20 Signs He Really Means It When He Says He Loves You

20 Signs He Really Means It When He Says He Loves You

Does he really mean it when he says 'I love you'? Here are 20 signs for you to know for sure that he really means it when he says he loves you.

By Janani
20 Signs He Really Means It When He Says He Loves You

Does He Really Mean It?

To be loved by someone is the greatest feeling ever, but the question is does he mean it? When a guy says that he is in love with you, though it might be a moment of pure bliss, there is always great doubt whether he really means it or not. When a guy says that he is in love with you, chances are he is actually in love with you or simply it is too soon. Some guys might just mistake infatuation with being in love. So, to make sure that he really means it when he says he loves you, look out for his actions. Before you commit to your relationship, make sure that you look out for these signs that really shout out his love for you.

1. His Eyes Says He Loves You

When a guy declares his love for you, his eyes speaks a ton. He might get his googly eyes whenever he is around you. When a guy loves you, his eyes will sparkle with love. His eyes are the gateway to his heart. To know what is in his heart better you can easily read through his gaze. You will be able to feel his love for you through the way he looks at you. You will catch him constantly admiring you and he would hold a prolonged look at you. You can easily find through your guy's eyes if he is ready to commit or not.

2. He Hugs You Tight

If you are trying to figure out, does he mean it, when he conveys his love to you, then it is good to notice the way he hugs you. Guys are really bad when it comes to expressing their love for you. He might not say it as often as you expect but his actions will speak louder than his words. If you find his hugs to be everlasting and really tight, then chances are he is really into you. He hugs you in a way that he never wishes to let go of you, these are the ones that are loaded with love for you. Instead, if you find his hugs to be one-handed and very light then chances are he is not going to commit to you in any way.

3. Gets Super Excited to See You

If you feel that your guy has expressed his love for you a little too soon and that if you have difficulty in believing his words then you need to check how he acts when he is around you. If you find your guy to be thrilled to see you or acts very passionate towards you, then it is a major clue that he is really ready to commit to you. When a guy declares he loves you, it is most probably because he is really in love with you. It just doesn't stop there by just getting super excited but he showers you with hugs and kisses whenever he sees you. This is a sign that clearly means he is in love.

4. A Long Kiss Conveys His Love

When in doubt whether does he mean it or not, watch out for the way he kisses you. If he kisses you in a way that you find him lingering on the kiss for a long time, then it is probably because he loves you. When a guy means it, he will shower you with all his love. You will find his kisses to be never-ending and that he will keep kissing you over and over and again. Even if you feel it is too soon that he expressed his love for you, it is up to you to decide whether you want to commit or not. A guy simply doesn't show his love without meaning it.

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5. Holding Your Hand Says he Loves You

If you find your guy holding your hand at all times then it is because he loves you. If your guy is never embarrassed to hold your hand in public or show affection in public it is probably because he is in love with you. Holding hands means your guy wants to have a deeper connection with you. Instead, if your guy doesn't show any kind of affection in public it is probably because he is not that into you. Holding hands might seem like a small gesture but this small act speaks a lot about your guy's feelings for you. It is a sign that he wants to commit to you in a deeper level.

6. Makes You Feel Special

It is always a great pleasure to be with someone who makes you feel special. When you are with your guy and if he makes you feel like you are the gorgeous person he has ever met then it is a major red flag he means it. Your guy might behave in a way that his dream has come true and that you made his reality way better than his dreams. If your guy makes you feel that he truly treasures you dearly with all his heart, it a sure sign that he meant it when he proposed you. The thought of 'does he mean it?' can be easily ruled out if this is your case.

7. Admiring You Says He Loves You

When your guy goes weak on his knees just by looking at you it is a sign, that he means it when he says he loves you, even if you feel it is too soon. You might not be the most beautiful one or the smartest one of all but something about you will melt his heart on spot. If your guy shows a great deal of admiration towards you then chances are he really means it. Instead, if your guy doesn't show any kind of admiration or any heart melting moments with you then chances are he is not ready to commit to you. So he never meant it when he expressed his love, so now what, it is in your hands to make the final call.

8. Compromises For You Says He Loves You

Being in love means your guy must be able to compromise for you. Making compromises is what makes your relationship healthy. If your guy never values his ego but is always willing to make compromises for you then it is a sign that he really means it when he says he loves you. Making compromises and sacrifices for you is the best way that proves his love for you. Instead, if your guy simply values his ego more than the relationship that you have, then it is a sign that he never really loves you. If he doesn't show any sign of making compromises or sacrifices then it is because he never really meant it in the first place.

9. Makes Future Plans With You

If you feel your guy has expressed his love for you way too soon and have second thoughts whether does he mean it, the best to way to know for sure is to notice if he makes future plans with you. If your guy makes future plans with you like planning for a Halloween party which is two years later or if he keeps talking about kids then it is a sure sign that he really meant it when he said he loves you. It means your guy is ready to commit to you and make a future together. Instead, if he doesn't show any of these signs it is because he never really meant it when he declared his love for you.

10. Spends Quality Time With You

Your guy has expressed his love for you, now what, to know for sure that he really means it when he says he loves you make sure he spends quality time with you. Spending alone time together is not important but how he spends it with you is important. There is no point in sitting in front of a TV, with both of you lost in your own thoughts. Instead, if he values your time and makes sure that you both sit and talk or workout or spend time together doing your favorite activities then it is a major red flag that he really means it when he says he loves you.

