32 Unfortunate Signs That He Doesn't Like You Back

32 Unfortunate Signs That He Doesn't Like You Back

Are you confused whether your guy likes you or not? Here are 32 unfortunate signs to know for sure if your guy doesn't like you back.

By Janani
32 Unfortunate Signs That He Doesn't Like You Back

Signs he is not interested in you

Decoding your guy's feelings for you is always confusing. To find out that he doesn't like you back might be disheartening and annoying too. But the faster you discover his feelings for you, the easier it is for you to move on. Guys might unknowingly leave you some signs that will help you crack their secret code. If you notice these signs in him, then chances are he doesn't like you back. This might help you save a great deal of embarrassment before you jump into conclusions. Here is a list of 32 unfortunate signs that he doesn't like you back.

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1. Notice his eyes to know if a guy doesn't like you back

If your guy is interested in you he might be having a prolonged eye contact, but if he avoids having eye contact with you, chances are he doesn't like you back. By noticing his eyes you will be able to tell a lot about him. This is one clear sign he doesn't like you as you do. If he looks away whenever you have a conversation it is a sign that he doesn't want to look at you and not comfortable having you around in his life.

2. He doesn't Smile or Laugh

When you are trying to get into a relationship and when you feel your guy doesn't like you back notice his smile when he his around you. If your guy fakes a smile or doesn't have a sincere smile, it would be a great sign that would tell you he doesn't like you back.

3. Your guy is not around you

If you notice your guy is not around you it is a major sign that he doesn't like you. When your guy likes you he will find every excuse to be around you. If you find that not happening with you and your guy, odds are he is not interested in you.

4. Ignoring you is a sign that he doesn't like you

If your guy really likes you and wants to be in a relationship with you, he would notice even the small details in you. If you find that he ignores you completely chances are he doesn't like you. For him, you might be invisible in this world. You will not even exist, if this is your current scenario with your guy, it is time to move on.

5. Never Listens to you

IF your guy wants to be in a relationship with you he will be all ears with you. But when you find him not showing any interest in what you have to say. This is one biggest sign that he doesn't like you. He might not be interested in hearing your stories or how your day went. If a guy is interested this is all he would love to listen all day. But if that is not your case, on a frequent basis odds are he is not into you.

6. Never Remember your Important Dates

When a guy likes you, he will want to impress you at any cost. So all your birthdays, work anniversaries will be of high importance to him. If your guy doesn't seem to care about your important dates or doesn't seem to remember them chances are he doesn't like you back.

7. Your guy doesn't get Jealous

When you try to get him jealous by talking about your other guy friends he shows no interest. When a guy likes you he might get jealous, but if he doesn't like you back he wouldn't care about your relationship with other guys. He might not be interested in knowing your relationship status. If a guy likes you all he will want to know is whether you are in a relationship with someone else or not. If he is least bothered chances are he doesn't care about you.

8. Your guy treats you all the same

When you are around your mutual friends and find yourself having a good time. You might notice that he treats you same as he treats his other friends. He might not treat you any different this is a sign that tells you he doesn't like you back.

9. He talks about his relationship

If your guy doesn't like you back he might talk about other women he is interested in. He might not be hesitant to talk about his previous relationships or his current interests. This is the biggest sign that signals you that he doesn't like you back. When a guy likes you, he will hesitate to talk to you about his because he might be worried not to send any wrong signals to you. So, he might not be comfortable talking about his previous relationships. If that is not your story, rethink on your other options.

10. Never initiates contact with you is a sign he doesn't like you

If your guy is not interested in you he might never initiate contact with you. He might never be the first one to send you a text or even call you. This is a sure sign that he doesn't like you back. Guys will want to have a never-ending conversation with you if he likes you. But on the contrary, if he doesn't show interest in speaking to you, try to rethink your options.

11. Your guy being flirty is a sign he doesn't like you

You will notice that your guy will be super flirty with you and with every other woman when around you. He might also seem to be super friendly this is a sign that clearly tells you that he is not interested in having a relationship with you. When your guy likes you he will want to impress you by showing his good side. He might not flirt around you might show that he is genuine. If this is not your life, go ahead and move on with your life.

12. Never touches you is a sign he doesn't like you

When your guy likes you he might try to touch you in every possible way. Even the slightest excuse he gets he might try and touch you. But if that is not your case then chances are he doesn't like you back as you do. Touching is a sign that tells you that he is interested in you. But when no touch rule applies he is definitely not into you.

13. Contacts you only when he needs you

Your guy might get in contact with you only when there is a real need for him. He will just try to get help from you when he is in trouble. During his fun times, he will not even think about you, or you will not even exist for him. This kind of behavior is a clear sign that he is not interested in having a relationship with you.

14. Never gets near you is one of the signs

When your guy doesn't like you back as you have hoped. The most obvious sign is he never tries to get near you. He will always keep a safe distance from you. This is a clear-cut signal that screams he doesn't like you back. He would never come in close proximity with you when you are in a group or during social parties. If this happens on a regular basis only to you, chances are he is not into you.

15. Not interested in your social life

If your guy likes you he will be all over you wanting to know about your friends and family. But if your guy doesn't seem to care about your social life odds are he is not into you. This is one unfortunate hint that says he doesn't like you back. He might not be interested in talking to your friends or might not want to spend time with them. This is one crystal clear signal that he is not into you and you might want to move on with your life.

