50 American Boy Names that are popular in 2018
List of cool American names that you wish your boyfriend have
Feb 18, 2019

When you have a baby there is a lot you have to think about, and besides, it can be overwhelming that everyone gives you advice about absolutely everything. The most accurate of all this is that pregnancies are important and sensitive moments for women and it is vital that you always take care of yourself, your health and wellbeing because now you have to think of you and one little person too!
But one of the big diatribes, when you're waiting for your baby is the name. Yes, this simple factor can even cause arguments with your partner. Especially because, unless you are using a definite family name, you will change your mind over and over again.

At the same time, it's really fun to think about baby names, whether you're thinking about the most popular, the most common or the most unusual. You can look for inspiration in literary characters, movies, even family or friends. Some are brave and invent names from scratch!
If you are expecting to have a baby boy, here are some of the most popular child names in the United States of 2018. All of these names are wonderful and are likely to continue until 2019. But first, we’re going to give some tips for choosing a cute name for your baby boy.
Tips for choosing your baby's name

You want the perfect name, the prettiest one, which may not necessarily be unique but which makes your baby look even more princely. Here we leave some recommendations.
1. Make it easy to pronounce
Sometimes the desire for our baby to have such an original and unique name can be counterproductive. There are cases of people who choose names in other languages but whose pronunciation is difficult, and during his life, your baby will have to face 90% of people calling him by an incorrect name. Not to mention people can misspell his name! If you want an "international" name, choose one that is more globalized or that people know how to pronounce.
If you like Italian you can choose: Luca, Andrea, Stefano, among others.
Do you prefer French names? There's Adelaide, Raphael, Adam, Alexandre.
And well, if you want to invert one yourself, try to make it easy to understand and pronounce. You will be doing your baby a favor.
2. Take the initials into account
Many underestimate this factor, but imagine that the full name of your child is Andrew Stevens Stewart (A.S.S.), are you really capable of doing that to your baby? Save many uncomfortable moments by taking his initials into account!

The top 40 baby boy names for 2018 were:
Adam | Jacob |
Alexander | James |
Alfie | Joseph |
Archie | Joshua |
Arthur | Leo |
Charlie | Logan |
Daniel | Lucas |
Edward | Mason |
Elijah | Max |
Ethan | Noah |
Finley | Oliver |
Freddie | Oscar |
George | Reggie |
Harley | Riley |
Harrison | Samuel |
Harry | Sebastian |
Henry | Teddy |
Isaac | Theo |
Jack | Thomas |
Jackson | William |
Some of these are traditional names, some are biblical, and others are just plain trendy.
A few of the names are very British, such as Harry, George, and Henry, which is interesting given they are the most popular American names.
And some are super modern: Leo, Logan, and Archie for example.
Who decides the most popular American names for babies?
Each baby that is born is registered and somewhere, people are keeping track of their names. Surveys are done often to find out which names people are loving but also, serious surveys are done using birth certificates and birth registrations.
Last year if you had to ask a teacher the most popular boys names in her grade one to grade eight class, for example, she would have given you the above names.
Not convinced yet? Here are 10 more baby boy name options for you:
If you're reading this, either pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, think about the name you want to call your baby. You may want to name your baby after a family member. That’s quite easy. You might want something meaningful and spiritual. That’s quite easy too. Perhaps you are waiting for your babe to pop out so you can see who or what he looks like. Good idea.
Here are a 10 more popular American names:
- Toby
- Arlo
- Dylan
- Jude
- Benjamin
- Rory
- Tommy
- Jake
- Louie
- Carter
It’s interesting that Carter comes in at number 50 because Beyonce is really Beyonce Carter-Knowles. We have a feeling this name is going to keep creeping up the ladder, so watch this space.

Meanings of the 3 most popular american names
All names have meanings. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that your name is really meaningful and pertinent to you and your personality.
Many people wait for the birth of their child before deciding for sure on their name. In African cultures, boys are often named after a feeling; they could be literally called Gift, Welcome or Present. Girls can be called Precious, Beauty or Special.
So let’s take a look at the meanings of the three most popular American boys names.
1. Oliver
This is an English name. Oliver literally comes from an olive tree, and if we think of an olive tree in biblical times, the tree symbolizes beauty, dignity, and fruitfulness. An olive branch signifies a peace offering. Naming a boy Oliver is therefore all about peace.
2. Harry
Harry is another English baby name adopted by Americans. It means ‘house or home protector’. Harry is closely connected to somebody who keeps things safe, not just an ordinary person but also an army commander. Harry is therefore all about safety.
3. Jack
Interestingly, Jack is another American baby name that is in fact English. Jack means gracious and is a name that comes from the middle ages. It was used as a general term for a boy or a man. ‘Come here, Jack’ was the same as saying ‘Come here, boy.’ It is now a very popular name and has been for years.
2018 most popular american name your boyfriend can adopt
Nicknames are fun. Your partner or boyfriend may have an unusual name and giving someone a nickname is really personal. It depends on the character of the personality, what he looks like and how he behaves.
If you are looking for popular American names (or nicknames) that your boyfriend can adopt, think of:
- Ginger: kind of obvious, if he’s a redhead.
- Buddy: a cool American name if he’s a friendly kind of guy.
- Snookums: no description needed, call your boyfriend this if he’s cute.
- Buster: if he looks like a puppy, this is a sweet nickname.
- Big Guy: this is good for a gentle giant.
Cool and unique american names given by celebrities to their baby boys

Celebrities are having babies and giving them the most fabulous and unusual American names. Girls are maybe a little more unique. Beyonce called her baby “Blue Ivy” and Gwyneth Paltrow called her baby girl “Apple”.
Here are some of the coolest American boy names given by celebrities:
- Kal-El (Nicolas Cage’s son)
- Pilot Inspector (Jason Lee’s son)
- Apollo Bowie (Gwen Stefani’s son)
- Axl (Fergie’s son)
- Dexter (Elvis Costello’s son)
- Ace Knut (Jessica Simpson’s baby boy)
- Exton (Robert Downey Jr.’s son)
- Maddox (Angelina and Brad’s son)
- Strummer (Julia Stiles’ son)
- Zuma (This is Apollo’s baby brother!)
When you give your baby a very unusual name, you need to know he or she has to live with it for the rest of their life. It is fine to call your kid Apple, Peach or Blue, if they are going to grow up to be beautiful, glamorous and stylish. But these names don’t work on everyone.
Your kid is also going to grow up one day. Apollo may be really lovely for a baby, but chances are, an Apollo may want to change his name when he’s older. So if you want to call your baby something unusual, do it. But think of the future, and maybe, just in case, give your babe a second name too.

What are the popular celebrity girl and boy baby names in 2018

Choosing the name of your baby is a very intimate process with your partner and despite the debates about the options you may have, this has to be a fun experience for you, and especially one full of love for the baby you are waiting for.
An important fact that you can remember is that the names are less and less closed to a genre: of course, Benjamin is for a child and Sally is a lot for a girl, but Carter, well, it could be for a boy or a girl. Every day you will find more unisex names, so don't close yourself to the idea.
Remember that although some names are fashionable today, it is likely that in the future they will a bit silly (like calling your son Han Solo). Save your baby the embarrassment, and look for a name that makes him look like a little prince because that's what he will be. It doesn’t have to be a necessarily elegant name in English, simply one that is short, easy to pronounce and that you think can go very well with his personality.