10 Ways to Rekindle Love and Sparks in your marriage

10 Ways to Rekindle Love and Sparks in your marriage

Rekindle love these 10 ways to bring the sparkle back in marriage

By Sameet
10 Ways to Rekindle Love and Sparks in your marriage

The meaning of rekindling love

You must have heard of the term ‘rekindling a fire’ which means to start up or ablaze a worn out fire. Rekindling love has the same concept, if you treat even the tiniest spark right, it will grow to become a booming and loud flare. But if you take it for granted or overlook it, it dies before you know it. See how the two things correlate so wondrously? If you get the concept, then there’s hope you will do good to bring about that amazing fire back in your love life.

Don’t worry if you seem to notice the romance fading away, or you feel like your marriage is lacking the intimacy it had in the start. These are the normal ups and downs that are a part of marriage. And the key to overcome such dilemmas is to understand them and do all in your will to overcome them. One essential thing you need to appreciate is, that there’s no giving up on true love. It takes both the sides and equal efforts from the two people to make things work.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” -Mignon McLaughlin

10 ways on how to rekindle love in your marriage with your husband

Your marriage issues getting you down? Don’t worry as we got you covered with the most amazing and practical ways to bring those sparkling flames back to not only your regular day to day life, but also the sex life as well.

1. Using the energy combined

Spending so much time together makes you both familiar with the things that bring you close and also the things that drive you apart. You need to focus on the energy that brings you two near each other in good times and find ways to maintain it too.

2. Express the love

Who says saying ‘I love you’ a few times is enough? It’s never enough for two people in a relationship or marriage to keep expressing their love either verbally or other ways. It’s a constant reminder for your husband that you’re there for him and you love him with all your heart. So never hesitate in conveying this message to him, you’ll notice how close he’ll feel to you after this.

3. Bring respect in your relationship

To realize that your husband is a unique individual with many different beliefs, feelings and desires is a great achievement. You need to think about your husband the same way you respect yourself and your emotions. It’s not necessary that it’s your partner who should always meet your needs, you two are distinct people, and need to work together to fulfill the love. When there is respect in a relationship, you can actually feel the bond getting stronger.

4. Groom yourself

Often people tend to leave paying attention to themselves after reaching a certain point in their marriage where they don’t think looks really matter in a relationship. But it’s the opposite actually. Tempt your husband to look at you and want you by doing a little effort being attractive and sexy.

5. Communicate

What happens when you’re too busy in work or household chores? You forget the most important task that glues together couples that is talking. It’s never too late to reconnect with your partner just by sharing your day or asking about theirs. It will reunite you both in ways you can’t even imagine.

6. Rediscover sexual pleasures

Breaking out of a routine is always good whether it’s your day to day life or sex life. Try out new ways and positions to make sex better with your husband and surprise him with ideas according to his desires and fantasies. There’s nothing more effective in rekindling love than pure intimacy, even kissing and fondling does the trick sometimes if done right.

7. Simply, be fun

It’s not necessary that you’re adults so you have to let go of the little joys of life by being a little fun and messing around. Being fun creates a very special bond between two people as it involves happiness and bliss. So when you’re rushing through life, take a moment and press pause and just ease out a little with your husband. Make sure he has fun and watch how your relationship takes a new and happy turn.

8. Don't argue when angry

It might seem like the hardest thing to adopt, as anger can make you say a lot of things you regret afterwards. And there’s no stopping it once you get to that level of temper. But once you realize that leaving this bad habit can bring such wonders to your relationship, you ought to stop it at once.

9. Be emotionally intimate

Sometimes just being physical is not the solution to every problem, you have to be real with your husband and create a link with him emotionally and direct to the heart. Emotional intimacy doesn’t only mean to express your emotions and talk about it, it’s the deeper level of being close to each other which involves both partners being secure and loved in the relationship. The key is unconditional regard and trust.

“Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be.” -Robert Browning

10. Seek counselling

There might be some issues in the relationship that you and your husband can’t really figure out on your own, so it’s a very good option to seek a mediator to untie the knots for you. Do not avoid counseling by thinking your marriage is in trouble, the counselor will just help you both see the bigger picture and guide you towards the love you’re missing.  

Exercises to rekindle love with your partner

Changing your lifestyle is another thing and takes much more time in relationship development. There are other things you can do that will help build up the sparks to reignite your love. In the end, the little are the ones that will matter and rekindle your love much faster. 

a. Spending nights elsewhere

It’s no shame to admit that your normal bed might seem boring sometimes and the same night routine might get you down. So why not plan a night out every once in a while? This will bring some excitement in your night life and even a surprise for your loved one might be a good idea.

b. Dine out to his favorite spot

You need to keep things happening by doing a little extra effort once every week at least to take him out on a nice dinner to his favorite place, or maybe watch an old classic movie together, whatever is the best idea for you to have a date night. You can check out some amazing Date Night ideas from here:

Related Article: 20 Rainy Day Date Ideas for Dating and Married Couples
20 Rainy Day Date Ideas for Dating and Married Couples
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c. Take a class together

There’s nothing more cute than learning something together and spending a fixed amount of time in a little adventure. From simplest things like a cooking class to extremes like scuba diving, you can learn so much and rekindle your love at the same time. Bring these elements in your life and watch the magic happen.

d. Cook for him

No matter how many extravagant dinners you’ve been to with your partner, but there is nothing more affectional than cooking a nice meal for the one you love. It has all the ingredients necessary, including the heart you poured out into, which will be quite evident when your partner takes the first bite. 

Top 3 books that focus on rekindling love back in the marriage

1. 20 Ways To Rekindle The Love In Your Marriage: A simple marriage counseling guide for couples, by Dr. Jane Smart

20 Ways To Rekindle The Love In Your Marriage: A simple marriage counselling guide for couples

Developing and focusing on certain areas of your marriage will reignite passion and make living together a lot more enjoyable. In 20 Ways To Rekindle The Love In Your marriage, Dr. Jane Smart takes you through in a step-by-step fashion to rediscover the love and passion in your marriage. 

2. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage, by Mark Gungor

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love, and Marriage

This unique blend of humor and tell-it-like-it-is honesty, he helps couples get along and have fun doing it.

3. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts By Gary Chapman

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts: Gary Chapman

Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner


Bottom line, take care of your relationship and your significant other and fall in love once again.

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