Stomach Ache? Here Are 10 Ways To Cure An Upset Stomach

Nothing spoils the mood like an upset stomach and this article seeks to inform you on ways to settle stomach pains. Learn more about them here.

By Dagmar Thomson
Stomach Ache?  Here Are 10 Ways To Cure An Upset Stomach

Stomach Ache: 10 Ways to Cure an Upset Stomach

Symptoms of a Sick Unsettled Stomach

• Fever • Lack of appetite • Tightening of the stomach • Difficulty in breathing • Issues in passing stool • Vomiting blood • Vomiting anything you eat • Inability to eat

Common Causes of a Sick Stomach Including the Flu, Acid Reflux and Dog Poo

Menstrual cramps: Most women are worried during their menstrual cycle because a lot of blood is lost during this time and this leads to body weakness. During menstruation, some women experience severe pain while others have mild cramps. The menstrual ache occurs before or during it and in some women, they may experience the ache in the lower stomach or in the back, while others feel it on their hips or on their thighs. Indigestion: Indigestion is a common cause of an unsettled stomach. The stomach is incapable of digesting the food the normal way. Indigestion is caused by drinking and eating too much or too fast. People experience stomachache and/or acid reflux when they have indigestion. The stomachache can persist for several days. With indigestion, you may feel bloated, nauseated, and you can start vomiting. Your stomach will start producing uncomfortable sounds, which are common. Food Poisoning: Food poisoning is the biggest enemy of most people. Food poisoning is caused by food contamination from bacteria and viruses. One cause of bacteria and viruses is coming in contact with a dog’s feces. When you come into contact with dog feces, you may become sick hence you start experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, as well as an unsettled stomach. Flatulence: Flatulence is the removal of gas in the stomach. Your stomach will produce sounds that are uncomfortable to you as well as those close to you. For one to have flatulence, your stomach must be full of waste. Therefore, a lot of gas is produced hence you will keep on farting. In order to get rid of flatulence, you need to find a way to get rid of the excess gas. The gas produced by your body may smell like methane. Gallstones: With gallstones, you will experience a sharp pain in the right side of the upper abdomen while exhaling. Gallstones are small stones that settle in the small sac that is under the liver. The small sac produces bile juice, which helps in digestion. Dysentery: Dysentery is a severe form of diarrhea. Blood can be spotted in the stool when you suffer from dysentery. You will experience severe diarrhea, fever, rectal tenesmus, and a severe stomach ache. Dysentery is caused by drinking and eating food contaminated with bacteria and viruses. If you have a dog as a pet, you should clean your hands well before handling any form of food. Constipation: Most people experience constipation. When you have constipation, you will have a hard bowel movement. This problem can persist for two to three days but if the problem persists for several months then you should consult your doctor. Diarrhea: Diarrhea is also known as loose motion. With diarrhea, you will feel sick and start visiting the toilet more often. It can persist for two to three days and will in the middle of it all, drink water because that will help you stay hydrated. One way a person can contract diarrhea is by handling a pet such as a dog and then not washing your hands properly before eating.

10 Ways to Cure an Unsettled Stomach

1. BRAT Diet

A brat diet consists of eating only banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. This diet has been used for many generations to soothe an unsettled stomach. When you get sick, you will start experiencing nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and you may even have an unsettled stomach. Consuming foods that are part of the BRAT Diet will help you feel better quickly. The diet consist of foods that are low in fiber, hence it will make your stool firmer. You should consume this diet until your stomach is settled.

2. Cumin and Cinnamon

Cumin and cinnamon have been consumed for many generations for digestion and acid reflux as well as for gastritis. These foods have many benefits and one of them is soothing an unsettled stomach. The cumin seeds have a nice soothing smell from a compound called aldehyde. Aldehyde contains a compound that triggers the saliva glands to enhance digestion. Apart from soothing stomach pain, it also helps to relieve gas in the stomach. The best way to consume cumin seeds is to take them with hot or warm water. Cinnamon is best consumed either by steeping it in hot water and drinking it as tea or by placing grounded cinnamon on your food. You can enhance the cinnamon and cumin tea by adding honey, mint, or ginger.

3. Buttermilk Juice

Buttermilk helps to settle a stomachache. Buttermilk is prepared by using the last fluid left after churning the butter from the cream. This liquid is then mixed with spices and condiments to make buttermilk juice. Most Indian homes consume buttermilk because the hot climate accelerates fermentation in buttermilk and this gives it a sour taste. Some people prefer to add salt, cumin seeds, chilies or sacred fig juice to enhance the taste.

