The Top 10 List Of Essential Oil Companies You Can Trust

The Top 10 List Of Essential Oil Companies You Can Trust

Which are the best & reputable essential oil companies to trust

By Diana Nadim
The Top 10 List Of Essential Oil Companies You Can Trust

What To Look For In Reputable Essential Oil Companies?

There are a lot of essential oil companies in the market today, but when looking for the best among them, there are a lot of things to consider. It is good to be shrewd when searching for the ideal essential oils as this industry is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

One of the things to look for is the purity of the oil produced by the companies and one way of telling about the quality of essential oils that a company produces is by looking at the distillation process used by that company. The following are some of the other things to look for when searching for the best essential oils company:

1. Where are the oils used by the company sourced from?

This is important as it tells you about the quality of the oils as the company that uses high-quality raw materials usually have the best final product.

2. Are the essential oils sold by the company 100 percent pure?

Some manufacturers are known to dilute their pure essential oils by adding additives, bases, synthetics or even using chemical filters.

3. How does the company go about testing its essential oils?

Also are the results of the tests readily available to you as the consumer? Essential an oil testing is very important as it the only concrete proof you can get concerning the purity of essential oils produced by a certain company. So you need to inquire about how the company tests its products. Does it send its oils to an independent third party testing? This would be the ideal choice for companies looking to produce the best essential oils and to maintain the high standards. A company that would also have no problem giving you the results of these tests is a company that you can trust.

What To Avoid When Looking To Purchase At Essential Oil Companies

Some of the things that you should avoid when looking to make a purchase at essential oil companies are those that raise red flags. One of the things to consider is if the company has not been in operation for a long period of time. This can be a real problem as you don’t have any background story about the company.

Companies that have been in business for a long period of time are easy to research about as they already have a reputation which is usually not the case with new companies.

Another thing you should avoid is dealing with a company that does not have accessible customer service. When purchasing essential oils you should ensure that the company is readily available 24/7 in case you might need any other assistance or even queries.

Best And Popular Essential Oil Companies

1. Plant Therapy

@planttherapy / Instagram

Essential Oils | Buy & Learn about Essential Oils

Plant Therapy is a good example of a one-stop-shop for essential oils as it has a wide variety of high-quality essential oils products. This company was founded in 2014 by Chris and Amanda Jones who are couples and it sells directly to the general public and you don’t have to be a member to buy their products.

When it comes to testing its essential oils, Plant Therapy does not compromise as it puts its oils through solid third-party testing with all the test results being displayed on the company’s website for all its customers to see. Plant Therapy also has an outstanding customer service with a hundred percent money back guarantee for 90 days after purchase.

2. dōTERRA Essential Oils

@doterra/ Instagram

Essential Oils Pure and Natural

dōTERRA was founded by a group of business and health-care professionals who were experienced in this field of essential oils in the year 2008. The head offices of this great company are in Pleasant Grove, Utah, in the United States. The ingredients that are used by dōTERRA are usually sourced from all over the world and are later subjected to a gentle distillation procedure that helps to conserve their efficacy.

dōTERRA subjects all of its essential oils to the CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol which helps to ensure the product are consistent, pure, and potent. The only downside of this kind of testing is that it does not involve an independent third party as it’s usually an internal process. This company also has a 100 percent return policy.

3. Aura Cacia

@auracacia / Instagram

Essential Oil Recipes, Guides & DIY

Aura Cacia was established in 1976 in Eastern Iowa and is very different from all the other essential oils manufacturers. This is a cooperative company which means that their community also makes their contribution to the operations of the company. 

The customer service of this company gives you a 60-day window where you can return any product that you are not happy with. When it comes to the quality of the essential oils produced by Aura Cacia; they are all100 percent pure. Their packaging is also unique as their essential oils are usually packaged in amber glass bottles to keep the light from disrupting the oil’s properties and integrity.

4. Young Living

@younglivingeo / Instagram

Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils

Young Living is a big company with offices in Japan, Canada, Europe, and Singapore just to mention a few and its head offices are in Lehi, Utah, in the US. This company was established in 1993 and its structure is that of multi-level-marketing. 

Young Living is very strict when it comes to the quality of their products as they control the entire production process starting from the seeds, to cultivating, to harvesting, and later distilling. By having farms and being able to control every process, Young Living is able to ensure that their products are of high-quality at all times. In case you need any assistance, there are three options that are available to you. You can choose to call, or send an email, or even use live chat on their website.

5. Mountain Rose Herbs

@mountainroseherbs / Instagram

Mountain Rose Herbs

Mountain Rose Herbs was established in 1987 and its headquarters are in Eugene, Oregon, in the United States. All products of this company are certified organic and of high-quality which have enabled it to win several awards such as the 2013 Best green Businesses To Work For In Oregon. Their customer service department is amazing and it offers support using a fax line, email, and you can even visit their offices that are open from Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST.

6. Rocky Mountains Oils

@rockymountainoils / Instagram

100% Pure & Natural Essential Oils

Rocky Mountain Oils (RMO) has a wide range of products which are such as essential oils, skin care products, body care products, cleaning, and natural supplements among many others. It was established in 2004 and its headquarters are based in Orem, in the state of Utah, in the US.

RMO tests its essential oil products using an independent third party and provides all the test results to its customers. In case you purchase a product that you are not happy with, you can return it before the end of 90 days and you will enjoy a 100 percent money back guarantee.

7. Plant Guru

@theplantguru / Instagram

Shop Top Rated Organic Essential Oils & More | PG

Plant Guru is an essential oils haven with all its products being 100 percent natural. The company has a wide variety of high-quality essential oils and all their product are found online. This business model allows the products of Plant Guru to be fairly priced compared to the other essential oils available in the market. For inquiries, you are provided with phone details on their website, an email address, and an online inquiry form.

8. Edens Garden

@edensgardenoils / Instagram

Edens Garden

Edens Garden was founded in 2009 and has one of the best essential oils as the company always ensures that the oils are of high-quality and 100 percent pure. Eden Garden has a wide variety of essential oils which are all without any synthetics, fillers, additives or bases. The company ensures that their oils are of high-quality by controlling the production process right from the beginning as they use their own fresh harvests.

9. Lisse Essential Oils

@lisseessentials / Instagram

Pure Essential Oils, Roll On, Synergy Blends

Lisse Essential Oils was founded in 2014 and it is based in California, in the United States. This company is a family owned and boasts of a substantial range of high-quality essential oils. Lisse Essential Oils buys their raw materials from distributors around the world and are all natural which helps in the production of 100 percent pure essential oils. You can contact the company by calling or using the email contact form found on their website.

10. Now Foods

@nowfoodsofficial / Instagram

Essential Oils | Aromatherapy

Now Foods was established in 1968 and has a wide variety of high-quality products. In order to ensure that its essential oils are pure, the company utilizes independent third party testing but it also has an in-house laboratory facility for conducting in-house tests. There a toll-free line that customers use to get in touch with customer service. In case you are not able to use the phone service, you can also fill out a product feedback form found on the company’s website and you will still get the assistance you need.


There are a lot of companies producing essential oils in the market and knowing how to tell the best from the rest makes all the difference as others are not always keen on quality and end up producing sub-standard products. It does not matter what you are using essential oils for, if you want the best outcome, you should always ensure that you get pure and natural products.