16. There is no romance when he speaks to you

When you notice your guy, you might not feel any spark or any romances when he speaks to you. All his talks will be very casual. When a guy is into you, you will have a spark that yells that he likes you. But if this is not your case chances are he doesn't like you back as you do.

17. Never offers to help is one of the signs

You will notice that your guy will never be there for you when you need him. When you need help he will never be the one to offer you any help. This is a crystal clear sign that tells you he is not into you. Even when you are in a financial need, he won't be ready to help you. He wouldn't want to get into trouble by helping you. This is one obvious sign that he doesn't like you as you do. Move forward with your life with no regrets of having lost your crush.

18. No respect or compassion for you

When a guy is interested in you he might show more care, respect, and compassion to impress her. If you notice that your guy shows signs of no respect or compassion for you by the way he behaves or speaks to you chances are he doesn't like you. This is one clear unfortunate sign that says he doesn't like you back.

19. Not excited when he meets you

If your guy gets excited just to be around you it is because he likes you. If your guy shows no sign of excitement whenever he meets you or talks to you, it is a crystal clear sign that he doesn't like you back.

20. Showing his resentment is one of the signs

This is one unlucky sign when he shows his resentment to you. You might feel that he gets angry a lot when you are around. You might feel that you can easily trigger his anger. He might be a short-tempered person when he is around you. This is a crystal clear sign that he doesn't like you back.

21. Acting Selfish is one of the signs

Your guy might be self-centered when he is around you if he doesn't like you back. When a guy likes you he might be selfless, but by being the opposite he just proves that he is not interested in having any relationship with. This is a warning sign for you to stay away from him.

22. Buys no gifts

When your guy is interested in you he will shower you with gifts for every occasion. But if you feel he doesn't buy you any gifts even during your important dates, it might be because he doesn't like you back and not interested in having a relationship with you.

23. Always looks preoccupied with other thoughts

Whenever you try to start a conversation with him, you might feel that he is always preoccupied with other thoughts. He might not be fully available for you, or he might seem to be thinking about someone else. This is one clear sign that he doesn't like you back.

24. No valuable advice for you when in need

If your guy is into you he might give you suggestions or ideas on how to deal with your problems that you might be facing either in your work life or personal life. But if he doesn't seem to give any valuable advice at the time of need, chances are he doesn't like you as you hoped.

25. Cancel Plans with you

Your guy might cancel plans with you. He might make excuses in the last minute to avoid you. There might be a lot of busy schedules when it comes to planning trips with you. This is one clue that he doesn't like you back. When a guy likes you, all he could dream about is spending some alone time with you, but if he doesn't seem to care to spend time with you, chances are there will never be a relationship with you.

26. Your opinions don't matter

If your guy likes you he will obviously be interested in your opinions and suggestions. But if he doesn't even bother to get your ideas then probably he doesn't like you. Guys will try to impress you by paying attention to what you have to say and your thoughts but if he doesn't seem to care about your opinions. It is a clear sign that tells he is not into you.

27. More interested in hanging out with his friends than you

When a guy really likes you he might be ready to cancel all his plans with his friends and spend time with you. Nothing will make him happier than spending time with you. But if your guy is more interested in hanging out with his friends rather than to be with you, chances are he is not interested in having a relationship with you. This is the biggest sign that tells you he doesn't like you back.

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28. Never does anything special for you

If your guy likes you he might do something special for you proving that you are unique. He might plan a surprise dinner, take you shopping, surprise you with gifts and much more. But if you find no trace of all these behavior in your guy chances are he doesn't like you as you do.

29. He addresses you as his friend

If your guy is not interested in you he might call you as his friend and nothing more. If a guy likes you he will try and find every possible way to express his feelings for you or at least hint you with subtle clues. But when he addresses you as his friend he clearly means that he is not into you and that he doesn't like you back as you do.

30. He lies

When a guy likes you he will be honest with you to gain your trust. But if he doesn't seem to care about gaining your trust but blatantly lies in your face about his whereabouts, chances are he is not hoping to have any relationship with you and that he doesn't like you back.

31. Doesn't stand up for you

Your guy might not stand up for you when in trouble. He might make excuses and might not support you when you are in trouble. When someone treats you poorly, he would not care to be there for you or wouldn't try talking some sense into the other person. This is a major sign that he doesn't like you back.

32. His small gestures speaks a lot

When your guy doesn't like you back his gestures will tell you his heart. He might get bored with you, yawn or not give you his complete attention. This is a major clue that says that he doesn't like you. When a guy likes all he will give you his undivided attention and all signs that yell he is interested in you. But if that is not your case, carry on with your life and never look back.

Make sure if these signs are in your guy on a regular basis before you make a decision. Just because you might notice a couple of these signs on a rare occasion, remember it could be a sign or just a coincidence. Don't rush to conclusions and lose a valuable relationship. Take your time to understand his feelings for you. It is always better to ask him directly rather than to overthink and getting confused. He might be able to confess his feelings to you when you confront him. This way you can be clear and move on with your life without having any regrets in the future.

It is wise to move on with your life when your crush doesn't reciprocate you with love. Rejection can be scary but it is a sure way that you can move on with your life. It also helps you realize that there are other men out there who would be interested in you and that you deserve someone better. All the best in finding your love!