4. Soak in a Hot Bath

Most of these pointers focus on the internal cure for a stomachache. However, this one focuses on the external remedy. If you have stomach flu due to stress or anxiety, soaking in a hot bath will help you relax. You should also get a massage, have a small nap, listen to soothing music, or even exercise to settle stomach flu. If your body relaxes, so will your stomach. This method will only work on stomach pain caused by stress or anxiety. Yoga is also another way to seek fast relief from indigestion. Some yoga poses were created to facilitate digestion and relieving stomach bloat. Example of a pose that can give you fast relief is knees to stomach pose. Repeat this pose several times and you will feel better quickly. If you are experience cramping due to menstruation, you can use a hot water bottle or a heating pad. This remedy is effective and relieves the cramping fast. Ensure the hot water bottle is warm, not hot to avoid being burnt. Place the heating pad where you feel pain. It only takes a few minutes to start feeling better. If you do not have any of the materials, you can improvise yours. Use an old sock that has no synthetic material. Pour a cup or two of dry rice into the sock. Tie a knot to ensure the dry rice does not pour out. Microwave the dry rice for a minute or two and use it as a heating pad. When it cools down, reheat it once again.

5. Soup

When you became sick with the stomach flu, drinking a hot soup will keep you hydrated. Dealing with a pet such as a dog or its feces can cause you to have a stomachache. Therefore, drinking soup high in salt will help draw out fluid in your body. However, if you have a high blood pressure, you should drink soup low in salt. The soup should be cooked without fat because this will help with digestion. Drinking soup will help you not become nauseated or even vomit. You can make chicken soup or even vegetable soup at home if you feel up to it.

6. Crackers

Crackers are in the same group as rice. They are easily digestible just like rice and when you consume crackers, they tend to sooth an unsettling stomach. Doctors prescribe crackers to pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. Crackers also help to reduce stomach acid and they also help to relieve unsettling stomach from the acid that causes heart burn.

7. Herbal tea

Drinking herbal tea also helps relieve unsettled stomach. The best herbal tea to drink is chamomile tea. It helps to reduce stomach inflammation that is caused by acid accumulation. However, when you are experiencing diarrhea, you should consume as much herbal tea as possible. This is a great way to stay hydrated. Avoid drinking too much coffee since it leads to stomach acid hence you will experience heart burn and maybe even acid reflux. Peppermint tea is another liquid that you should avoid because it gives acid access to your lower esophageal hence causing heartburn.

8. Aloe Vera Juice

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This plant has been used for many generations for its medicinal use. Aloe vera belongs to a succulent family of trees that is an evergreen tree that originated from North Africa. It has been used to cure burns, abrasions, digestive disorders, minor cuts, heartburn, bowel syndrome, and acid reflux. This evergreen plant is widely recognized for its ability to clean the gastrointestinal naturally. It helps to reduce stomach inflammation since it has strong anti-inflammation properties. Consuming Aloe vera in liquid form helps to remove waste products from your stomach. It is easily digestible in liquid form.

9. Use Fennel

When you have a stomachache, you can use fennel for fast relief. Fennel helps to reduce gas and bloating. It also facilitates fast digestion hence soothing stomach pain. If you prefer licorice flavor, then you will probably like fennel herb. This ingredient is easily found in commercial teas. Fennel can be consumed in two ways namely by using seeds or by chewing the bulbs. Chewing on a sliced piece of fennel bulb can help provide fast relive for a stomach upset. Most people prefer to use fennel in raw form. However, the seeds also work well. Consuming the fennel seeds helps to treat indigestion and stomach bloating. The best way to consume fennel seeds is by chewing on them, you can also soak them in hot water to make tea.

10. Try Ginger

Ginger has stood the test of time as a medicinal herb that has been used for many generations to cure many diseases. By consuming ginger when you have an upset stomach, it will give you fast relief. The natural herb has a natural compound that battles inflammation. It also has the capacity to reduce stomach acid as well as facilitating digestion. The best way to consume ginger is by using a fresh one. You can chew on small slices of fresh ginger or soak grated ginger to make ginger tea. Ginger root has a strong sweet flavor. It is also bitter to chew when it is raw. It is always a person’s choice either to chew, make tea, or sip it plain. Other people add honey, lemon, or mint to mend the taste. When you have an unsettled stomach, you can use many of the cures listed above. By using these tips, you will get fast relief from indigestion, bloating, stomach acid, and food poisoning. This will save you a trip to a doctor as well as spare your money. You will get better fast.