11. Values Your Opinion Says he Loves You

If your guy values your opinion then it is a clear-cut sign that he loves you. Valuing your opinion means not just in small and petty things but in the major life-changing decisions as well. If he values your opinion and makes you feel included in his life then it is probably because he actually means it when he says he loves you and is ready to commit. But, if he doesn't show any sign of valuing your opinion or never cares about them, it is because he never really meant it when he said he loves you.

12. He Is Always Around You

Your guy will always make sure that he is around you, but not in a way that creeps you out. Instead, he will be there for you when you need him. He makes it assuring for you that you can rely on him and that he is the only person you can trust. If your guy makes you feel this way and makes you feel dependable on him then chances are he really means it when he says he loves. So, now what, it is you who must decide whether you need to proceed with him in a relationship or not.

Home is where the heart is 💕Can't believe this picture was taken about two years ago! 👩So much has changed since then. 🎓I finished off my studies moved into this incredible city & found a job that I am passionate about. 👩‍💻🏡Couldn't be any happier. 😍❤️ .. Kaum zu glauben aber dieses Bild ist schon fast 2 Jahre alt! 💕Seitdem hat sich so viel verändert. 👩Ich habe mein Studium beendet, bin nach Berlin zu meinem Liebsten gezogen und habe einen Job gefunden, der mir unheimlich viel Spaß macht. 👩‍💻🎓Es könnte nicht besser sein! 😍❤️ #home #berlin #couplegoals #studies #university #treatwell #beautygram #lovemyjob #throwback #love #summer #dhbw #eventmanagement #travel #longdistance #relationship #aboutme #beautysalon #brandenburgertor #sunnyday #withmylove

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13. He Is Proud Of You

When in doubt, does he mean it, when he says he loves you, you should never miss noticing his behavior towards you. If your guy is actually proud of you he would think that you are simply amazing and that you will notice that he talks highly about you even when you are not around. Instead, if your guy doesn't show any of these signs then chances are he never really meant when he said he loves you. So, he says he loves you without meaning it, now what, it is up to you to decide whether you want to be in a relationship with him or not.

14. Has A Genuine Smile

If you feel that your guy has declared his love for you way too soon then you need to check for his smile when he sees you. Faking a smile means he never really meant that he is in love with you but when you see a genuine smile in his face when he is with you then chances are he is really in love with you and that he means it. Having a genuine smile will add a sparkle to his face which will make your heart melt. If this is how your guy makes your heart melt then it is a sure sign he really means it when he says he loves you.

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15. You Have An Amazing Connection

When you are with your guy and if you find that you have a great connection and that it is easy for you to bond and connect then chances are he is really in love with you. When you have an amazing chemistry then it gets easier for you two to have fun together. It happens naturally that you have an incredible bond and that time flies when you are with him. If this is your case, then it means that he really is in love with you and that he means it when he says he loves you. If having fun comes genuinely without any effort then it is a sign that he really means it when he says he loves you.

16. He Supports You

If your guy supports you to achieve your dreams then it is because he really means it when he says he loves you. He will support you no matter what, he will be there for you to motivate you, to inspire you, and most importantly will be there to watch you succeed. If this is the kind of relationship you have with your guy then it is because he truly loves you and he really means it when he says he loves you. So, now that you know he loves you make sure that you make the right decision of your life.

17. He is a Good Listener

Guys are poor listeners; they have very bad listening skills. But if you feel that your guy is an active listener then it is probably because he loves you and that he really means it when he says he loves you. Being a good listener means he will be able to understand the way you feel. He will not just be a listener but will be an active listener and will remember the things that you tell him. This is a sure sign that he loves you and that he really means it when he says he loves you.

18. His Touch Says It All

The way he touches you will make you realize his true love for you. If he makes you feel the warmth of his love through the touch it means he truly loves you. He might want to cuddle you and hold you tight in his arms. You will find there will be little lust but more love in that touch when he truly means he loves you. Instead, if you feel only lust then it is because he didn't mean it when he declared his love for you. Just by a simple touch, you can easily know whether he is in love with you or not.

19. He Declares His Love Out Of The Blue

When in love he will never be able to conceal his love for you. He will declare his love for you; it will be completely random and never be expected. When in love it becomes impossible to keep it hidden from the one he loves. So, he will disclose his love for you when you least expect. If this is the sign then it is because he really means it when he says he loves you. So, never miss noticing this sign in him so that it might be of great help for you to know for sure whether he truly means it or not.

20. He Means It When He Says He Loves You

When a guy is in love with you he will really mean it when he says his love for you. You will be able to find if your guy is pretending to be in love with you. Because the three magical words 'I Love You' is never an easy thing to say. When said if it is not truly meant, it becomes obvious that your guy never really meant it in the first place. So, if your guy really loves you he will mean it and that is a sure sign for you to know.

Get The Love You Deserve

Your guy has proposed, now what, with all these signs you will be able to understand that your guy has really meant it when he declared his love for you. If you are really into your guy then make sure you get the love that you deserve. If you have mutual feelings for each other then never hesitate to reciprocate his love for you. All the best!