20 Signs That Your Boyfriend Might be Cheating On You
Are you noticing cheating signs in your boyfriend? If he is cheating on you, never ignore these 20 signs, in the behavior of your boyfriend.
Jul 24, 2018

Cheating in relationships..
Relationships can always be complicated and tricky. Being in a relationship means you will have to fall in love with the same person over and over again, which is why sometimes people cheat on their partners especially during their tough times, or simply because they love to cheat as they are fascinated by the thrill of cheating. There is always a phase in every relationship where you might feel that your boyfriend is cheating on you. It might be either due to a sense of insecurity or due to over thinking but mostly, chances are, he is actually cheating on you. There is always this gut instinct which tells you something is wrong. It is nothing to worry about or feel bad about. It is totally normally and the fact is, it happens with everybody. To overrule all the other options and make yourself comfortable in having a stress free relationship, here are a few signs that you can notice in your boyfriend, if he is cheating on you.
1. He cares more about his Physical Appearance
A major sign that you might notice about him is, he pays too much attention for the way he looks. You find him spending more time in front of the mirror always worried about his looks. Previously he wouldn’t have cared much but all of a sudden he is too much into his style and personality. This is a sign you should never ignore as he might be trying to impress someone else with his looks, if he is planning on cheating.
2. Your boyfriend starts working late
Last minute assignments and last minute big project due dates might keep coming up. Quite often he may come up with reasons for not coming home early. Maybe, he works late occasionally, but if he starts to work late frequently and in odd hours, this is a sign which must not be ignored; chances are your boyfriend is actually cheating on you.

3. Your boyfriend doesn’t get intimate
Physical intimacy gets in the way; your boyfriend might not be able to get close to you as he would. He might be trying to avoid getting physical with you as he might not be interested if he is seeing someone else. The caution wind blows when this sign happens, be aware he might be cheating on you. On top of it, if you notice any changes in his body language where you feel he doesn’t want to touch you, or hug or if he keeps constantly moving away from you, the reason could be he is a cheat.

4. Your cheating boyfriend shops more than he normally does
You would have known him to be a not-so-great shopper, but nowadays he seems to shop frequently. New clothes, new shoes, new ties are his new favorites. He might be doing a lot of shopping either to make him look good for someone else or maybe he is trying to get over his guilt, if he cheats on you.
5. He keeps your relationship private
He would not be ready to introduce you to his friends or family. He doesn't take your relationship public. He might be making excuses to avoid you from meeting his friends and family circle.Your boyfriend would keep telling you that all his friends are mostly busy whenever you want to meet his friends. This sign sure does say a lot about his cheating nature.
6. Your cheating boyfriend picks up fights
He starts arguing and fighting for petty things which are of no value. He might be a cheat if he always finds a way to pick up an argument with you and ends up fighting. This way he gets a distance from you and he can make sure that he gets his private space.

7. Showing signs of always being on his phone
He is always on his phone, either call or text, but not with you. Probably he is cheating on you, making calls or texting someone else. You find his phone lines are always busy but he denies being on a call. He seems to be a lot more active on social media but he doesn't always have time for you when he is online.This is a one sure sign to watch out for if you think your boyfriend is cheating on you. Chances are he is actually busy chatting or stalking his new special one.
8. If he is cheating, he never leaves his phone alone
He holds his phone wherever he goes. He might even take it to the bathroom and never let sight of it. He might also not let you take or use his phone. He is not comfortable to use his phone when you are around. This puts a major red flag on him; this sign should never be ignored as it could mean he is a cheater.
9. If he is cheating, he makes lot of excuses for not going out with you
You and your boyfriend might have plans for going out on a date and he might make excuses last minute and cancel your date. And of course,sometimes there might be genuine reasons for not taking you out or cancelling your date.But,if this happens on a regular basis, this is a sign to be noted as he might be cheating on you.

10. He doesn’t make future plans with you
When you are in a relationship, if he is not willing to make any future plans with you, he might give you some lame excuses when you start to plan. Whenever you start a conversation about your future, it feels like he doesn’t see a future with you or make plans in advance. Chances are he actually knows that this relationship might not last as he is cheating on you.
11. Showing signs of lying about his whereabouts
He makes up stories which are completely irrelevant and lies to your face. It would not even make sense. Lying is the first sign that you might notice when your boyfriend cheats on you. He might not be comfortable in letting you know where he spent the day.
12. He keeps deleting his message history
All his chat history and call history are always deleted. He doesn’t keep track of his history. He might be deleting his histories just so you don’t find him cheating on you, so if he keeps deleting he might be cheating on you. Never ignore this sign as this is a major give away if he is cheating.
13. His spendings are mostly miscellaneous
If he suddenly starts to spend a lot more money and he is not able to recall what he spent on when you confront him about all his credit card bills, or if he is not be willing to give you a proper explanation for that then he might be spending money on someone else. Look out for his spending patterns as it can be a sign that he is cheating on you.
14. Refusing to compliment you is another sign
Normally, he is a person who compliments and flatters you but all of a sudden, he stops complementing you for your looks, or for how awesome you are. Maybe he is saving all those for someone special he has been cheating on you with.
15. He sounds different
If the way he talks or the way he laughs are suddenly so different that you feel he is a whole new other person, then he might be cheating on you. He might be using new words, which he is probably picking from the special lady he is cheating on you with.
16. He doesn’t return your texts
He might not be interested in responding to your texts as he would always do. He might be in a conversation with you but suddenly disappear. This might be because the other woman have just started a conversation with him.
17. Showing signs of shady behavior
His changes in his mood swings is probably because he has been either dealing with some issues with his new lady or he is having some fun with her. It is reflected in his mood, so if he has shady behavior regularly, this is a sign that you should not ignore , as your boyfriend may be cheating on you.
18. Being emotionally distant
You feel that he is emotionally unavailable for you; he is not around you for the most of the time especially whenever you need him the most. He will be physically present and it might look like he is listening to your conversation but he might not be actively listening. You might feel lonely, you find yourself not having anyone to share your feelings or thought. He might be distancing himself from you, as he is saving himself for another, cheating on you behind your back.
19. He stops noticing you
He might stop paying attention to you, it might be either to your looks or to your emotions. He doesn’t care to notice you. If this happens on a regular basis, he is probably cheating on you with someone else.
20. He makes accusations of you being jealous
When you confront him, he makes you feel bad for your gut feeling and he starts to defend himself. He makes you feel like you have been acting jealous and he is doing all things that he can from his side. A cheater doesn’t always take up the blame even when they are caught blatantly.

These are a few signs to be noted in your boyfriend if you think he is cheating on you. Not always does these signs mean he is cheating on you, but if most of these signs happen on a frequent basis then chances are he is cheating on you. To be in a happy and content relationship, it is wise to make sure that he is not cheating on you when you have the initial instinct. So, if you notice that these signs are indicative of your boyfriend's behavior in the recent past, then he might be into someone else. It is important to note the famous phrase, "Once a cheater will, always a cheater." it is you who has to decide whether or not to take this relationship forward. So think well before you decide. No successful relationship can be built on mistrust and suspicion, so it is necessary to find the truth. Is it your insecurities or he is really cheating on you? If he is really cheating on you, then you should think about the next step of your relationship. Stay Strong. All the best!