceed with calling upon his higher self for the spell to work. Ask their higher self to derail their current Muppet life. And as you are chanting the spell, it is important to visualize them in the flames before blowing the candle out. That’s how the spell will work, whether it’s meant for a lover who hurt you or is looking to get back at someone who hurt you. Again, believe in order for the spell to work. This spell works perfectly when cast at exactly midnight. All you need to do is setting everything up right before your chanting, repeatedly beseeching evil to come forth.

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8. The cheater revenge spell
This spell is meant to punish someone you once loved but ended up betraying your trust and love altogether. You will require their photo, a bottle, four sharp objects, and vinegar. Put the sharp objects in the bottle or jar. Dig a hole in the garden after filling the bottle up with vinegar and some water. This spell will make him or her sick.
9. The spell to punish an enemy
If you want to hurt someone in the name of revenge, you can never run out of spells to use on them. First and foremost, you will be required to get your hands on 9 nails, Athame, a black bowl, a photo of the person, a lemon, a black candle and cursing oil.
To kick start the spell, light up the candle; then cut deep into the lemon and place the photo of the person in the lemon. The next step of the spell involves channeling all of your anger while penetrating the lemon using the sharp nails. With each nail that penetrates, your levels of anger should increase. Once you are done with this spell, the next step is what will make things difficult for the person who makes you sick. Make sure that the lemon is rotting in sulphur, graveyard dirt, mullein or patchouli to complete the charm.

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10. The aftermath punishing curse
To pull off this voodoo spell, you will be required to have some specific ingredients with you. You’ll require a pot of water, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon powder, vinegar, and milk. A picture of someone you hate and want to punish can also work just fine. Once you have the water in a pot or bowl, dip your hands in it and think of all the pain someone caused by wronging you! Then put the seven sticks of cinnamon or cinnamon powder into the water you just infused with the negative energy. Proceed with chanting and making sure that your pain is felt.
Proceed with summoning all the elements and invoke them to do your revenge bidding. Ask for your enemy to experience fear, bad blood and guilt. Invoke the God of Cursing, Carman, and ask Him to do your bidding. Once you are done, throw the ashes in the pot and let them cook for a while. Recite the spell while burning the picture of the victim, be it a former lover or someone who wishes ill into your life.

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Final word
In order to use a spell to punish someone you hate or someone who has wronged you, you’ll be required to learn about the rituals. All spells are energy based and you, therefore, need to fully understand the kind of energy that you are about to send into the universe. Also, it would be a good idea for you to have some of their DNA if you want your hexes to be more effective.
Before you punish someone using any of the above-mentioned spells, it is important for you to make peace with what you are about to do. Make sure that your heart is in it all the way because the effects of such spells can be very devastating to your enemy. You’ll need the stomach for accepting what you did without a shred of regret. Finally, take your time to learn and understand how these punishing spells work. Any wrong move or mixing of ingredients can backfire and might end up having dire consequences for you.